to anyone who has beaten torchlight 2: does every boss have adds? i want to spec into some "on kill" skills but i dont want them to be useless on bosses
To anyone who has beaten torchlight 2: does every boss have adds...
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no. e.g. the final boss
Bosses will be the least of your worries, especially on harder difficulties. On kill skills are useful for clearing packs/rooms rapidly. What class are you playing?
outlander. just beat grell and felt weaker than my zerker. currently using rapidfire and summon skeletons but i wanted to put some points into bats
Nah, but bosses also aren't hard so some mobbing utility is always good
ty guys just wanted to know what to expect
Lets keep this up.
Finally a thread where people dont just spout hate on the game
Is this worth playing solo?
Beserker is the best class in the game, being able to one and two shot bosses with ease while maintaining high movement.
Truth be told, outlander is the only class I am unfamiliar with. Maybe someone else here can help.
Its fun solo but you will have a better time with friends.
honestly i prefer it. playing with friends is fun but everyone plays at their own pace. play it solo then if you still wanna play play multiplayer
>1 to 2 shot bosses
on elite?
Sorry dude, but there just isn't anything to discuss. It's a pretty boring game.
berseker is a meme class.
outlander is the most hybrid class in the game along side with embermage
There's an ability that makes him fire green acid rain and it cheeses the rest of the game for you. Spec into that and take some shadow bats as well if you like.
fuck you
yep you can almost (ALMOST) every boss even in NG+7 can be 1 shot
Venomous Hail. Just looked it up. Fucking amazing game I wish I had time to do another run through it
hey op ive been a very very dedicated player in the game if you want to know more about build I could help you out giving steam id or some but anyways the best you can do is beat elite on your own then go full meme builds
People hate this game? I loved it. It was far better than expected.
people here always post stuff like "its shit" but without backing up what they say. Whenever it is mentioned people just go apeshit like you said you liked no man's sky
I finished this game on HCE multiple times.
The best stat is flat life and block.
You die against white mobs critting you for 12khp, not bosses.
Straight through runs are fun and all. I would suggest looking up wikis for this game though, as the way skills scale is very non-intuitive. It lets you make a huge range of fun non-standard builds:
crossbow mage
caster engineer
melee mage
Do some research and you can get a whole lot of replay value.
Beserker breaks the game pretty hard if you spec right. Loads of movement speed, force grouping mobs, massive DPS, great tanking ability. The only downsides are its ranged capability (plenty of speed and AoE so who cares) and you lose all power when you arent killing stuff
usually on the hardest difficulties you gem/spec for an insane amount of damage reduction, else you are the one getting one shot by RNG.
Torchlight end game was pretty bad. Lacked any real progression asides from level capping and collecting legendaries. RNG was the cause of many deaths on high difficulties and higher difficulties only added extra challenge. No extra reward.
>Torchlight end game was pretty bad. Lacked any real progression
Does SinergiesMod help with that?
Ive heard nothing but good things about synergies mod, but I havent played it. I was 100% vanilla all the way through on nearly every difficulty
I don't think it's shit, but I think the ice zone is by far the most obnoxious and aggravating zone when literally ever enemy slows your attack and movement speed, has giant aoes, and are all fast as fuck or have long range
I also think it's just a bit mediocre overall, but you're right I can't really explain why
I played engineer with hand cannon on my first run. turns out that was the most broken class combination
dumb frogposter