What exactly was it about New Vegas that made it so much better than 3 in Sup Forums's eyes? There's a lot of people who even go so far as to say FO3 isn't a good game but they absolutely love NV. I put a ridiculous amount of time into 3 but no so much into Vegas. They always felt pretty similar but I largely preferred 3 most likely because I played it the most. Was wondering what your reasons were though.
What exactly was it about New Vegas that made it so much better than 3 in Sup Forums's eyes...
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Sup Forums is obsidiodrones' haven.
New Vegas is a good RPG
Fallout 3 is a bad RPG
Better then being retarded enough to enjoy Bethesda's pathetic attempt at writing.
>What exactly was it about New Vegas that made it so much better than 3 in Sup Forums's eyes?
Can't speak for all of Sup Forums, but NV had a more fleshed out setting that didn't present the player with black-and-white factions, and certainly didn't push the player toward any one specific side. There was also the ability to play as a gay or lesbian character and interact with a competently written LGBT cast, which Fallout 3 was sorely lacking.
Does anybody actually play Fallout 3/NV/4 for writing?
it has the fallout charm, fallout 3 and 4 try to copy it but not so well
>but NV had a more fleshed out setting that didn't present the player with black-and-white factions
Lol, they're as black and white as you can get, NCR=good, Legion=bad
>There was also the ability to play as a gay or lesbian character and interact with a competently written LGBT cast, which Fallout 3 was sorely lacking.
Pretty sure SJW pandering is a negative for games
Not him but the fact that you think the very presence of gay characters is SJW pandering says more about you than anyone else.
3 is fine if you ignore the retarded story and writing and inconsistencies (can't send your friend Fawkes into the purifier because muh destiny, convince the president to self destruct right when you meet him)
besides the bad parts if the story it's a fun game, just slightly less polished than NV
dlcs were fun too, as silly as they are
Faggots are responsible for the decline of Western society, they didn't exist in games years ago. They aren't just present, they're openly endorsed. In reality they should be treated like inbreds, murderers and paedophiles, disgusting vermin and mental troglodytes who should be strung up and riddled with bullets.
I agree.
If your going to have a good RPG good writing and story building are key bad writing can kill an RPG's story. The main quest is a good example of this.
>NCR=good, Legion=bad
What you just said is wrong tho
While the Legion sure is build on slave labor and will more then likely collapse on its leaders death. However the NCR is filled to the brim with corruption not only that they ruin small communities with taxes and other nonsence while their intentions are good they have very poor execution.
>Pretty sure SJW pandering is a negative for games
Next to all of the gay/lesbian lines were hidden away and only shown themself when the player actively goes out to find them.
Literally only because the PC port is better.
>reddit drone complaining
It's easy to go back.
As a faggot myself, I find Arcade Gannon to be a fantastically written faggot because he doesn't constantly scream at you that he's a faggot and a lot of people who play the game and even complete his story line don't realize that he's a faggot.
There's just something about bethesda writing that's so shallow compared to obsidian. They never explain anything in great detail. You can talk to some npcs in NV for a half hour as they practically explain the secrets of the universe
A story that isn't braindead retarded, a setting that actually brought something new to the table,factions that offer something for everybody and improve replay value, traits came back, ammotypes where introduced,a couple of vital gameplay improvements to FO3 like the companion wheel, proper aiming and survival mode.
literally anal pained fag detected
Yeah i hate to parrot jewtubers, but i agree with btongue when he said that Bethesda seems to be more interested in making sandboxes while Obsidian is more interested in making settings.
As in, Obsidian cared more for fleshing out details while Bethesda cared more about making themepark rides.
>What you just said is wrong tho
No it fucking isn't. Nearly every fucking faction has a better ending under NCR than Legion, which either massacres towns, crucifies them, or destroys technology. They're also incompetent and they fail utterly at advancing any societies in the Mojave. Don't give me the "muh corruption" shit either. There's virtually no corruption ingame, virtually every NCR aligned NPC is cordial and polite to you, while the Legion immediately insults you.
>Next to all of the gay/lesbian lines were hidden away and only shown themself when the player actively goes out to find them.
Alex Richards
Male Prostitutes
All gay, and the NCR openly endorses it.
Also you don't have to go "out to find them". Giving them something as simple as commands makes them spout faggot shit
I'll take the bait.
