Unpopular Vidya Opinions

Brawl is hands down the best Smash Bros.
>Best Single Player
>Best party mode
>Subspace Emissary
>Best roster
>Best item set
>Introduced Smash Ball
>Best stages
>Best soundtrack, in terms of introducing the best ost in the series
>Playerbase was chill, no meleefags to fuck things up

Only two fallbacks are slipping and the great maze.

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I agree.

Brawl was a genuinely good game. I hate how so many Meleefags try to ruin it because muh competitive.
Best song.

jet grind radio is way better than future

The balance was shit.

So was every other smash game

Nice to hear someone agrees with this.

Competitive is the fucking cancer of gaming. It attracts worlds the most scumbag tryhards who act elitist because they play 'muh superior game'. So basically the Melee fanbase.

Get Project M. It has all that, but better

I think the majority of Melee fags agree. It's the tr4sh kids that want their game to seem like it isn't the worst in the franchise. Again. I'm a melee fag.

I prefer melee but I respect your opinion

My unpopular opinion,
FFX was the best final fantasy

There's literally nothing wrong with being elitist. Ever. They are the most knowledgeable and have the best taste. They're the winners in life. You sound beta.

Alpha 2/3 > 3S

you're on Sup Forums complaining about elitism?
i think your just a wiener desu

SSE was shit and overall worse than Adventure mode which is a damn shame because adventure mode was only half done. Brawl also destroyed btt targets and had shitty minigames in general

The roster is almost objectively worse than 4

Most of the items are annoying as shit and they destroyed pokeballs. Smash ball is also terrible

Brawl introduced at least 5 of the worst stages in the series

Music was good

Playerbase has nothing to do with the actual game and they were just as autistic as the other smash games. 64 is the only game that can claim anything close to a decent fanbase

This isn't even mentioning the abysmal gameplay, physics, balance, and online. Brawl was shit in just about every way except massive amounts of content even if most of it was bullshit nobody asked for or was poorly done

>no mention of gameplay
>brawls stagelist is boring as fuck
>this began the item power creep that ruined items forever
>the smash ball was cancer for all styles of play, had to be hit multiple times for it to be used and it moved far away with every hit, basically randomized powerups
>took away specific test target stages
>shitty event mode

nah senpai

Project M is that but actually good
It's the perfect Smash

>Most of the items are annoying as shit and they destroyed pokeballs.
Get some fucking taste. Rolling crates are the greatest addition to the item selection yet. Footballs in Brawl are also amazing, shame they function so differently in Smash 4 (although they lead to a different kind of fun in Norfair)

64, Melee, and PM are fun party games you can also play at a high level competitively
Brawl and Smash are fun party games
Huh, wonder what wins

Brawl and Sm4sh can also be played at high level

>Smash 4 not played competitively.

Don't reply to tr4sh babies. They're just mad they had to pay for the same game twice on top of DLC that they're now trying to justify it as being better than Brawl. Despite everyone knowing Tr4sh is the worst smash iteration

Brawl: lmao no
Smash 4: It's boring. And Nintendo pays them to.

Mario Kart is played competitivly. What is your argment?

You named 2 items that weren't dumb as hell. Meanwhile

>suped up bumber

That's not even all of it. Brawl's items were utter garbage for the most part

Yeah, because elitism attracts fags like you. Thanks for proving my point.

Melee at a high level is much more balanced than Brawl.

My personal opinion is that Smash loses a lot of it's luster when a newer game comes out. I stopped playing Merle regularly when Brawl came out, stopped playing Brawl when 4 came out, and will probably do the same with Smash 5.

But I do think the hate towards Brawl is unjustified.

Brawl has the best soundtrack

You stated that Melee is played competitively and Smash 4 isn't which is wrong.

Are you new to Smash? Don't you know that Brawl had a competitive scene that was bigger than Melee for many years? It was only when Project M got big in 2014 that Brawl died.

Another good list of great items. You people just wouldn't know fun if it hit you on the head.


>Tr4sh Roster is better
See that's where your wrong.

>No Snake
>A bazillion Sword and FE characters
>Abysmally cancer characters, like Villager and Cloud

Oh no you called me a name. Whatever will I do.

Mario Kart is played competitively. What is your argument? Not everyone is the same person you cuck.

ZeRo? And no. Melee, 64, and maybe PM if it doesn't get assfucked by lawyers will survive forever while every new game will be obsoleted by the next because Nintendobux, unless Sakurai makes another actually good game.

>But I do think the hate towards Brawl is unjustified.

Literal dissertations were written on why Brawl is not a good game. The hate has been justified too much. Does that mean it's a bad game for most people? No, it's actually pretty fucking great. But if you want to really get into it and play it for 100 hours +, you're better off playing Melee or Smash 4 even.

