Last hit limit.




What snacks ya got ? What are ya drinking ?

Those new telltale games look garbo. Especially James bond.

user, what are you going to do when DMC5 doesn't get announced?
Will you just make the same threads with the same image for Gamescon? And then TGS? And then E3 2018?
I'm genuinely worried for you. Don't get your hopes up.

Source ?

>Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?


I even forgot about E3, wouldn't ya know. It's incredibly rare if something did happen to be announced that'd legitimately get my interest.

I can pray for a Wario game all I want, but we all know it won't happen.

E3 is the final point for us. One last ride. If it's not there or if Itsuno's name is beside another game then the dream is 100% dead.

remember to join our discord server :)

There is no real reason as to why DMC5 will get announced.

There are rumors of DmC2 with Ninja Theory and Capcom Vancouver as an Xbone Exclusive.

Capcom is sticking to resident evil, monster Hunter, MvC and SFV

>There are rumors of DmC2 with Ninja Theory and Capcom Vancouver as an Xbone Exclusive.

Get the fuck out of here Tameem. DmC2 was confirmed 4 months ago that it is not happening. On the other hand all the V.A have been teasing left and right over the past couple months and Johnny confirmed it after the whole pachinko fiasco last july.

I honestly don't get the hype for E3. I mean all they do is announce products that will come out one-two years later. Why can't they just upload their announcements to Youtube instead of spending millions for a cringey event each year?

Do these threads actually ever get more than 20 posts? Every time I see one it's like 3 replies.

It's sort of like a meeting with investors and stakeholders, but most of it is available to the public as well.

Fun not allowed: the post

>Watching all these prediction videos just for the hype it kind of brings me
>Every single fucking one says DMC5.

Everyone just fucking feels it this year. I hope you fuckers get your game.


I hope someone suicide bombs e3 during the nintendo presentation and every single person involved with nintendo dies

Someone post templet

Me and my nigga gonna get shit faced and grill up some burgers for the Sony press conference. Gonna be fuckin bad ass. Every black person we see on the screen we'll probably call them a nigger and laugh our asses off.

Gonna buy an 18 pack of these babies

>I honestly don't get the hype for E3. I mean all they do is announce products that will come out one-two years later. Why can't they just upload their announcements to Youtube instead of spending millions for a cringey event each year?
Because it's fun
E3 is definitely overblown and overhyped, but that's the appeal. You have multi-million dollar companies either trying to show off the features of their new AAA game or making brand new game announcements while at the same time trying to make an engaging and somewhat cohesive conference, except they are made and organized by out-of-touch marketers who may not even understand the gaming market and their audience very well, so you have these big conferences that try to appeal to every gaming demographic possible but end up only being a big embarrassment for the company and their brand.
Not only that, but with how the public reacts to E3 ""hype"" and the ""epic reveals"", the companies are now trying to be the "winner of E3" thought it would be more practical for them to just try to be the winner of 'least embarrassing conference' award.

>instead of spending millions for a cringey event each year?
But user, that's why we watch. We want to see the cringe as well as the millions of dollars literally being burned in a public gathering.

Please gib me a sequel

What videos do you mean?

It looks like he's laying down though.


You say that but honestly if we met in real life we'd probably get along fine.

Ape Escape Four


Any of the mainstream podcasts Easy Allies , Giantbomb etc and the little guys. Not going off rumors they just feel it like its locked in.

You watch them fuck up, not for game announcements

P I K M I N 4


>Hopes? Dreams?
For these fucking threads to end.

It's a competition between all of the companies to be the less cringey. Everyone fails, it's great.

Oh summer Sup Forums

This is our year.

All I'm really looking forward to is some more MVCI content. I'm not expecting the leaks to be proven false about the full roster, but it'd be nice to see the game and the story mode get a good 3-5 more minutes of showtime. It'd also be nice to at least see one more DLC character reveal, even though Capcom could and should do a lot more to rebuild the hype after the disappointing leaks.

As much as I'm a fan of X and Sigma getting top billing in any videogame right now, they just can't carry the weight of an underwhelming fighting game. The hypest shit would be to see my girl Momo or anyone else from the Breath of Fire III get revealed for the game.

Anything else I could expect to get hype for at E3 would be pleasant surprises.

How is it Summer Sup Forums if I just don't like these annoying threads?


>"I don't care about it so everybody has to stop talking about it :("
That's some S-tier summerfag shit right there

>no souls
>no monster hunter 5

What do you think he'll reveal Sup Forums?


How deep down we wants a dd2 but dmc5 instead.