So Sup Forums

So Sup Forums

>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on

For me;

>Atari 2600

(Bonus points for the console where you started to hate games and simple continued playing them out of habit while complaining about how they're not good as games were before you last interest in them)

>first console you played
Atari 2600
>first console you owned
Sega genesis
>first console you got really in to games on
Xbox360/ps3 (had an okayish income at the time so I could play a shit ton of games)
>Console where I started to hate games etc
PS4, im done with consoles now.

>Sega Genesis
>Sega Genesis



>xbox, PlayStation 1, or genesis, I forget
>game boy color
>gaming since my first console m8

>atari 2600
>i dont hate games

>c64 if it counts as a console?

>Super Nintendo
>Sega Genesis
>Xbox 360

I'm clearing my backlog while I save up for a PC; I bought my friend her X1 and a Wii U for my daughter. I'll buy a Switch once it's worth it

>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on

>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on


I don't hate games, but I don't play a lot of big ones anymore. The most recent AAA games I've played are Persona 5, Zelda BotW, Resident Evil 7, and Deus Ex Mankind divided. The bulk of games I play these days are old ones I've never got around to when I was younger because so few big games come out that interest me these days.

>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on
>Console where I started to hate games etc
I started living at my uncles house, and his grand daughter lived with him, and she had a Xbox Original. She would only play it once and a while. When I first moved it, I would try to play her Xbox with her on some games, but I couldn't wrap my head around using two sticks at the same time to move around, and even if I started winning, I felt bored. One day, she asked to play some of my games. and we played Crystal Chronicles because she had a Gameboy Advance just like I did. I loved it, and she loved it too, to the point that she would prefer playing my rather old Nintendo games over Xbox games. I would ask her why, and she would tell me "because these old games are actually challenging. All of my Xbox games really aren't challenging at all to me." So really, Xbox never really appealed to me, even when I tried to give it a chance. While it always felt like the console for shooting games, even back when I had friends over to play Goldeneye, we would take breaks to play Mario Kart 64 or Mario Party 2 instead at times. I couldn't imagine someone enjoying shooting stuff for extended periods of time.


mah nigga




I played a lot of my nes and snes, but I was old enough to really start getting hardcore in to it with my 64. I played the HELL out of that thing, then got a playstation and moved right in to final fantasy.

>first played
>first owned
>first to get into
>Started hating

I hate the mixture of film and vidya with a pseudo sappy message nowadays. Just give me fun

>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on
ALttP on SNES was the first time I really felt like a game was a big adventure and committed to completing it, although it was N64/PlayStation when gaming really became huge for me.


oh and for the bonus, I never started hating games overall, I just stopped having the time to sit and really play them for hours and hours on end.

I did completely abandon nintendo though after the last two console cycles.

Nes clone

>not getting into games since the start

you tried

>first console you played
a Sega, don't remember which one but it had the first Mortal Kombat game
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on

I was and still am a big PCfag

I remember using an Atari 2600 controller, but I don't remember the game.

The first console that was mine was the Psone and in that console I got really into games.

>First console you played
My uncle's old NES
>First console you owned
If we don't count the aforementioned then PS1
>First console you got really in to game on uncle's old NES. But the library was limited to the few games he gave me so i guess i got more variety from the PS1?

>first console you played
The earliest I remember are the SNES and N64
>first console you owned
A PS2 and GBA, both got for my 7th birthday
>first console you got really in to games on
The PS2. Most of my GBA stuff was shovelware and the screen was too dark to see anyways.

>ps2, early xbox 360

>>first console you played
The first Xbox
>>first console you owned
The first Xbox
>>first console you got really in to games on
The first Xbox

First game console I ever played wad my dad's Sega master system .

I loved Alex kid in miracle world.

First I really got into was the master system. Sonic 2. Bubsy bobcat. Golden axe. Alien storm. I loved this thing.

>>first console you played
sega genesis
>>first console you owned
>>first console you got really in to games on

>first console you played
>first console you owned
owned a GBC first, but N64 was my first "console"
>first console you got really in to games on
>the console where you started to hate games and simple continued playing them out of habit while complaining about how they're not good as games were before you last interest in them
That would be the PS3. Fuck all of 7th gen and everything that came after.

>He is a fetus
Have a (You) fetus boi

probably an NES at a relatives house
PS2 (only had like six games for the genesis since we got it in like 99 and four of them were trash)


Born in 1988. First console (which I shared with two brothers) was NES, sometime in the early 1990s. I think SNES was already out by then, but we didn't get it until sometime in the mid 1990s, when N64 was probably out.

The first console I owned all for myself was N64, in the late 1990s.

Then I got my own GameCube in the early 2000s (probably in the year it was released), and was pretty obsessed with a few games (Rogue Leader, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness).

>first console you played
My dad's Atari 2600.
>first console you owned
Gameboy Color, I think.
>first console you got really in to games on
PS2, though I used to play a lot of educational stuff on my old Windows 95 computer. Learned to read that way.

user, the xbox came out 15 years ago

>first played
>first owned
>got into

I still enjoy playing games on pc but most games don't look interesting to me nowadays.


>first console you played
My uncle's PS2
>first console you owned
Nintendo Wii
>first console you got really in to games on


>first console you played
>first console you owned
>first console you got really in to games on
Super NES
>(Bonus points for the console where you started to hate games and simple continued playing them out of habit while complaining about how they're not good as games were before you last interest in them)
PS3 and 360

>first console you played
NES or Genesis
>first console you owned
Game Boy, otherwise PlayStation
>first console you got really in to games on
PS3, assuming this means where the most games started coming in. I was already 100% in on PlayStation but I only had a handful of games to my name.

'93 reporting
I only got games on birthdays and Christmases until I started getting paid to mow the lawn and shit, so I could buy my own games.

>ZX spectrum
>O2ned as in with my own money. Amiga 1200 but we had spectrum up to snes/genesis before I bought my amiga
>idk what really got into games means, but I have only really got deep into games as my main hobby this gen
first time in my life now that I own more than one console.
I own 4 and a PC now