"G-go back to /vg/" edition
FFXIV - Shillblood
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>drop 45 SCH for BRD (currently a level 12 ARC)
>combat is already more interesting than the SCH
>tfw can't decide what to main in SB and time is running out
How have people made their choices?
Stop shilling Youtuber garbage.
Come up with some new jobs for 5.0 - Garlemald expansion.
go back to /vg/
HoT healer, essentially WoW's Druid
>most damage
guess which one
I like being angry so I'm playing monk.
Slowly coming to terms that I won't enjoy war as much anymore.
Not sure if pick PLD or DRK though.
Samurai for me. You gonna have a 720 potency GCD and a 800 potency off-gcd AOE. Get your dick ready for those 40K crits.
t. wild lalafell
>when you finally see a new XIV thread pop up
Same as always, blm and drk, might pick up samurai for weeb shenanagins at some point
Chemist - TP healer with a mudra like mixing system
I got a few choices. I've been DPS through ARR and HW. Thinking about going Tank or Healer. I rather my main though and am kind of eager to see what my job NPC has been up to.
Gunblade tank called Judge miester
Chemist healer that uses a giant needle
It's a good year for DRGbros.
Fuck yeah! Chemist!
>mudra healer
I like this idea.
I'm liable to pick up RDM or SAM and see if I like them and switch over for doing quest-stuff. Otherwise I don't know. I love DRG and it is my only
We won't go to Garlemand in the next expansion, or at least we won't finish them off.
>Square Enix will keep adding jobs to Final Fantasy 14 for as long as it exists
>Director Naoki Yoshida says he’s not going anywhere either
>That game [FF11, which came out back in 2002 so it lasted 14 years), which received its reportedly final expansion last year, has grown to a respectable stable of 22 jobs. Judging by Yoshida’s comments, he fully expects Final Fantasy 14 to get to that point as well.
We still got Sharlayan to visit, new world is possible but I am not expecting it, Thavnar/Radz-at-han. For some reason Thavnar with blue mage and beastmaster came to mind. Could be the fog-covered parts of Othard that we can't visit yet + Thavnar.
Berserker, dual axe wielding melee DPS that spends TP to become enraged and slowly increase weaponskill speeds until a 'cooldown' period where it defaults to normal and you replenish the TP.
will I be able to romance Merlwyb at some point ?
I really like her.
What's the best change in Stormblood personally?
>Enmity list now shows mobs casting
What's the worst?
>1 dungeon in odd patches.
Better character creation options when? I want to create a beautiful, lanky and muscular Elezen but the current Male Elezens look like a weird mixture of skinny fuccbois and skinny creepy rapists with weird facial hair.
Is there anything worse than joining clear parties in pf this late into the expansion?
Viking: Blunt hammer tank
Chemist: TP healer
Ranger: Ranged with Coeurl (attacker), Adamantoise (tank) and Colbiri (healer) pets
>>Director Naoki Yoshida says he’s not going anywhere either
Urgh, we need some fresh ideas, let him move onto something else, it's already getting stale.
I had a similar idea where gameplay would essentially be like Dota's invoker: you have a few chemicals to make potions with (varying amounts of said chemicals making different potions) and can hold a few potions at a time, tossing them at either allies for buffs/heals or enemies for damage/debuffs.
I'll eventually flesh this out when not phoneposting
I see you are a man of taste as well
Calm Daughter.
What is your favorite trial, Sup Forums?
Whether you like it for its mechanics, music, design; anything is fine.
Joining farms and people doing shit damage, and fucking up basic mechanics.
>tfw this Dragoon was being an antsy whiny bitch over someone having to brb even though he was in pure shire and diabolic
This was supposed to be the monk expansion bros, how did it all go so wrong.
Bowl of Embers Extreme was literally perfect
>it's fucking Ifrit
Thanks for prepping me moncuck, here's a chakra - now get out while I get to work.
I want a true magic melee job.
>We won't go to Garlemand in the next expansion, or at least we won't finish them off.
Well aren't you a partypooper?!
Sephirot EX, all of it really appealed to me. Maybe I have a bad taste in my mouth for Thordan EX since I was put straight into it and I was pretty new to tanking and MMOs in general.
DRK and NIN, will try RDM because I like the way it looks combat wise (proc based).
I also think that the potency for Shadow Fang with Slashing is 780 total, so it's not a big DPS loss like dancing was thankfully. Not a positional either iirc.
MNKs are looking good for the expansion. Stop the memes.
anything that isn't bridge dragon
Probably Sophia Ex
Beastmaster, tank with different pets. The key is to micromanage your pet to generate aggro and position while you go ham dpsing and supporting them.
>RDM could've been a more spell sword focused melee DPS if another melee weren't right alongside it
At least it still looks all kinds of fun.
I'd like to see that too. They don't need to reinvent the wheel and change it entirely. Just give us 4 more faces (or less but let you switch features from them - face A's horns, Face B's tattoos, Face C"s beard). Allowing men to be able to choose full reasonable looking beards and not be forced to mutton chops or nothing will help with sameface and it wouldn't be any more work than doing new hairstyles. Be easier than hairs, even.
I like the bow but dislike bard, ranger could be a good marriage of beastmaster and ff11 ranger like that.
I'd rather we not finish off Garlemand too early though or you get the WOW situation of having to come up with a new ancient evil to make up for the one you just bitchslapped.
That being said I'm not a ff7fag but I am kinda surprised we haven't gotten a jenova kinda monster yet.
does this game have an ingame parser or scoreboard yet so that DPS can be accountable?
if so no thanks, it sucks that it's easy to see if a tank or healer is subpar but DPS never get called out because you can get banned for it.