You keep mentioning Mario Kart. What exactly is your point?

>Brawl died
And why did it die, while Melee stayed alive? Because it's a shit game and people only played it because it was the hot new shit.

I asked you a question.

>SSB64 is the best game in the series
>Smash is and always will be strictly a party game, not a proper fightan' game by any means
>people who treat Smash as a fightan' game are possibly borderline retarded, because so much shit has to be banned to give the games any semblance of balance
>the competitive scene is cancer and only further perpetuates the e-celeb garbage that's already inundating gaming communities
>Brawl was half-way decent, but Smash 4 was the final nail in the coffin that made Smash yet another soulless, casualized Nintendo IP whose only purpose is to market Amiibos

Don't get me wrong, I do love Melee. I just prefer the retro aesthetic of the original Smash over having a larger roster and faster pacing.

Project more.

Snake is literally the only missing character from brawl worth anything unless you just love the cancer climbers or wolf. Snake isn't worth more than mac, megaman, pacman, etc.

>tumblr gif

I don't know if PM will survive desu. It is still played, but Melee is similar with more money and is bigger, which tempts people into leaving, and it's even harder to play than Melee. I doubt it's geting a lot of new players, and many may end up leaving for Melee or Sm4sh

He's not me. SSB4 is played competitively, sure.But so was Brawl. Doesn't make it a good competitive game.

I hate how people suck Smash 4's dick just because it plays "slightly" better than Brawl.
The lack of good content just sucks.

More accurately:
64, Melee, and PM are fun party games
Brawl and Sm4sh are boring party games
Competitive doesn't even factor into it.

>great maze
I liked the great maze.

I fucking hate the subspace emissary. It took away the fun of unlocking characters.

Brawl actually starting dying in late 2011 when the MK bans starting to come up. It saw massive losses in entrants. The entire competitive smash scene in general looked like it was going to die

Dark Souls 3 is a decent game

ETA on when melee top 64 does start?

You can still unlock them without SSE user.

Brawl remained bigger than Melee for years after that

>the ultimate ssbb compilation
>it's all just ganondorf and falcon

Not really. Fox trumps all in melee. There won't be another Hbox,there won't be another m2k,there won't be another hax, there won't be another wobbles, and there won't be another mango. No one is ever going to push their mains as far as they did and fox will dominate once they're gone.

I know which is what I did, but the fact that was still there was annoying. I wanted to play the big mode that they introduced, but didn't want the characters handed to me. It was a lose/lose situation.

Fox isn't gonna be overpowered until 20XX when you can tech skill rape perfectly
Until then just git gud

It stayed bigger for like another year or year and a half. While brawl was bleeding players due to TOs, the backroom, the game being shit in general, etc. a bunch of revival melee tournaments were popping up. The evo drive was when it just completely blew past brawl forever

But you could still unlock characters the normal way. Plus part of the fun of Subspace Emissary was how the different characters showed up through out it.

That is still way better than brawl even if 20xx happens. MK took close to 50% of all the money in brawl. That is absurd for a competitive game. Even outrageously imbalanced games like mvc2 or third strike at least had a trio winning everything

You could try paying attention to what's happening instead of complaining about character usage
Smash with items leads to crazy shit

FFX isn't as bad as everyone said.

FF8 is my fav.

Metaknight raped everything in brawl, had like 50% of top cut all the time.

The melee Top 4 are all amazing (Marth and Sheik straight up rape Fox on certain stages, Falco has his own quirks) and then you've got Peach, Puff, Captain Falcon, Pikachu, Wobbles.char and Samus, who all do regularly top tournaments.

Fox is FAR from the sheer dominance that Metaknight had. He's the best, but not by such a huge margin.

>user who only used le funne buzzwords

if brawl is so good then why is it dead?

I'm not the one posting tumblr gifs here

Bravely Default saved the classic rpg genre in the west

Subspace emissary was literally a chore to get through. Probably the worst, non-gameplay part of Brawl.

Final Fantasy 8 was the best final fantasy
>The love triangle was more realistic because the dudes wanted to tear each other apart.
>Squall acted just like you would expect some oblivious emoshit. You aren't supposed to like the main character, you are suppose to like the cast and through character arc grow on Squal.
>The junction system is purposely broken to get rid of all the fucking grinding in other FF titles.
>The avatars look like humans and not midget pixel abortions
>The story is way more simplified than the cluster fuck of 7
>While Rinoa is not wifu bait, that wasn't why you liked her, her personality and flaws of having kinda a slutty past make her human. >Rinoa's like Aerith without all the maurder crap & annoying behavior.
>She also got upset like a human and wasn't manically moodswinging between mania and depression.
>Sophie and Quintis are the top tear jacking wifus.
>Everyone hates FF8 now because they can't admit they liked it then and FF7 wasn't as good as they remember since it was their first RPG and Nostalgia is too strong to shit on it.
>FF8 took the flaw of 7 and fixed all of them so people naturally call it a 7 rip off when it was in reality a sequal in an expanding franchise
>ff9 continued the growth in quality.
>People at the time hated FF9 for not being 7 or 8
>Now people suck FF9's dick

Stop taking your anger out on FF8. It's a good boy. It dindu nuffin. If FF7 didn't exist you would call it perfection. FF7 wasn't as good as you remember and you only kiss its ass because of nostalgia.

