are there any good fantasy games with ancient egyptian inspirations
I'm tired of generic medieval shit with orcs, elves and dwarves
Are there any good fantasy games with ancient egyptian inspirations
Other urls found in this thread:
Persona 5
diablo 2 has an act with some egyptian shit
he said good
Serious Sam
>no good Egyptian fantasy games
>no good Aztec fantasy games
>billions of European fantasy games
GTA San Andreas
Because people think fantasy = Tolkien
I'm looking for a game that actually allows me to play as some egyptian fuck, but thanks for the replies
a couple of european fantasy games were successful and then everyone just copied them
it's too hard to be original nowadays
Serious Sam by far. It inspired by love for Egypt back when I was a kid.
Europeans invented the genre
Anubis II
Ancient Egypt sucks dude.
Because white people make these games, retard
Yep, plus they enslaved Jews (G-d's chosen people).
It's not matter of being original though, just an unwillingness to copy a civilization other than medieval europe, china, or feudal japan.
not a fan of the artstyle, but it's something
no u
That really doesn't have anything to do with it. The setting is just the coat of paint, unless the game actually aims to be a historical simulation.
You know how this board is trash compared to others? It's because you don't report this thread because it's a trashy request thread that should be on /wsr/.
I thought it was a cute little puzzle game
Sphinx and the cursed mummy
Can some culturally educated anons post fantasy region tier lists?
Diablo ii second act
>try to provoke video game discussion instead of waifufaggotry or console war shitposting
Roman Empire:
>Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Viking Age:
>Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Feudal Japan:
>Elder Scrolls III: Mororwind
GW: Nightfall has a pretty good African/Arabian aesthetic.
The mythology Ancient Egypt is gay as fuck.
Set wants to fuck Horus but Horus isn't a faggot and tells Set to fuck off and wants some food, so Horus makes a salad and when he's not there Set cums in it because he's a faggot.
Ever Oasis:
Yu gi oh
>3DS exclusive
Zeus jacks off into the ocean, and the cum bubbles up and froths into a foam. When the foam washes up on the shore, the goddess Aphrodite is born from it.
Everyone tries to be Tolkien.
Lies, everyone knows Aphrodite was born from the balls of Uranus
Zeus was a pervert anyway, that nigga would change his form to fuck random women and never call them back. Imagine the child support Zeus would had to pay if they found him out.
The second act of Titan Quest takes place in Egypt.
If you like city builders, there's Pharaoh.
That must be why Greece went bankrupt
You mean pulp fantasy games. We hardly get any actual european fantasy... the only thing I can think of off-hand is the Witcher.
Yeah, most games have knights and shit - but they hardly explore anything beyond "hey someone has plate armor, and there might be a king" - which isn't exactly distinctly European.
Orcs and elves and shit are just pulp fantasy staples.