How does Sup Forums feel about Sonic Lost World?
How does Sup Forums feel about Sonic Lost World?
Wasted Opportunity: The Game
Not such a bad game on it's own, but it's definitely the wrong direction for the series. I'd say it's mediocre but still not bad.
It's boring. Which is arguably the worse thing a game can be.
It's not good. Don't play it
I don't recommend it
Eh.... It's colorful and not bad to look at, but overall it's a bore.
Completely forgettable.
Sexy green girl
Controls are very nice outside of the gimped spindash and I love how they did eggman in it.
The level design is godawful and ends up ruining the whole game.
Also everything about the bosses blew dick.
If everything was more like the zelda DLC and there was zero of those cut and paste pipe levels it would have been 8/10.
As is I'd say it's probably one of the less good sonic games.
Don't bother with the 3ds version it's shit.
>Controls are very nice
Didn't realize this was a bait thread.
You didn't like them? Most of my enjoyment was just from moving around trying to find skips in the boring as fuck levels to get it over with.
Top speed is a little low and the run button is pointless, but the parkour was good once I figured it out and nothing stood out as bad outside of the on rails spindash.
>most of my enjoyment came from having no standards
So do you not have examples of what you didn't like?
Im probably the only one who liked it
The game.
Very mediocre and not a good direction for the series after Generations. If they wanted to try a platform based non-boost game they should have done another Adventure style game.
It's not awful, once you get used to the controls it plays pretty well.
However that doesn't make up for the piss poor level design that begins to become especially apparent in the ice levels.
The game really lacks direction.
No idea, but the soundtrack is amazing
Would have been better if the SRB2 autist did the level design.
What's the point of having movement that improves the verticality of the game and never design levels with it in mind? There's only like 2 instances where wall running is useful. Everything else is for show and slow.
>it's playable from start to finish stop calling it awful
Stop thinking like this. it isn't helping anyone
Really great, this is what 3D Sonic should be like.
I m-mean, it's garbage! Always was!
>this is what 3D Sonic should be like.
A boring platformer that doesn't know what it wants to be?
Joke, head, etc.
Funny thing is that's always been the bane of 3D Sonic.
Your shit joke is in regards to flip flopping an opinion based on it being ported. It's got nothing to do with the design itself.
The joke is Wii U owners did that to every terrible game that came their way, only admitting it once they stopped being exclusive.
Does the WiiU even have any good games? The only ones I can think of are Pikmin 3 and MK8. The rest are overrated as fuck
It has Smash I guess.
The Wii U was a mistake. It's Nintendo's Sega Saturn except it doesn't even have rare gems like the Saturn did.
>It has Smash I guess.
I'm really not sure if you're trying to imply tr4sh is a good game by any definition at this point or if you're just joking
You'll hear a lot about Splatoon and 3D World, but they're actually pretty mediocre. Best way to tell Wii U posters don't play games is how they rather mention NSMBU before DKCTF. Other than that there's Bayo, W101, Fast Racing Neo or whatever it's called and that's about it. I find MK8 so-so, same as 7.
depends. How do you feel about the dong?
I had more fun with NSMBU than DKTF.
>fast racing neo
I got F-Zero for my nintendo gamecube. Don't need shallow indie trash.
W101 might be good but the framerate stops it from being utilized.
Tr4sh is better than Brawl and for the longest time people thought that game was good.
I don't care for it, but there's apparantly a market for it.
Worst platformer... Ever!
Hot uninspired mess, the very definition of wasted potential it genuinely makes me more upset than sonic 06, it literally throws what sonic is SUPPOSED to be about out the window and makes it a wannabe mario particularly Galaxy but unlike the Galaxy games which were great this game...I can't it's just so embarrassing and I'm just talking about the Wii U version the 3DS version is a whole other story. If I must say ANYTHING positive about it it's that the parkour system was a good IDEA.
>soundtrack is amazing
For sonic standards it's shit and in general it's OK at best with some good tunes I'll admit but damn compared to something like sonic unleashed the soundtrack it's garbage
shallow sluggish game, rather play the original trilogy.
>Tr4sh is better than Brawl
It really isn't.
I've played both extensively with friends and I can say with certainty Tr4sh makes me want to kill myself 50% less than Brawl did.
>I've played both extensively with friends
Your fault. I didn't need more than a couple of hours on tr4sh
It is, but that doesn't make 4 good. It's little more than a Brawl expansion pack.
If I had a say we'd be playing other games.
But when there's 6 people the game that everyone can play at once is what's going to get played
huh, I actually didn't think DKC 2 could be topped until I tried TF. To each their own.
>it is
It genuinely isn't
Seems stupid. Sounds like quitter behavior to me
Maybe you're just casual or enjoy style over substance.
How am I a quitter for deciding that I'd play a not great game with my friends that they seem to enjoy rather than try and force a bunch of scrubs to play something like melee while I just stomp them?
I mean, you can't go around tripping. Even though you can disfigure it into something good through extensive modding, the game itself is garbage.
I don't expect a beta such as yourself to understand.
The game itself still is much better than tr4sh. And no amount of denial will ever change that soccereye.
You've yet to back up anything you've ever said with something that wasn't an insults.
Do you even have an argument or are you just trying to get (You)s
Why would I need to back up anything? You're not entitled to that.
So you have no reasoning for your opinions and just want to tell people what they are without explaining why?
Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me.
who cares? things are looking up
Sad as fuck how the fans have to save segas own IP from laughing stock hell
The story is melodramatic but banal at the same time.