The legion, and NCR were not simply good versus evil. They both had pros, and cons to them. The NCR has corruption all throughout it. Made clear by various quests you undertake. Between supplies being "lost", stolen, drug trafficking, whole massacres of women and children due to a "miscommunication". As well as spreading out to far to properly govern their lands..
The legion believe it or not had some pros to it. They outlawed chems/drugs pretty much which helps promote a better society. The caravans/traders in legion lands are safe. Raiders are pretty much non existant. Or soon to be crucified. Instead of leaving a bunch of problems behind by stepping all over who they conquer then tax.. the legion offers a harsher integration system that doesn't breed as many problems. The legion optimizes their civilians to be of use. Creating a society that generally only breeds useful individuals.
Its not just balck and white. Every factionthat you could side with has some flaws, and pros. Some more severe sure, but not as simple as good and evil. Blackand white.
Consistent, believable gameworld.
Non-linear story, with overlaping segments.
Good writing, even joke characters feel believable.
Enjoyable fun to read dialogues.
Great voice acting on most characters.
Balanced mix of seriousness, creeps and humour.
Gun porn. Lots of it.
Gameplay isn't balanced so everyone can do everything.
just from top of my head
Ancient Greeks created western philosophy, and their ideas are the backbone of all of our beliefs. A lot of them were gay.
I've written a gigantic thesis on why I think so before on another site that is still in development, so forgive me for not getting too detailed here. I dislike 3's writing, I dislike their use of the setting(s), I dislike the distinct lack of shit basic to most shooters, I hate the dialogue options and the nonsensical nature of your interactions with the world, I hate Bethesda's power fantasy bullshit where you basically become the king of everything in all of their games and yet you're a virtual unknown in the world around you. I hate that the capital wasteland is still mostly a ruin and people don't attempt broader aims at civilization like they would inevitably. The companions in 4 were better than the ones in 3 and that game basically did everything wrong in every way imaginable. The "factions" make no sense and don't reflect the circumstances of the world they're in. Characters, enemies, plots and ideas stolen from the first two game that make no sense in how they're adapted to the third.
Inversely i guess you can easily say I thought New Vegas did all these things better but it's much more than just doing better than Bethesda's failures, it's also building on the natural progression of the first two games and where i thought a sequel of those two classics should go.
Joseph Anderson talked about it too. Said 3 seems more about exploring and the world whereas NV has a narrative that everything is built around and influences everything in the game.
No one is disputing NCR is morally better than the Legion, but they're not perfect by any means.
I believe Benny describes them as "Biggest thieves in the mojave. Only good thing about them is they ain't Legion. Only difference is they pass laws to make their crimes legal before they commit them."
>All gay, and the NCR openly endorses it.
not really if you try to hit on major Knight, he tells that NCR military doesn't look at such "friendships" kindly. There seem to be no real harrasment though, just good old "don't ask, dont tell".
Legion on the other hand is completely open, which isn't really suprising considering it's made up from various ancient warrior cultures, and many considered homosexual or parahomosexual relationships as part of brotherhood.
>NCR openly endorses it
Except it doesn't. An NPC even makes it explicitly clear that he has to keep his sexuality on the down low due to the NCR's attitude toward it.
The only faction that actually endorses homosexuality is Caeser's Legion. Although its endorsement is exclusive to male homosexuality only. The Legion regards women as nothing more than a means to reproduction.
The Brotherhood arguably tolerates it, since Veronica is initially one of their members. I don't remember if she ever mentioned being out to the Brotherhood or not. But the Brotherhood isn't really a faction in this game.
>Giving them something as simple as commands makes them spout faggot shit
I believe you have to take a certain character trait before NPCs will divulge their sexual orientation to you. I don't know if this is the case with all NPCs, but it is for some.
>believe Benny describes them as "Biggest thieves in the mojave. Only good thing about them is they ain't Legion. Only difference is they pass laws to make their crimes legal before they commit them."
And yet you never see them commit these crimes, they never massacre towns that didn't show aggression towards them, and never act out of line. The most "issue" you see in the ending is taxes, which the Legion forces people to pay anyway, along with backstabbing every faction they side with (Great Khans) and enslaving every other faction (Boomers)
And that's obviously not the case, Betsy aggressively hits on every woman who enters Camp McCarran and no-one does anything about it, meanwhile the Legion punishes homosexuality with death (quote from Jimmy, who was a legion slave)
>whole massacres of women and children due to a "miscommunication"
To be fair, if you read about how the Great Khans behave towards the NCR it's not surprising that some of them would decide to just exterminate them all "by accident".
when I first played New Vegas shortly after 3, I preferred 3.
