Healpot me on this game

Healpot me on this game

It's an alright game. The story doesn't make any sense at all and the gameplay is simplistic as fuck, but it's a pretty fun journey.

It was released before people really started making WRPGs again so to many gamers it was something completely new and exciting, causing it to get overhyped as fuck and as a result completely ruining both its own sequels and the company that made it.

ignore this faggot Get a couple of mods, and it becomes the best game of the 00s.

Serviceable narrative, great strategic gameplay with added difficulty mods, all bugs fixed with mods, good graphics and very consistent tone and atmosphere.

There is no other game that scratches the party RPG itch like it.

if you want to get any semblance of fun out of the combat, play a mage

It's pretty good as far as modern RPGs go. There's a lot of choices to work with and each origin has distinct personal drama you deal with later in the game. They watered everything down in the sequels.

Play a mage or a rogue with daggers.
It's a decent game that's worth a playthrough, much better than shit like PoE

I remember it being super unbalanced. Some builds can solo everything on nightmare without breaking a sweat or coming close to dying. That's how I got all the achievements lol.

Ignore these shitters, like most Sup Forums they just need to git gud.

All classes are fun with plenty of abilities, mobility or range.

2h warrior is badass as fuck. Don't know of any other game that let's you be that much of a juggernaut.

Sword and Board is goat tank. Since you control the whole party, there's enough for you to do with managing aggro (really just using taunt) and positioning to make it fun enough to use as your MC.

Rogues 2h play as you expect with stealth, poison, traps, and a backstabbing mechanic.

Archers are probably the most under powered, but they have a very satisfying instakill vibe with their major skills.

Finally, mages feel like mages could. Overpowered gods. You get a shit ton of skills, cool massive elemental storms, healing magic, buffs and debuffs (modal so you don't need to spend ages recasting them ahead of every slime and puppy encounter in the game), mana system with good regen and management strategy instead of the vancian cancer that plagues every WRPG worth mentioning.

Plus since you have 4 members + dog, you get to play all of these at once.

*blocks your mouse from clicking the other origins*

The story is shit, but the characters that can make up your party are pretty comfy and well done. The fighting is alright simply because you fight alongside who you choose, otherwise exploration itself is rather underwhelming and loot and gear don't matter at all aside from the sheer exploration aspect of "wow I found this".

I never really understood why it became as popular as it did.

The characters are pretty decent and the story is ok if you can get past the plot holes, but gameplay wise it can't hold a candle to any real RPG. It tries to find a middle ground between an exciting action game and a deep tactics game, but as a result it's an action game that's as uneventful as a tactics game and a tactics game that's as brainless as an action game.

If it came out today Sup Forums would hate it for all the gay romance and strong womyn, but those are by far the worst parts of the game. The repetitive, awfully balanced combat, the retarded pacing where there are several midgame stretches that just last forever without any remotely interesting development, the overly simplistic character development, the primary and secondary antagonists that just do evil stuff because they're evil with bo rhyme or reason, the ridiculously hamfisted romance, and so fucking forth.

It was baby's first RPG for this generatiob of gamers so many modern gamers see it with rose-tinted glasses, but it was really just a bad game with a high enough budget to look cool for the kids.

>Nobody is allowed to have an honest opinion stop disagreeing with me!
You're pathetic.

The funny thing with this origin is Trian really is working against you. No matter what you decide to do both brothers wanted you out of the picture.

That's pretty much the point. Dwarves are backstabbing assholes and no matter what choices you make you'll always get screwed over.

It's no coincidence that in the end, supporting the biggest asshole in the Dwarf election works out a lot better for everyone than backing the one halfway decent dude.

>those are by far the worst
those are far from the worst*


Did you happen to play it on consoles?

I mean, gameplay it's much better than things like NWN, BG I or II. I couldn't stand the vancian casting for all spells and skills in those games. The whole dice thing is cumbersome and archaic trying to appeal to DnD neckbeards.

With DAO, combat was fluid, and highly tactical (with difficulty mods), and it had that nice mix of easy fights that should be easy and comfy that you could steam roll through (garden variety zombie, demon, or skeleton) punctated by an elite enemy that made an encounter challenging.

What other rpgs do you think have better gameplay and why?

it's a good but flawed game. too bad about its sequels.

Harrowmont seems like the more honorable and nicer guy but after talking to merchants and casteless people it becomes clear that Bhelen has more liberal policies regarding surface trade and casteless work.

>People give their opinions
>People give their opinions on other peoples opinions
>Only the first group of people are allowed opinion.

Fuck off, user.

>Did you happen to play it on consoles?
Nope, never owned it on any consoles.

>With DAO, combat was fluid
The word you're looking for is cinematic. Sure, they made it look fluid for the most part, but mechanically there wasn't really any fluidity to it. That's the problem with them combining tactical and action elements the way they did. It looked actiony, but it didn't play anything like that.

>and highly tactical (with difficulty mods)
I can almost imagine someone would believe this if it was your first ever party-based RPG, but that doesn't make it true. It was just as spammy as stuff like NWN while having far less freedom both in how to build your characters and in how to approach combat, and it doesn't allow for the kind of fun setups you could do in older games like BG or IWD. At its core it was pretty much a consolized version of NWN except on a much better engine.

One of the most overrated games I can think of