There's nothing wrong with this game.
There's nothing wrong with this game
Hallway dungeons with no real puzzles just like every tales since Xillia, even that abortion XV has actual puzzles in their dungeons, why are bamco lazy as fuck?
Playing as Velvet puts me to sleep.
Aside from DLC costumes, character models, and character interaction, everything is wrong with this game.
as someone who enjoyed the game enough to get the plat trophy
the environments could be better, not have the player just walk for long ways for no reason
also the combat is a bit simple as you can just spam the same moves throughout the game
anime trash
Dungeons were boring
Combat was boring
Only one "decent" puzzle
Characters were great tho.
It's inferior to this game.
They announce anything cool at Tales of Festival yet?
whole lotta backtracking
It sadly gets boring after about 20 hours, because its all the same and the combat fairly easy.
The towns weren't enjoyable for some reason. I'm at the beach town part of the game and every town/city up to that point just feels like a chore to slog through. Which is a shame because I really like the battle system
Is this real?
I've been playing the demo and I like the combat system they used this time. Eizen is fun and Graces' parries are still too much fun.
Fucking Western release when.
Oh wait, never.
Of course not
Hallway dungeons and combat that gets incredibly repetitive by the end no matter who you play as.
Otherwise it was pretty good.
>Best critique he can come up with is some subjective nitpick but somehow enjoys the 2nd weakest feature of the game.
I do wonder if they'll port more Tales games to PC one day.
dungeons are crap
the draw distance is 2 feet away
large empty areas
velvet's break soul trivializes the whole game.
Remember when talesfags said Berseria would be better than Pic related?
Next old tales game we will probably get is Dawn of the New World.
Well, if you're a storyfag it is.
This shit is literally just a weeb version of Berserk
It feels just a little too short and the side quests are only really a thing in the last part of the game. Other than that, yeah I loved it.
Will be looking forward to the next port. Whatever Tales game it will be.
Hey at least the boat trips are shorter.
Same here.
Just makes sense if it was the next old game they ported to pc
Play any game before Xillia and you'll change your opinion. This stuff makes SO5 look good.
There is literally NOTHING right with this game. I've never played a video game in my life with worse dungeon/level design and worse gameplay in general.
Those generic animu characters, this horrible art design that's clashing everywhere (literally medieval locations and characters and then suddenly idols), this terrible combat that's way too easy even on the hardest difficulty and doesn't even work the way it probably is supposed to work.
And then those shit graphics where nothing is moving or interactive. Different game but it looks the same. Pic related.
It is...
I really enjoyed the game, but I have to agree that the dungeons were garbage compared to the older games, and that the towns were rather boring.
I'd blame it on how bad the environments look. The character models improved a lot since Xillia, whether you like them or not they're technically much better. The environments seem even less uninspired and more modular, though. Everything looks like Elympios, asset wise..
XV had one puzzle the whole game.
There's many things wrong with this game such as level design, most of the songs in the soundtrack are well below average, Playstation 3 graphics, T-poses, character animations aren't great most of the time and the equipment (enhancement) system is quite confusing and not very well designed.
Yet it's by far my favorite JRPG (and I played a lot of them)
The cast is 10/10, the story is fucking great, the lore about this world is amazing too. The combat system, you love it or you hate it but in my case I definitely loved it.
I really want a third game where we would beat the fuck out of the heavenly seraphim.
Also...Velvet is the best.
>Action RPG
Sounds like it went wrong at the start.
yea there is its boring and it sucks
the combat gets pretty lame fast, there only one dungen with a puzzle worth giving a damn about (the water temple), and most cool customs are dlc.
so yeah, it got problems.
Eleanor is really ugly
>Velvet is the best
Also history will never vindicate her unless there will be a sequel to Zestiria.
It's an unpopular opinion but I hope there is, I feel like there's much more to be told about this world.
What about the far continent?
What about the heavenly realm?
We will know when they finally announce the sequel. FOR NOW WE WAIT.
Deal with it.
I found the game boring. The world is so goddamn bland. The playing fields, the towns, everything. The battle system, while easy to get the hang of, is boring. I would've liked it better as turn based, even going so far as to say something akin to Cold Steel's combat system, and you could abuse the fuck outta that.
It's a shame since, for some reason, I liked Velvet's character.
fake and gay.
Yup, it's not a perfect game (I'd add that the combat also was visually messy and flawed), but it has some qualities that really redeem it.
I feel like one of the problems if they ever do a sequel, is that there is very little chances of having the cast as good as Berseria's and it would be kind of a waste I think.
They could have just copied Vesperia's fighting system, it was great.
Sure would be hard to top berseria's cast.
More so if Velvet is still in, that's less freedom for them to work around.
I want Velvet to come back so bad.
Had a blast for 110 hours, more than I can say for most games.