The physics and movement of your character sometime change on a per-area basis.
It feels just as disjointed and schizophrenic as SA1's six gameplay styles, despite there only being one playable character.
It throws any mechanic or gimmick no matter how stupid (fruit rolling, flying sections) it can think of into the game hoping it appeals to somebody, anybody.
The parkour is the biggest new addition to the game and it's barely used or useful outside of jumping between two parallel walls.
To give yourself more control the devs gave you a run button. This ends up giving you less control because instead of fine analog movement you just have spindash, run, and "too slow for anything"
The wisps stop the game when their time is expired for absolutely no reason other than to kill any flow the game might have had.
It's the definitive 3D Sonic experience. It has absolutely no confidence in itself or identity and most of what it tries doesn't even work.
I do. Everyone has reasons. What kind of stupid questions are you asking of me?
fuck off.
Was a 6/10 game until I ran into this bullshit. Dropped it after several frustrating game overs
I'm defending myself after you made ridiculous claims without providing evidence for them. It's impossible for me not to have reasons behind my opinions. Stop asking redundant questions
Allow me to repeat myself Fuck off and stop ruining a good thread.
I'm not who you were talking too, but you're a goddamn autist and I wish you'd neck yourself already.
I played both, the 3DS version was better. The levels weren't quite as boring, it felt like a different game.
All I want is for you to bother explaining why you think it's shit.
You haven't. You're just saying it's bad because you think it's bad and then calling people that disagree buzzwords.
Since that's all you've done the best I can assume is that you're just a baiting retard.
Not your safespace. You're not an autist and you speak positive of Sonic Lost World? Good joke mate. So you jsut butted into a conversation without knowing what was said and without contributing. And are telling me to fuck off? nice going there retard.
>3DS version was better
Yeah the first handful of levels sure
Kill yourself.
I already said you're not entitled to it. Stop acting so fucking entitled you spoiled child. I don't care for you.
not your safespace
I don't care for safespaces I just wish you were dead.
If this were a safe space I wouldn't be able to say that.
Honestly it has nothing to do with your opinions but rather the absolute cancer that your behavior is.
So once again let me repeat myself. FUCK OFF
Bayonetta 2 is cash, but as far as the core Nintendo lineup goes its totally skippable.
3D World with friends is fun as fuck I'll give it that.
So whats the point then?
Why even bother if you aren't going to explain yourself when other people disagree.
Do you just enjoy being a cunt? Do you feel satisfied for being contrarian on the internet?
How is expecting fucking discussion on an imageboard being entitled?
again, not your safespace. Feel free to go back
I dont' think you know what a safespace is, but you sure think this place is one if you think I can't tell you to neck yourself over and over again.
>all these people falling for such bargain bin bait
This place is a fucking disgrace.
Dunno about 3d world multiplayer but I didn't enjoy nsmb multiplayer for the same reason. Those games just don't really work in that format. I play bi-weekly races of my favorite mario world hack though with a couple of friends. But Sup Forums hates speedrunning as a form of multiplayer apparently
The worst sonic game I have ever played. Got a wii u for it, only making it worse. Sonic team died in 2011
>not a new IP
I liked it when I wasn't playing gimmicky levels. When it goes, it goes well.
this, the troll isn't even good
I came back after a few hours to see how the thread went.
Sue me.
It's like if you had the Mario team make a Sonic game. The result is basically a Mario game but faster
Nice try.
You have to go back
Kill yourself.
Shouldn't you be on crying about your orange making your country a joke on the world stage?
Felt like there was no point to it. They had a good thing going with Boost, then they felt the need to reinvent the wheel yet again and divide even more fans.
Shouldn't you be getting bombed or ran over in london? or paying for cuck propaganda license?
it's funny you say that, Sonic creator came up with sonic after playing Super Mario bros trying to complete the first level as fast as possible
Looks like I hit a nerve there. Hurts to get played like that doesn't it? Don't worry I'm sure the dumbfucks that vote in your country will put him through for yet another term of embarrassment. So you'll have the next 8 years to look forward too.
You're telling me to die just because you disagree with me. Sounds like safespace to me
8 years of trump... vs you have until you get snuffed out one by one in your shitty country! lol!
I actually agree with your opinion. I just hate you because you're so shit at supporting it you make me look bad by association.
Please hurry up with the suicide. I don't have all day.
Reddit spacing huh. You truly do have to go back. I'm the best at supporting my argument, but choosing not to gives me a tactical advantage and moral superiority.
My country isn't going anywhere. Its not taking migrants. Yours will be third world whithin the next 2 years however so I'm laughing at how impotent you are to stop it.
>not playing with the Sonic R mod
Not a bad game on its own, but in the context of "Sonic Games," it's a worse Sonic game than Sonic 06.
Lost World commits the one unforgivable sin that you absolutely do not commit: it tries to turn Sonic into Mario.
It spits in the face of everything that put Sonic on the map: physics, momentum, etc. while at the same time trying to win over "Classic Sonic" fans by throwing in green stripes and brown checkerboards wherever they can. It's downright insulting.
There's nothing wrong with mario physics in 64, sunshine, galaxy or 3d land. It just depends on the game
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that Sonic doesn't feel like Sonic should. There's no weight, no urgency behind any of his movements. It's all very binary. Slow, or Fast. That's all you have. It's not that Mario feels this way, it's that it's what Izuka THINKS Mario feels like and thinks that that's what people want to see.