Sony Won

Sony Won.

>No Ape Escape 4
A bigger loss than Tim Buckley's jokes.

Nintendo won

I can't help but laugh at these images every time.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Uncharted spin off

You have a massive inferiority complex if you got to try this hard to make it look like your console has games including that hot garbage. Nice multiplats by the way.

We did it dudes. Fist bump anybro?

Damn, why ya finna trigger the nintendo dweebs so much

how did knack get an 86?

Stay buttmad landwhale

>2 kiddy ports
>no exclusives

Percentage wise how far along do you think we are on this generations life span?

>You have a massive inferiority complex
That is rich given Sony has the greatest success of all the platform holders.

>all those multiplats

>Tekken 7
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Ace Combat 7
>RDR 2
>DQ 8
>DQ Heroes
Amazing exclusives

my favorite video game is

When Spiderman gets released I'd say a clear 65%

Solid lineup of excellent Japanese and Western exclusives, with an excellent balance between colourful and child-friendly and "mature", I guess, heavier experiences.
Premium blend of genres.
Great remasters provide posterity to games held back by inferior Gen 7 / handhelds.
Bright future. aside from FF7 Remake.
It's getting cancelled.

It's a meme at this point, but Sony are really pulling it out the bag this gen. It almost rivals the PS2.

Tekken 7 and RDR 2 aren't even exclusives desu

>no Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash

Finally some non-asshat meme response. This is what is so great about the PS4, not exclusives but dam variety it gives for video game lovers


Yeah, it doesn't. Nintendo don't really matter in this whole "console war" thing, 'cause realistically they aren't and shouldn't be competing with Xbox and Playstation. They just do their own things and retards support them for their exclusives.

>Great remasters provide posterity to games held back by inferior Gen 7 / handhelds.
must be pretty bad if this is one of your key selling points

Can you explain why this is a bad thing? Uncharted, The Last of Us and Gravity Rush are great and incredible games that deserve to be played at 1080p / 60fps. If remasters didn't exist, they'd be forever shackled to their inferior hardware.


the jump from gen 7 to gen 8 is so minor that it's almost redundant. Almost.
There's no point in wasting resources on remastering games for every generation, I want to see new games not literal rehashes of old ones (especially if the game is less than a decade old).

Sorry, man. BotW looks like a breath of fresh air for Zelda, which is cool, and Odyssey seems like a return to form for Mario. I just don't get the nintendo mindset, but I'm glad you enjoy it, friend.

I don't think it's a waste of resources. Bluepoint games' entire remit is remasters. It's not like they'd be working on original projects otherwise. It takes a lot less work to remaster a game than make a new one, besides.

I personally don't think jumping from to the PS4 from an overheating, pathetically slow slab of plastic that sounds like a fucking jet engine is a redundant upgrade. Framerate does a LOT for a game.


Honest Question: Is it better to buy one of the many overpriced exclusives now, or to pre-order some of the cheaper "exclusives" coming out this month (Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy/Wipeout Omega Collection)?

I still do not want to see remasters touted as a major selling point when they're just games I've likely already played.

I honestly didn't even realise you were false flagging at first.

Well they're not only being marketed to you. A great many people are gonna have missed them first time round.

I don't blame you. I was mostly just doing an impression of them.

I don't get why someone falseflagged to this when it's literally what Nintendo is trying to do - they purposefully don't compete directly with Sony/MX and instead try to create a completely different market parallel to them.

>the jump from gen 7 to gen 8 is so minor that it's almost redundant. Almost.

Shut up, playing TLOU on PS3 is hassle, from installing data to load times to having to use an old machine. It's much easier playing the definitive version on PS4, thats why I opted for it and I'm glad the option exists. Stop being a clown

Nintendo can't compete and I genuinely don't think they try to. People who say that the Switch getting games like Assassin's Creed and Madden are key to the Switch's success are misunderstanding the situation.

What Nintendo need to do it start publishing games with their licenses developed by third-party companies, like Retro Studios.

My PS2 feels less archaic than my fucking PS3. In 100 years, going back to these games will be so much more accessible for people with them being on the PS4.

but for those that don't, it's really shitty.

I can not understand this question, how can those games be over priced but cheap and exclusive all at the same time lol

For people that don't buy Ubisoft games, they're pretty shitty. But they have appeal to some so they're not going away, and neither should they.

>Kingdom Hearts 3
user stop. Please.

Instead of releasing a game in that state on PS3 at all they should've held it back for, what, another year so it they could release it competently for PS4
>playing TLoU
The jump from PS2 to PS3 was huge, though: that's why I specified from PS3 to PS4 in my post.
That's a poor analogy to be honest, Ubisoft are a shovelware-tier publisher that design games to appeal to the dudebro crowd, whilst remasters exist for just about every genre and are often redundant as fuck. Heck, there's even been remasters of games that already had remasters in previous generations - when will it end? It wastes resources on what could've been a new game instead.

Pricing based on popularity.

Starting at 1AM Eastern Standard Time, Nier: Automata will be priced at $31.99 for Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked members. This will be the cheapest the game has ever been, but even then, it will only last for a week. Many people have been waiting on Horizon Zero Dawn, but nobody knows when it will drop in price.

Nier Automata is not worth the $60 price tag. $40 100% yes

I think you're understating the improvements from PS3 to 4. Admittedly there's a law of diminishing returns when it comes to polygon counts and object detail in videogames, but many games on the PS4 look great and run at 60, something that I don't think was ever managed on PS3.

That analogy was also me. I just meant to say that it's different strokes for different folks. I agree constant re-releases for certain series can be tedious (Kingdom Hearts, for example). But the examples I gave like Naughty Dog's games and Gravity Rush, if they are just remastered once and then left well alone, I think they're fair examples of games that were absolutely hindered by poor performance and absolutely improved with the possibly marginal advancements in hardware.

>many games on the PS4 look great and run at 60

Sony always wins every gen since 1994 and this pisses off Sup Forums but there's absolutely nothing they can do about it.

Titanfall 2, Outlast 2, Yakuza 0, MGSV, Nier Automata, Wolfenstein TNO, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

>the smug xbro ghost
the only good thing to ever come out of console wars is these elaborate wojak images

PS4 is king and there is no argument against it. Just give it up fags.

>The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
literally who?

Yeah anyone who's actually played on PS3 and PS4 will know the difference.

Just press the PS button on a PS3 and do the same on a PS4. BAM next gen difference.

wow the OS is a few seconds faster, so next gen

Some walking simulator shit. But I can't deny it looks beautiful and runs at 60.

don't pad out your lists with that tripe, it just makes you look desperate.

none of them are

The game's quality is irrelevant. I'm talking cold, hard performance.

>The game's quality is irrelevant
never had I heard a better sentence to sum up the sony fanboy mentality