Welcome to New Vegas' Thread partner! See that building over there that looks like a giant spinwheel? That there's the Lucky 38 Casino!
Have some Radio New Vegas!
Welcome to New Vegas' Thread partner! See that building over there that looks like a giant spinwheel? That there's the Lucky 38 Casino!
Have some Radio New Vegas!
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This game is stupid.
What happened to the brotherhood? Why are they so weak and in hiding?
Why are there talking super mutants?
Why did Obsidian think adding new factions like the followers was a good idea? They're shitting on the lore?
Where is the Enclave? Why did the super mutants turn blue?
Stop posting this bait.
The house always wins.
Good bait m8.
Why does he look like a worm then?
You have to be at least 18 to post here, user.
here you go
>people actually pretending to take the bait
post and rate couriers
>This game is stupid
No, you are.
>What happened to the brotherhood? Why are they so weak and in hiding?
They won the war against enclave in masterpiece Fallout 3.
>Why are there talking super mutants?
You know Fawkes did.
>Why did Obsidian think adding new factions like the followers was a good idea? They're shitting on the lore?
Actually, that was Emil's idea. Might be shitting on something else tho.
>Where is the Enclave? Why did the super mutants turn blue?
How can you be so brainless, I just said it, they lost so they had to get away. Blue super mutants are blue pilled ones, how hard it is for you to understand such basic hint, idort.
Pretty sure that's "pardner." Might want to brush up on your English.
A lot of people are accusing you of b8 but I honestly agree overall
Fallout 3 had a far better world and atmosphere. Sure NV might reflect the original brotherhood but Fallout 3's interpretation was far more original and frankly better, I don't see why they couldn't bring it back as the writing there was a bit more well thought out than what we currently have.
Super mutants also talked in Fallout 3 but yes they are way too articulate in NV. It makes them come across as very humanizing most of the time which it shouldn't, they're supposed to be monstrosities coming from humans, not humans themselves. Also the nightkin are really silly and their explanation for why their blue is frankly retarded
Come on though the Followers technically were an original faction (though they did kinda ruin the lore in a lot of ways from Fallout 3) and the Enclave is in there still albeit differently
true. he has been getting succs for hundreds of years
Anyone have the questids for Claws Out? I can't find the Alpha Deathclaw and complete the quest manually.
Play Fallout 1 and 2 before holding forth on the lore behind the Brotherhood, the Followers, talking super mutants and the Enclave.
All of you.
Already have. Kek. Reinstalling New Vegas currently for another crack at it.
Nice beard but the cigarette doesn't really fit.
My courier turned NCR bounty hunter on his mission to deliver some bittersweet wasteland justice.
Forgot the fucking picture.
Last mod guys. Realistic Wasteland Lighting or Nevada Skies?
Definitely RWL
Should I get New Vegas Redesigned 3?
It'll only be a few changed faces. Loot at the mod page, and see if you like it. Your choice in the end.
>Super mutants also talked in Fallout 3 but yes they are way too articulate in NV. It makes them come across as very humanizing most of the time which it shouldn't, they're supposed to be monstrosities coming from humans, not humans themselves. Also the nightkin are really silly and their explanation for why their blue is frankly retarded
You realize that NV isn't the first game with articulate super mutants, yes? In fact, most Super Mutants on the West Coast are intelligent.
>Come on though the Followers technically were an original faction
No, they weren't. The followers are from Fallout 1.
Do not respond to bait.
Post your characters, if you want to.
>the cigarette doesn't really fit
That's just part of the roleplay though.
Super Mutants in the west are mostly products of the master and were supposed to inherit the earth so they're more intelligent for the most part. The dumbest ones were because of a big enclave fuckup
I always thought RWL made the game look really flat, even more so than vanilla. I'd recommend Nevada Skies.
Get 2 and Fallout Character Overhaul. Best of both worlds.
It's pretty good, yeah. Some of the changes are questionable, but it's a lot better than plain old FCO and there are a lot of improvements over NVR2.
Do you mean washed out? Have you been to Mojave? It is not a vibrant place. Either way, RWLE with the SweetFX preset is better than both.
Yeah get it. A lot of the faces look worse than NVR 2 but the blood/gore additions make up for it. Weijiesen's FCO face designs are ugly as fuck, but Dracomies does a good job at fixing most of them.
It also makes Caesar's Legion seem much more brutal. Crucifixions look more painful. Female victims are often nude and mutilated. There's the sobbing, naked, recently-raped slave in a legionnaire's tent at The Fort. Etc.
Why there are no Tunnel Snakes in NV?
Cry about and enjoy your retarded potato faces.
You couldn't be more me if you tried
enjoy your duck lips and sand paper faces, faggot
>someone actually fell for this bait
Don't know why people bother putting new faces with a mod, all the npcs just end up having one face for white guys and one face for black guys. Boxcars looks the same as generic strip gambler #69
Schrotinger, your trustfull Shotgun Surgeon in the Mojave - Helping the Poor, Murderhoboing the Corrupt and allways high on narcotics.
