it hurts knowing we will never ever get another game like this
It hurts knowing we will never ever get another game like this
Is there a better example of nobody buying a game but the entirety of Sup Forums thinking another one would sell millions of copies?
why can't western devs make attractive women anymore?
I want to bang that commie redhead slut so bad
Who has ever said that a sequel would sell millions of copies?
It would hurt feelings, can't have that anymore.
>Cloth physics
Resources. Back in the day the easiest way to make a female was to add two spheres to their chest, and there wasn't much more you could do outside of that. Now more time is spent modeling detailed parts of the body, and as such you can't get (good) titty-monsters. Not to mention that now thanks to more details you don't need a huge chest to indicate that a character is female. Also on that same note, most devs are trying to go the realism route.
Vampyr looks 100x better than this jank
Unfinished piles of shit that become playable after 10 years of modding? Yeah, most games don't have mod support anymore.
People have been staked and left for the sunrise for less.
No thanks, I'm not retarded, homosexual or handicapped.
>it hurts knowing we will never ever get another game like this
A shit game that's only popular because Sup Forums spergs over muh waifus?
That's a good thing
We can't have nice things because people are too focused on improving how games look and that always breaks other working systems. So basically, thank underage gamers.
Is Gog version enough or should I install some mod for better first playthrough?
Is this a porn game? do you get to fuck these girls? I'm not going to play it unless I get to fuck them.
You can have sex with one of them if you pick the right clan and correct options.
It is not shown.
That being said, why is it that I've not seen SFM porn of them yet?
What kind of game is this?
Is it really that good as everyone says it is?
>shilling Vampyr
Just stop.
Summer is here
The Gog version comes with the unofficial patch. You'd be better playing with the basic patch if its you're first time playing the game.
Why would I know about a game that came out when I was 5?
Lara Croft, pick any version
overwatch female cast
Elizabeth bioshock
Elena Fisher
Evie Frye
Ana RoTR
the women of witcher
countess from paragon among others in the game
Kait Diaz
snow from wolf among us
catwoman, ivy, harley bamham games
women of rage
Lilith and Maya from.borderlands
Google exists.
I hate it.
It's a first person RPG. It's really fucking good, but at the same time has massive flaws, pretty terrible combat, and game breaking bugs. The bugs have been patched out over the years, but it still has plenty of issues that keep a lot of people from liking it.
If you can get over those problems, it is maybe the best crpg ever made.
It's a broken unfinished buggy piece of turd with shit gameplay and boring everything
The only reason Sup Forums likes it because of waifus
after seeing life is strange, their last attempt at a game with a choice driven storyline, i really don't expect anything from vampyr. the odds of it coming close to bloodlines are astronomical.
There are some.
Problem is that the original models are fairly low-quality.
Tasty bait.
Chuck would bite.
I asked this in the last thread but is there a Let's Play that doesn't suck that doesn't play as Malkavian?
I liked Arkanum better
Damsel best girl, no competition
Just played through it for the first time a few months ago and fuck, I don't think I've ever seen a game that unpolished and with so many issues, and yet so fucking great.
>Finish Jeannette's quest
>Finish haunted house
>Get to second hub
>Get half way through it
>By the way go to sewers
>Stop playing an uninstall
Search your feelings you know it to be true
What's the difference? All I want is fuilly playable game.
Yeah it's called play it yourself you piece of trash.
Chinatown is best hub.
Fuck you, I've played it enough times. I want to watch someone else play it.
plus patch adds a bunch of cut content and other stuff
basic patch is bugfixes and minor changes
true patch gold is purely bugfixes without changing the game
I started this but dropped it due to unrelated reasons around the time I got to the house on the beach. I think it wasnt too far in.
Is the game still playable?
What is he? Just a human who knew about all the weird shit, or some other fucked up being?
I played this game long time ago, is the Antitribu mod worth it?
Try attacking him.
He teleports away.
Yes. I played it for the first time ever last year and it's in my top 5 at least. If you've played Half Life or Deus Ex, you won't find this game to be too out of date.
He's probably a demon of some sort cause a malkavian can figure it out.
But ya know, malkavian
>While Mr. Ox and his origin is mostly unknown, a Malkavian fledgling will be too disturbed by the realization of what he truly is to say it outright.