I think my argument at the time was that the locations in 3 felt more fleshed out and intentional. Whereas a lot of the locations in NV seemed unnoteworthy, small, unimportant. Like how one was just a drawing in the sand.
Of course that was a long time ago and I cant say I'd form the same opinions if I played them back to back again today.
Except it doesn't
>I believe you have to take a certain character trait before NPCs will divulge their sexual orientation to you. I don't know if this is the case with all NPCs, but it is for some.
Except you can tell Veronica to "stay close" and she says you'd have to turn into a "leggy brunette" for her to do that. Arcade mentions he's gay the first time you meat him and in Auld Lang Syne. Jimmy, Alex Richards and Betsy couldn't be more in your face about it. The only people who are subtle are Christine and Knight.
>I don't remember if she ever mentioned being out to the Brotherhood or not. But the Brotherhood isn't really a faction in this game.
They were seperated, because homosexual relationships are not allowed. Not much about morality in it, just gay couples don't make children, and Brotherhood is desperate for numbers.
She's member of Brotherhood, they just keep her "out of eyes, out of minds", as command sees her as a dissident and pottential troublemaker.
I'm pretty sure Veronica actually has a line about how the Brotherhood started bugging her about making babies to populate the BOS bunker.
An NCR soldier shoots a man for playing cards and insulting him at aerotech. What would happen if the citizens of Primm or goodsprings or whoever they take over didn't want to pay taxes? They'd either get shot or mugged for their money.
>they never massacre towns that didn't show aggression towards them
Bonnie Springs was unprovoked. The initial conflict between the two factions was, but this incident was not.
>and never act out of line
Threatening to kill the Khans after they can be convinced to let the NCR prisoners go at Boulder City is one. Refusing to help Primm with the Powder Ganger problem because Primm isn't NCR yet is two. Covering up for the Crimson caravans is three.
>And that's obviously not the case, Betsy aggressively hits on every woman who enters Camp McCarran and no-one does anything about it
If you did her quest, you would know she should be disciplined for that. Everyone know that's how she deals (or rather doesn't deal) with her trauma, and Gorobets simply doesn't know what he should do.
I feel that people who post this video haven't even watched it.
He doesn't find it bad that Bethesda fucked the lore up.
>Bonnie Springs was unprovoked. The initial conflict between the two factions was, but this incident was not.
Bonnie Springs is a destroyed Viper encampment with no lore behind it, what the fuck are you on about?
>Threatening to kill the Khans after they can be convinced to let the NCR prisoners go at Boulder City is one.
Except they're already engaged in a shootout and the commander of the camp can easily be persuaded to let the Khans go.
> Refusing to help Primm with the Powder Ganger problem because Primm isn't NCR yet is two
They aren't a global police force, they already have fortifications in Primm and say "we aren't blind to the needs of the town" but they're already tied up. The Legion would just kill the convicts, force the town to be slaves and kill them if they resist.
>Covering up for the Crimson caravans is three.
Crimson Caravans is a private corporation that the NCR will fuck over if you reveal them in Cass's quest.
>taunting guy who came to arrest you for crocked gambling and selling drugs
That was tad excessive, but come on!
I meant Bitter Springs, my mistake.
Except she's still lesbian after the quest. They want her to stop turning people away by hitting on them, which they'd do if she was straight as well, most likely.
>Bonnie Springs was unprovoked
Bitter Spring, and talk to Bitter Root (former Khan from Bitter Spring) about it. Khans were not just raiding, but also killing settlers for fun. He even mentions his father taught him how to hadle a rifle by shooting kids with him.
Don't ask, don't tell. Good rule, that made gay soldiers keep it to themself, and everyone else not did into it, when they find out.
>not dig into it*
Right, but Betsy and Alex Richards are gay, they make it clear they're gay, supposedly the NCR is less supportive of homosexuality than the Legion, but the Legion punishes it with death, under the Legion, Betsy and Richards would be dead.
because it actually tried to be as close to the original games as possible despite all the setbacks
Been playing most fallouts, so far this is my list. I love meme vegas but it has a lot of smaller flaws, like honest hearts feeling hollow, OWB think tank robots talking too much where the dev time for that couldve gone into exploration, to no companions with strong legion alliance to counter boone. I could add more but those are some starting points.
im also doing tactics right now and its underrated
Dc wasteland was more unique than the mojave
Fallout 3: I need to find my dad and give everyone clean water
Fallout 4: I need to find my son and rescue him from the kidnappers
The story made sense and the characters did & said things that made sense
>Don't ask, don't tell
This is actually Bethesda's signature writing motto
Insist players don't ask questions. Do not explain how anything works or how it makes sense.