Yet it took 3 years for DQ7 to be localized

Then they burned it hard by releasing bravely second

Competitive in Brawl is actually fun as fuck.

How do you figure?

I bet you go there you fag


Reminder why Project M is the best Smash

said nobody ever

Shit soundtrack. Shit story. Just a cashgrab

I have nothing against people going there. I have something against you for posting tumblr gifs and writing incoherent shitposts bringing down the average quality of Sup Forums.

>feeling better about because you have "better taste" in VIDEOGAMES because you have no notable achievements outside of gaming
I hope you're underage

>unpopular vidya opinions

oh so a shit taste thread. why didn't you say so

>Shit soundtrack. Shit story.
And? The game as a whole is a huge improvement over the first.

TFW Summa Cum Laude Valedictorian in Engineering. See you later, poorcuck.

It's not like you're doing the same thing bud.

besides, you can't say it's a shit story if Edea is there.

>also i love the battle theme and battle of oblivion.

>it's a huge improvement over the first
It's not. It's a shallow cashgrab.

>you're doing it too
I'm not the one posting tumblr gifs and strawmanning. Either way. If your argument hangs on the fact that other people are doing it to, you don't have an argument and you probably should've staid quiet.

beleive DQ7 would have never been localised if BD didn't sell well.

>oh noes someone actually likes the game i hate.

you are just asking for trouble claiming things that are just your opinion.

>btw nice b8

Whom are you quoting?

Brawl/PM did have the best roster
Smash 4 is fucking bloated, man. So much third party shit. And they took out Wolf.

The characters in Brawl literally feel like they're moving through molasses.

>It's a shallow cashgrab.
A cash grab that's better than the first game.


I wouldn't say that is an unpopular opinion. Brawl is the best. The people who say melee are just nostalgia fags.

How isn't it?
>more content in general
>no repeats
>rebuilding isn't a chore

>more content
More how?
>no repeats
So does that mean less content?
>rebuilding isn't a chore
The entire game is a jrpg. If you don't like chores this isn't the franchise for you
>seriously implying waiting a few hours is a chore

It's pretty unpopular.
Along with the general speed being lower it introduced tripping. Also it had far too many clones.

Rosalina, Villager, Little Mac, Greninja, Robin, Palutena, and Duck Hunt were all good additions.

>Love Triangle was short-lived, it was very clear after disc 1 or 2 that Rinoa chose Squall. Seifer was just chasing after his dream more than anything.
>Squall wasn't emo, he just wanted to get shit done and get paid. His anger to Zell and Selphie makes sense because they're loud and impulsive, which are not traits you want when you are doing assassinations, Espionage, and other Dirty work. He's confident in his abilities, which is why he shrugs off so many people. Also, Quistis and Irvine basically get shoved under the rug after disc 1, and Zell and Selphie werent too important in the first place, it's hard to like most of the cast because they get little development. Laguna's party was so much better than the main cast
>Junction system being broken is not a good thing. This game already has scaling enemies to avoid needless grinding
>Agree, FF9's chibi models fit the setting, though
>Story is way more clusterfucky what are you smoking? FF7 was pretty straightforward once you realize JENOVA was Sephiroth for most of the game
>Needless point, Rinoa's Waifubait status does not take or give anything to this game's quality
>Aerith was a fun character before she goes muh ancients and dies
>Another needless point
>Yet another Needless point
>FF7 had good gameplay and earned its Plebeian's first FF title, even if the story was bad and the gameplay wasn't the best, it was a very solid FF
>What flaw? Materia? Limit Break?
>Needless point, FF9 has nothing to do with the quality of FF8
>Needless point
>Needless point, FF9 is constantly mid-tier here, only praised as great by Freyafags and Storyfags
If your game is so great, stop trying to downplay other games as nostalgia.

I'm a FF5fag for reference

>that feel when you are reminded almost weekly that smash bros will never again have momentum at all whatsoever

I just wanna run full sprint across a level, jump well ahead of time at someone recovering and knee them in the face.

Timing that is so satisfying, it'll never fucking happen again.

>too many clones
It has less clones than Melee