>play this game
>enjoy it a good bit
>end up encountering a shitload of bugs later on
>drop it because it keeps glitching to the point where i have to noclip and it's ruining the game for me
decent game, broken as shit though.
I have not encountered a single gamebreaking bug in my 7+ playthroughs.
Did you even use the unofficial patch?
Metroid. Nintendo often says that it was never selling well, but autistic fanbase just keeps asking for more.
Planescape Torment. Numenera sold like shit besides from Kikestarter.
>another game like this
What? An unfinished game with shitty gameplay? I think we will still get plenty of those, no need to worry.
>Numenera sold like shit besides from Kikestarter
Nu-men-era isn't a sequel. Hell, it isn't even related to Planescape, they just put "torment" in the title to fool gullible retards (see: gamers).
Jesus that was a Reddity moment. I cringed so hard.
Just watch a stream.
>anything silly is automatically reddit
stop being such a twat
"LUL SO RANDUMB xD" is the lowest form of comedy, it was never funny and it will never be.
>does this game support 4k resolutions?
>can I play It with an xbox controller?
Fuck you I want to watch a Let's Play.
Not him, but the Malkavian "lol so random" moments were pretty cringe for real, too far into "that guy" territory. Game would be better with just their "insane enlightenment" conversation bits and head voices.
What the fuck does that have to do with his point.
I always thought that this shit was disappointment. Malkavians could have been
a special kind of vampires that are constantly in conflict through the different bloods in their system causing them to have thousands of voices in their head. Instead theyre just lol epik randome.
>newfag can't into greentext
but otherwise malk would just be like every other clan, exaggerating the insanity bits was a good way to make their playthrough very unique
you don't even have to pick the max stupid conversation options if you don't want to, there is always at least one that sounds somewhat reasonable
Literally every woman on that list is a dyke.
Call me VV.
People think these characters are attractive? They look like mannequins covered in baby powder.
Nice how you fags ignored these posts .
just play the table top game faggot
what's that, you don't have friends? LOL
all those years and we still can't have the OP pic without the awful clipping?
Wasn't there a spiritual successor or something in the works?
I didn't follow it at all what's the word on that
World of Darkness TTRPGs tend to attract the worst kind of players. This and let's not delude ourselves, even though they're fun as hell 80% of TTRPG sessions objectively suck in quality.
>game with sexy bitches
>you're a vamp so you can't bang them or vice versa
now i know why they call it being damned
>Reddit was founded in 2005
>Vtm: Bloodlines came out in 2004
Why are people so fucking stupid?
>VAMPIRE attracts the worst players
I lied, that's actually MAGE, but Vampire comes pretty damn close
>tfw nobody to play either version of werewolf with to pop my ttrpg cherry
>most devs are trying to go the realism route.
>realism route
You are of course aware that there are women that look even better than those virtual vampires in real life right?
Go away Bioware employee, your character models still suck.
>playing vampire after 2000
No thank you.
No, my friends are all gym rats.
Asking them to play a tabletop RPG with me would be social suicide.
That's a weird way to explain away jacking off to Barbies covered in soot.
holy shit
didn't you hear, it's hip to be uncool these days
I will be out for blood if CQM 4.0 is shit
Why didn't we get any option to join the sabbat? Well there is an Andrei ending isnt there but it's so half-assed? Sabbat a best btw
Because the game literally was not finished. Existing dialogue seems to imply it was planned to be an option
Just like real life bimbos.
Not enough time and money.
Nosferatu was supposed to have unique areas and quests, but that also got cut.
>Why didn't we get any option to join the sabbat? Well there is an Andrei ending isnt there but it's so half-assed?
Whole game is already half-assed, that would be too much work.
>Sabbat a best btw
Sup Forums is 18+, son.
Camarilla pride world wide
What mod is that? The vanilla game does look like shit, except the facial animations.
This desu
>tfw ywn be a toreador
The game in general is disappointingly linear. Sure there is a nice build variety and most individual quests have few possible approaches which is great, but the main story is linear as hell with no choice whatsoever except choosing an ending cutscene. Logically you should be able to dump the Prince and go work with the Anarchs almost as soon as you reach Downtown, but nope.
Only if you really want to play with new disciplines. The disciplines are very well designed, but the rest of the content from the extra quests and dialogues to the increased difficulty and out of place cultural references is complete shite, in every sense of the word.
>Fidel Caitiff
Fucking perfect