Fallout 3: I need to find a middle aged guy for no reason and then stop the Enclave for no reason
Capital wasteland more unique? The fuck man? I mean shit the Mojave is a fucking desert and there's more variety in it than the fucking wasteland.
What happens if you don't pay taxes in NCR territory? No defence? Go to jail?
You're technically getting revenge on the enclave since they're the reason your dad dies and also because they shoot at you on sight with plasma weapons
Except the actual reason that dad dies is that he's a moron and kills himself
I'll be honest my reasons for not liking Fallout 3 might seem so minute but they're big deals for me and some author autismo fucks// fine gaming connoisseurs :
1. the color palette - I genuinely could not stand the greenish grey hue for a whole game, it was nasty, even mods couldn't fix it
2. no aim down sights // awful gun play in general - you had to play in vats almost 100% of the time
3. setting - I love the desert, even though a lot of new vegas was barren what it did have was nice and iconic, I found some of Fallout 3's areas very samey, and the ones that were unique felt disconnected.
Can't speak for others but I really fucking love the variety of guns in NV. Getting that unique gun from a quest or from a vault or wherever is satisfying as fuck.
Writing and greater focus on the actual roleplaying.
Fallout 3 was more like "babies first roleplaying game" where there was RPG elements but really they didn't have much of a drastic effect on gameplay and you could easily just play a Jack of all Trades type that put a little bit of the skill points on everything, and if anything this style was encouraged.
Also Fallout 3 had awful writing. I have no idea how this game manages to brainwash people thinking otherwise. I don't even hate Fallout 3, it's a fun casual game. But you would not believe the amount of people I've who genuinely believe it to have this great story that doesn't exist and it bothers me. Every time I point out how bad it is they usually just go the defensive and say "Well I liked it" and I have to shut up otherwise i'd look like an autist but I don't understand how so many people don't realize this.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be for or against New Vegas.
>Fallout 3: I need to find my dad and give everyone clean water, even though there's only like two homeless people in the entire wasteland that are established to actually be desperate for water. You can get a house in the first town you find that comes with a free Mr. Handy that can give out free water. Why not just build a bunch of Mr. Handy purifiers instead of one big purifier out in the middle of nowhere that is somehow designed around an extremely valuable one-of-a-kind component that could be used more effectively by itself?
>Fallout 4: I need to find my son and rescue him from a group of mad scientists that are somehow even dumber than the Think Tank (who were literally senile), but fucking around with my dumbass settlement has to take top priority.
Chances are they would've shot your dad anyway after they got the code. Autumn does to you if you give him the code.
wow I didn't know they forced you into the settlement shit instead of allowing you to fuck off and do the main quest
oh wait
> even though there's only like two homeless people in the entire wasteland that are established to actually be desperate for water.
Because it prevents the risk of future homeless people without water popping up, as there are already water problems in Megaton and there are barely any freshwater sources like Lake Mead in New Vegas
> You can get a house in the first town you find that comes with a free Mr. Handy that can give out free water. Why not just build a bunch of Mr. Handy purifiers instead of one big purifier out in the middle of nowhere
They can only give you 3 purified water bottles per day, and are pre-war robots, which barely anyone has the technological know-how to produce anymore in the Capital Wasteland.
>designed around an extremely valuable one-of-a-kind component that could be used more effectively by itself?
Because it flows into an estuary that feeds the South, where nearly all settlements of value are, not to mention the water can be transported by patrols.
They never explain what the institute's goal actually is. They just go on about "preserving humanity" and "makind redefined" rhetoric
Well the 'best' 'peeseful' and likely intended canon ending is from being with the minuteman and doing nothing but settling shite
It wasnt made by bethesda so people can enjoy a dumbed down game but pretend its some classic hardcore shit
The good ending of fo4 is when you destroy the institute with the minutemen and then the BoS after that. Having a "peaceful" ending with the BoS is laughable when they don't use diplomacy and raid farms.
They said the institute's goal was creating the perfect machine, they thought humans were the perfect machines so they try to replicate humans as best as they can.
But to what end? The robot ones are fully capable of sweeping floors and serving food and doing all the menial tasks they need done. They don't say if they want to replace humans with them or somehow implant their own memories into these machines to live forever or what they want.