Give me radio stations/things to install to make the game better
Feeling the itch to play this again
would look nice on a cross
Conelrad is the only good radio station mod, trust me. All the others I tried are really fucking cringe in their selection of music which doesn't fit the 50s theme at all.
i like this one nexusmods.com
Or, you could give the New Vegas Radio Extended mod a look. Allows you to add custom songs into it's rotation and comes with convertors to hear them in the world on radios, not just in your Pip-Boy
Meet Virgil. He was shot in the head by some asshole.
Am I allowed to talk about Fallout 2 even if its a New Vegas thread?
is there a good modlist?
Secret Stash
It's not on the nexus because of copyright, it adds a ton of new songs from where the quest titles were taken from
if you google it you can find a download link on reddit
>several songs from the 60s and even the 70s
Into the trash it goes.
point is they all fit
1 and 2 are excellent games and New Vegas ties into them nicely, so yeah.
Hi Virgil,
hows that head-ache of yours going? You, know what would be perfect now? Some good glass of Sunset Sarsaparilla with a grain of mentats!
Looks like every other face in FCO
>Why are there talking super mutants?
Was there non talking mutants?
Cool, I just asked to be sure not to upset anyone
Basically why is Vaul City's First Citizen such a salty cunt? I can't pass the Citizenship test despite having 8 int, and that's cool because I get a new quest from her. Then I find out the ghouls need some piece of junk for their nuclear power plant so they stop radiating the water. All smooth so far, but then I ask the First Citizen to give me the thing and she absolutely refuses to do that without giving me any reasons whatsoever, why does this cunt want me to do, break into Gecko and kill everyone for no fuckin reason? And if you try to talk some sense into her she kicks you out of town.
After that shit I will be very glad to reload my save and just see if I can steal the thing from the city, but I highly doubt it since that kind of tech will probably be stashed inside the vault
Easiest way is to become Captain of the Vault City guard. It'll require some explaining that's a bit too long-winded for here so, look it up on the Fallout Wikia.
>get restoration project for 2
>keep getting corrupted memeory soon as im at navarro
I deserve this
Make sure you get Existence 2.0. I fucking love the creepy vibe in DM
I don't want to cheat just yet but thanks for the tip, that's exactly what I needed
Also I forgot to pick up the tribal guy from Klamath once I had the money. He's a follower right? I hope there are more voiced+portrait followers because so far I have Vic, Cassidy and the Ghoul medic but none are voiced which I find to be really important
Can someone explain why would anyone recommend Nevada Skies in good spirit? Even after you disable nearly everything it does the mod is still massively disruptive garbage.
Sulik is voiced, yes. The only other voiced companions are Myron and Marcus.
1v1 me final destination fox only fgt
It has actually more stuff about communists than atomic bombs.
Well tell me what's wrong with it.
reinstalled the game and am using mod organizer. only starting out now, but for mods like texture overhauls(NMC, Poco Bueno etc) they dont need to be ticked in Mod Organizer do they? any help appreciated
When the game starts Mod Organizer gives it a virtual data folder with files from the mods you've enabled in the menu, so if you don't check the texture mods the game will not know they exist since they won't be part of the virtual folder.
>g-g-guys it's not a general
>posts "NEW VEGAS THREAD" 10 times a day
Fucking retards
Every weather other than clear skies at noon make you nearly blind but does not affect enemies beyond maybe stat penalties. Basically prevents any kind of activity until weather clears, and you can't even enjoy the show.
Immersion shattering - thunderstorms and rain every other day, sandstorms that would bury all buildings and roads in a week, radiation storms that deliver lethal amounts of radiation and would wipe out all life in Mojave in half a day.
Yes, it can all be turned off or made infrequent, but what's the point of downloading a weather mod if you're going to disable most of it.
Why was the first walkthrough so fucking cozy.
Why did i actually get that immersed in the game's world.
Why can't i feel those feels again.
>but what's the point of downloading a weather mod if you're going to disable most of it.
Because I use it for the skybox and better lightning.
Did you try music to die for? The host WA cringy but the music fit.
>MFW the thread when the Original poster of this image posted it.
That thread was great ET went home.
Why did they give her unique gesture animations?
How does it feel to know that she was Andy SCABBED and there was nothing you could do to stop it?
Why do you keep posting that even though no one ever replies?
Why did you ask me a question and then answer it yourself?
I've played the game through twice on vanilla. What are some decent mods to enhance the vanilla experience?
Also doing a House playthrough as an ugly Jew named user.
where do you guys want to see Fallout go? I know it's never going to happen but I want to see how China is after the war. I'm sure it's a radioactive sea.
Chicago, or maybe Seattle.
Ideally into the trash.
>ask some questions
Fucking cancer.
>what does she want me to do, break into gecko and kill everyone for no fuckin reason?
Yes. That's exactly what she wants you to do. She's a complete and utter cunt. Hell If I remember correctly just saying the wrong thing to her can get you tossed out of the city.
Only other characters I can think of that get unique animations are Ulysses and Joshua Graham.
No idea why they would spend time on Alice who doesn't even show up until you start that quest and has no use afterwards. And I don't think there was any cut content regarding the quest either.
>Not the first post from this IP
Guess which other post is mine.
Here's a hint,
Any good mods in the works?
No one has a finger that long, not even Long Finger Johson, and he had a fucking long finger. Thus the name.
I loved how ominous and mysterious the actual commies were until Fallout 4 came and straight up dropped a fucking fully cognizant commie ghoul in the game.