Thordan EX for sure. Great music, great dance, amazing visuals.
They don't know what to do with monks design. All the new abilities seem counterintuitive to its play style while samurai is shaping up to really be "monk but better".
Micro, especially placement, is too difficult for controllers so don't expect any job that has a reliance on it. In fact just don't expect any more pet jobs at all.
>we need some fresh ideas, let him move onto something else
WHM and SCH used to bff. What happened?
Who would you replace him with?
AST stole your girlfriend.
>WHM revisionist history
friendship ended with whm
now ast is my new best friend
Might do SAM since I wanted one forever but I also like being a support so I might do BRD.
Shiva, that moment you got to phase 2 for the first time was awesome even if it isn't the most exciting primal.
I think it's hilarious how they clearly figured out how to make a pure dps no utility class, they just decided to make it SAM instead of overhauling MNK. We got a whole expansion as being mediocre at best only for SqEx to come around and say "no no you gotta have utility now we're gonna nerf your potencies please understand :)))"
I just want 3-4 body types per race. Give us average, lanky, chubby, and buff for each race. No sliders that require modular bones and shit to adjust, it could use the same type of basic scaling the existing armors do since they all already share one mesh and texture that's stretched to fit all races.
Ultima Weapon EX
>WHM provides Proshell and big AoE heals that SCH lacked
>SCH provides the damage and shields that WHM lacked
They were perfect together. Same with PLD and WAR.
>DRKs and WARs spend the entirety of HW laughing at PLDs
>now both are desperately trying to shove each other into the cuckshed
O I am laffin
I read the post as "always were", ignore me
>I'd rather we not finish off Garlemand too early though or you get the WOW situation of having to come up with a new ancient evil to make up for the one you just bitchslapped.
WoW has always had tons of lore from Warcraft to build on but they decided to go retarded routes instead
You'll have two weeks after SB comes out before capped tomes and two more weeks after that before you can buy your body or legs and start savage raiding.
I'm just gonna watch fflogs for the ex primal(s) and main whatever shakes out to be high tier. Maining a specific job across patches is for scrubs.
thats fucking WHM you dumbass
>1 dungeon
>he supports this
>subscription fees
you people haven't fucking played the game
these classes already exist
Warrior is the fucking berserker. It has a fucking skill called Berserk for cunts sakes
WHM heals mainly through medica 2 and regen, both heal over time skills
My choices are limited.
Zodiark will probably take at least two expansions to taken down post Garlemald
Sub fee or a monkey invasion, which do you want?
>2 new DPS jobs
>no tanks or healers
What fantasy universe do you people live in where people get replaced because of their class choice?
At worst, either you or the other tank will change their class depending on what's needed
If they replace working on a dungeon to something else actually interesting I'm all for it. Dungeons will always be pull all the trash mobs then kill the braindead easy boss that you'll never wipe on. Also if you need to run expert dungeons in odd patches you are a shitter.
Happened in 3.0 as well to alot of classes. The worst offenders (WHM) will probably be adjusted in the 4.05 patch and then everyone else will get their adjustments in the 4.1/2 patches.
Why not both?
>WHM and SCH work in sync together
>HW hits
>AST ape-struts in like a field nigger
>Proceeds to push WHM out of the meta
Day of the rope soon Ms. Cleo
what DPS class has to press buttons more than everyone else?
I have a BLM and a SCH, and now I want to play something that makes me feel like I'm going really fast
well tanks and healers are boring shit people won't buy an expansion for
>Super excited for Red Mage
>A little bit for Ala Mhigo
>Pretty much nothing else
I already miss the knight and cold aesthetic of Heavensward. Fairly tired of weeb shit. I just have an overwhelming feeling that it will be plugged as liberating Ala Mhigo and then turn into a spiraling like 70% Doma storyline.
I fucking hate these fucking cucks. They think we're going to get more content. What the fuck is wrong with these people? YoshiP is a fucking piece of shit. He's a hack who could only make a game with the 1.0 framework. Man, I'm angry about this shit. Fucking pieces of shit. The next expansion will probably have 1 job and they're going to patch out a race. Those shits. Not to mention the bullshit with the Viera race.
YoshiP actually told people that they shouldn't give up hope. That fucking bastard. He also said they couldn't implement them at the time because none of the shoes would fit a Viera.
What the fuck do these Asian bastards do all day with my money? Oh yeah, they fucking put it into other games like FFVII and KH3.
Yoshi wanted to use the development time to balance out the tank and healer jobs.
>Micro, especially placement, is too difficult for controllers
I was afraid of this. Another case of consoles and casuals holding back this game.
If WHM is the pure healer and overhealer? Why didn't they make it that when overhealing it damages enemies within range? Or gives the WHM a "holy aura" causing DoT on enemies within range.
Ala Mhigo will be liberated in 4.4 or 4.5. Doma will be the storyline in SB 4.0 for the most part.
>30 second gcd
>pressing buttons really fast
Just jump around a lot.
and JP players, the only ones square seems to care about, prefer controllers so they aren't going anywhere either.
They developed themselves into a hole. There's literally no good way to implement a new healer or tank.
shitting on them isn't going to do anything, they're part of the game and should be fun
may as well remove all the roles and overhaul the game then
>DoT aura
>On top of heals
That will go real well with all the tanks who can barely hold aggro on two mobs.
>sch shadowflare 60s cd
>arcanist bane having 20% dot damage falloff per enemy bane'd
Summoner is still going to be reigning king of AoE but SCH got absolutely fucking devastated with this nerf.
Tough call, Thordan or Sephirot.
Shiva EX. I really liked the musical transition and mechanics.
Magic tank and Melee healer are both options here with a gimmicky but perfectly viable design space.