>Because it prevents the risk of future homeless people without water popping up
No one in the main quest line talks about an impending drought, they talk about the wasteland not having enough clean water during the events of the game.
>They can only give you 3 purified water bottles per day, and are pre-war robots, which barely anyone has the technological know-how to produce anymore in the Capital Wasteland.
Three bottles a day is potentially enough for a person to live off of. Mass producing a small part of a Mr. Handy would be a lot simpler than building, operating, and maintaining a massive GECK purifier, all it would take is one person with the technical knowledge to teach other people and the raw materials. If the big purifier goes down or runs out of people who can maintain it, it's gone forever. Teach a bunch of people to make smaller purifiers, and you'd have a much more portable, reliable source of water.
>Because it flows into an estuary that feeds the South, where nearly all settlements of value are, not to mention the water can be transported by patrols.
What, are they just dumping the fresh water back into the delta, which leads straight to an irradiated ocean? Rivet City is the only settlement that can reach it easily. Why transport the water when you could just have a portable water source?
I know this is still bait but
>There's virtually no corruption ingame, virtually every NCR aligned NPC is cordial and polite to you,
Because who gives a shit abut corrupting NCR soldiers, they have no political power. Conversely,
>while the Legion immediately insults you.
The legion despises the lawlessness of the wasteland and everyone who embraces it because it slows down the growth of civilization.
As a Yesfag, I can see why people would pick Legion over NCR, since Caesar models the Legion after Roman culture because it worked as opposed to the NCR's democracy which through corruption and incompetence is one of the reasons why the world got nuked in the first place. Its said in the game several times, that the Brahman Barons basically control the "democracy" by bribing the shit out of the senators.
>gay characters
I think they're well written at least. But then again, anyone who isn't this flaming faggot is good in my opinion
>create open world game with lots of side-content to do
>write the plot so that it wouldn't make sense for the player to fuck around and explore at all no matter how you try to role-play, because the moment your character goes back the main plot he suddenly turns into a concerned parent after spending five months building Fort Whogivesashit
wew lad
>No one in the main quest line talks about an impending drought, they talk about the wasteland not having enough clean water during the events of the game.
Did you read what I wrote
>Three bottles a day is potentially enough for a person to live off of.
One person, not a city or a state. Also how is anyone going to mass produce a mister handy? There are no working factories and nearly all of them are populated by hostile robots or raiders. The GECK is designed to work, it's essentially a flawless device, which is why it's more important to at least get a purifier like that running that was already in production rather than aim for a long term goal like rebuilding factories.
>What, are they just dumping the fresh water back into the delta, which leads straight to an irradiated ocean? Rivet City is the only settlement that can reach it easily. Why transport the water when you could just have a portable water source?
Because portable water sources are more difficult to build than a purifier that is close to both Megaton and Rivet City, the two largest cities in DC, that has already been in production and doesn't require civilian engineering backed up by extensive technological prowess
>Because who gives a shit abut corrupting NCR soldiers, they have no political power.
I didn't mention NCR soldiers, even the higher command is mostly agreeable
>As a Yesfag, I can see why people would pick Legion over NCR, since Caesar models the Legion after Roman culture
He doesn't. One of his fundamental principles is "absorbing" and destroying the identities of tribes and nations he conquers, which the Romans didn't do. Nor did the romans enslave everyone they met or destroy valuable technology while failing to build anything itself.
>Because who gives a shit abut corrupting NCR soldiers, they have no political power.
I didn't mention NCR soldiers, even the higher command is mostly agreeable
>As a Yesfag, I can see why people would pick Legion over NCR, since Caesar models the Legion after Roman culture
He doesn't. One of his fundamental principles is "absorbing" and destroying the identities of tribes and nations he conquers, which the Romans didn't do. Nor did the romans enslave everyone they met or destroy valuable technology while failing to build anything itself.
Meant for
Shaun's terminal in the institute seems to imply that it took you a while to get there. I don't think he expects you to get there in 3 game days
I think he's complaining about the player vs character urgency of the game
Yes, because he's in a post apocalyptic world, most of the books he had about the romans are burned and torn. He misunderstands the romans because of lack of information and he's not trying to copy the romans. He choose their asthetic or whatever you wish to call it because it's foreign and alien and you'd know this if you paid attention to what he says
He models it after their aesthetic and what he thinks was their culture, which is wrong, and the "Son of Mars" shit is equally retarded. The Legion has no consistency, no redeeming aspects, nothing. They're a horribly designed faction, if you don't understand history don't model yourself after it to excuse acting like a masochistic authoritarian dictator.
