Is the xbox scorpio going to have the definitive versions of kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 remake?

Is the xbox scorpio going to have the definitive versions of kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 remake?

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I'm not even sure KH 3 will still be on Xbox One

inb4 E3 trailer suspiciously missing the Xbox logo

It's already happened once. They clearly don't care about Xbox and won't bother supporting that version post-release.

No, I doubt it. I don't even know if SE will release it for Xbox one.

KH3 will be, but FF7R absolutely won't be

should we tell him?

>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Kingdom Hearts 2.1
>Kingdom Hearts 2.2
>Kingdom Hearts 2.3
>Kingdom Hearts 2.4
>Kingdom Hearts 2.5
>Kingdom Hearts 2.6
>Kingdom Hearts 2.7
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8

>There are literally autistic people who will buy a slightly tweaked remake of the exact same game year after year

just like dark souls

kh3 is but i'm not sure about ff7. if it's on pc there is a chance of it being ported to xbox though

>I don't know what I'm talking about and never played any KH game in my life

>I cant explain the difference between kingdom hearts 2.21 and 2.25 but trust me there totally is one

Normal video games just patch their bugs for free without reselling them

yeah faggot. tell me how 2.8 or some other fucking shit is difrent than 2
you cuck.

this was a epic tier shit post provided by epic user.
We dont forget
we dont forget
we dont forgive
we dont meme.

Please stop posting you don't even know what games you are talking about


Imagine if you had to re-buy a video game for $60 every time a piece of DLC came out for it.

That's the kingdom hearts franchise.

Is there any reason for this, or do you autistic kids just really really love mickey mouse that much.

I'll give the latest game a try if you can convince me.

I get this thread is full of shit posting, but I didn't want to make a whole new thread for a question. Without spoiling anything, what's all this bullshit about unversed in BBS? Im playing the Final Remix and I was liking the games so far, but then this game is just pulling shit out if its ass. Will it get better or should I just stop?

vanitas is the key to all this.

>kingdom hearts 2.21 and 2.25
These don't exist so I'm not sure what your point is

I don't want to convince you to play it, I want you to stop shitposting about a game you've never played or heard about

>Imagine if you had to re-buy a video game for $60 every time a piece of DLC came out for it.
>That's the kingdom hearts franchise.

How? There are games and compilations of said games, that's all

Not that user, but the PS4 is the first Sony machine I buy and Im glad I get to play the entire collection on 2 discs. Fuck having to buy a last gen console.

download it digitally and its on 0 discs

People do that for Monster Hunter. They do that for NFL games.

People are idiots.

You mean 2.5 for the PS3 and PS4 which are really 3 different games collected into one game with updated graphics and quests which were never in the original release?

2.8 in and of itself is a different collection of games that weren't in 2.5. user is right you don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know what that means. Also how is old man Xehanort a thing when both his Heartless and Nobody are relatively young looking.

yeah I hope so

it's all explained at the end.
don't worry.

For those saying KH3 and FF7R aren't coming to Xbox One,

"And as ICXM points out, Square Enix has now fixed the error and assured fans that Kingdom Hearts 3 definitely is coming to Xbox One."

>not having a physical collection on display
I knew this thread was full of fags, but damn

It'll all come together later. Chill my dude.

How long is this game? Im playing through Terra's part and after KH2 it just doesn't feel as fun.

>YFW it replaces it with the Steam Logo

Like 30-ish hours. You'll have to clear the game with all three characters, plus two extra episodes.

It should get more enjoyable the further you get. In my opinion Terra is the least fun.