Also Velvet is top madsis, would waifu
She's already my waifu user
infinite break artes breaks the game even on higher difficulties
Velvet being an evil asshole makes the game. Period. Everything else about it is pretty mediocre. But playing a genuinely evil/selfish protagonist is SUCH a breather.
>hey kid
>burn this town down or I'll eat you
I want the whole cast back. It was all so good.
I wish I didn't blaze through the story without doing quests and extra content it makes my second playthrough so much more boring.
I wish Artorius/Innominat's "plan to save humanity" wasn't so stupid.
I would not go that far. I enjoyed the cast, characters and tone but the gameplay side of things and music is very hit and miss.
they were right
Heh... He Lloyd.
I liked some of the older Tales games, and I enjoyed Symphonia & Abyss to a degree, but Berseria's like "average" for me, and everything after Vesperia (which I still haven't had a chance to play, because xbox) has been pretty much unplayable... is it just me? What's missing?
Is the game really that long? Think I'm only about 20 hours in.
I really don't think it was Artorius' plan desu.
I wanna say it was that fat magic guy pulling the strings all along.
It just makes sense to me.
>What's missing?
2.5D combat
It's just so good.
I don't understand how a JRPG can get praise when it's dungeons are shit, literally one of the most important things in any JRPG, literally a hallway simulator
Artorius played too much SMT and thought YHVH was the good guy.
It was his plan. Remember, he was on the verge of succumbing to despair, most likely because he had lost it all.
My favorite part in berseria is they would introduce stuff like "these are lamps you need to activate open doors!" and then there would be like ONE lamp in the whole fucking dungeon.
If only they weren't so lazy
I don't know if the developers were lazy or if they were being told by execs to "keep it simple", it seems to be a theme
I feel like they ran out of time
Casts are uncomparable.
Persona casts since 4 will always be weak, rest in peace.
I can't believe that lol.
Velvet is so pretty.
>she'll never be your big sis
If you do EX dungeon it is.
>not weeb
No way it was his plan.
The village outs the only guy that can fight demons and somehow Artorius' wife is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets sacrificed.
Then suddenly the his master's shady friend appears right after with all the information he needs.
Fatty was definitely pulling the strings and using Artorius as a face to enact his masters plan to purge the world of demon blight.
Either that or its one big sloppily written coincidence.
First 3 mainline in 3D:
Symphonia -> Abyss -> Vesperia
Then right after that it was ASSbel's game, what the hell happened, it was giant drop.
To add to this, Artorius was at his worst and as the ending shows, he never fully healed from that incident, everything points to fatty pulling the strings and ensuring Artorius went down the path he did.
berserk bronies are the fucking worst
>vengance=muh gritty manga
fuck off
Real life sucks.
The Tales games have been total shit for a while now. Symphonia was the last good one, and Graces F was the last playable one.
I've basically written them off now. They'll never make another good one.
I actually believe this will never going back to the old "quality", namco has changed their team, have a smaller budget for tales, so they will always be somewhat limited.
With that said i enjoyed Xillia 2 and Grace F, but when i go back to vesperia PS3 i just scratch my head honestly, they got all the basic right and then became quite lazy and inconsistent.
>The Tales games have been total shit for a while now. Symphonia was the last good one
>Destiny DC
>Hearts/Hearts R
>your big sis Velvet plays dress up and models them for you for your feedback
Tomorrow we will know if the tales serie is doomed for eternity or not.
I don't think symphonia was that good compared to the whole franchise, it's a good classic but plenty of tales game are better overall.
Why are Velvet's eyes so much bigger than Eleanor's?
Because Velvet is closer?
>enjoyed Hearts R so much it's my favorite tales game
>mfw it's a vita exclusive so hardly anyone has played it.
I think the next tales will be fine at worst and great if they learn from their mistakes.
I liked Hearts R but Xillia 2 is my personal favorite. It was kind of refreshing how straightforward Hearts was.
I personally consider Hearts and Hearts R to have the best battle mechanics of 2D and 3D games respectively, Xillia 2 is close second because of how broken and combo happy Ludger alone is.
Xillia 2 is one of the tales games i haven't played yet.
If it's that good I'm gonna have to get around to buying a ps3 sooner then i thought.
If only the PS4 was backward compatible...
I loved it but it seems to be a love it or hate it kind of thing around here because of the reused assets from Xillia 1. If you are going to play it I would either
>speed through Xillia 1 and go through more thoroughly on 2
>read about the events of 1 and just start on 2
It's only 30 bucks but I can't bring myself to buy it after being disappointed with the combat (watched youtube vids). I never really liked tales of combat.
Just pirate it then. I don't really like the combat but it has good characters.
at least try the demo and actually get a feel of the combat
there's a difference between watching and doing