I liked ammo crafting, and you can't really beat johnny guitar either.
FAR better writing, much better weapons, a more consistent world, and gameplay that was somewhat better. It's mostly the writing.
New Vegas utilized the skills in a way better manner than 3 did, and actually tied into the established Fallout canon. Plus, more memorable DLC that better tied into the main story of the game rather than just have you get abducted by aliens right the fuck out of nowhere or someshit like that.
>Did you read what I wrote
Yes, you talked about a lack of freshwater sources, which just makes Mr. Handy purifiers a better option since they don't seem to require one. You also ignored the point that I was making, which is that the central conflict of the game is barely depicted at all in the actual game.
>One person, not a city or a state. Also how is anyone going to mass produce a mister handy? There are no working factories and nearly all of them are populated by hostile robots or raiders. The GECK is designed to work, it's essentially a flawless device, which is why it's more important to at least get a purifier like that running that was already in production rather than aim for a long term goal like rebuilding factories.
>Because portable water sources are more difficult to build than a purifier that is close to both Megaton and Rivet City, the two largest cities in DC, that has already been in production and doesn't require civilian engineering backed up by extensive technological prowess
That's why you mass produce them. The complaint that there doesn't seem to be anywhere to mass produce small purifiers is laughable, because there's no explanation in the entirety of Fallout 3 for how pretty much anything gets made. How are there even unemployed homeless people in a setting where nobody seems to be producing anything anyway? If everyone is just scavenging for literally everything, how hard is it to scavenge up parts for a mill and lathe? If the factories are full of raiders and killer robots, why doesn't the game just give me quests to clear them out so people can use them? You keep bringing up that the purifier is a better option because it's already mostly built, but that doesn't explain why it was built to begin with when it's so impractical. You mean to tell me Liam Neeson was able to build this fuckhuge GECK purifier but not a factory for something that is, at most, about as advanced as a laser pistol?
Objective truth:
Trump voters prefer Fallout 3
>nu uh their just bad no buts about it
It's almost like you just glossed over what I said because your spastic knee jerk reaction prevented you from reading. reread it
Continuation of Also, you didn't explain how the purifier is benefiting anyone when it's just dumping the fresh water back into the irradiated river that it came from. It clearly isn't purifying the river itself because the river is always irradiated even at post-game, so what is it doing?
The NCR isn't painted as good
None of the factions are
>Yes, you talked about a lack of freshwater sources, which just makes Mr. Handy purifiers a better option since they don't seem to require one. You also ignored the point that I was making, which is that the central conflict of the game is barely depicted at all in the actual game
And Mr Handy's aren't an option because no one can build them, they were pre-war robots that require components, a water intake (they need something to produce the clean water, supposedly advanced technology no one but House and General Atomics can build. Creating a fresh water resource in the Potomac via the project is a viable option that sustains the centralised population.
>That's why you mass produce them.
Because employment isn't mentioned? Either that or they're just using the sympathy route to get water, where are they going to create an industry from? Where do you expect these people to re-open rusted, dirty factories? Again what use is a water mill in an irradiated area? DC was nuked harder than virtually every other area in the US, there's nowhere to start up farms or crops. Why doesn't anyone start up the facility in Cerulean Robotics in New Vegas? The place is populated almost entirely by raiders. DC is, as said, a warzone, where nearly all the industry is. Most towns don't have enough people or equipment to organise a hunting party, which is why the BOS is clearing them out instead. The Purifier was already located in a viable area that the BOS initially supported, as it was near the Citadel, something random bullshit factories that are essentially worthless aren't.
Yes they are, they are the most "good" faction there except for the Follower's, which is why the Follower's benefit under them and why nearly all the human companions are NCR aligned.
>it was nuked harder but the west coast has been reduced to a desert with almost non existent buildings
This always stuck out to me as especially retarded. I think the original idea for 3 was to make it a prequel but maybe Bethesda though their fans couldn't fathom the idea of a prequel
>most good
yeah, but it's not like the others are knights in shining armor. They're also portrayed to be generally useless. Did you not play the game and look at the wiki page for this game instead?
NCR leadership wants to smash everything with a hammer. The rank and file are good people but the top brass call all the shots and it leads to blunders like bittersprings that hurt NCRs reputation with the common folk.