What do you think of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Sup Forums?

What do you think of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Sup Forums?

I honestly hate it. I think it's introduced some of the worst mechanics in the series and makes it hard for me to get into it. I'll be honest, I'm stuck in HR because they started going heavy on the Frenzy; but it may just be my lack of experience.

Monster Hunter thread

Bad things 4U introduced:
-Monster scaling in GQs
-Mount spam (this was addressed in Generations)

Everything else is really good

Probably the best Monster Hunter game in my opinion.

Yes there is dumb stuff, but it's pretty minor in comparison to some of the issues in the other games. It also had good online play which helped a lot.

you're just a shitter who needs to git gud

who wants to play mh4u? I dont like mhx as much, and feel like revisiting it

It was my first mh game, so I can't give you a fair opinion

Yes, I accounted for that in my argument. But you didn't provide anything of substance that rebuked my claims about its mechanics, user.

Pretty much what said.
Still, I personally love it, and am looking forward to MHXX on Switch.

Increased focus on story as well. Gen didn't have that but I'm hoping MH5 is super light on story as well.

So basically endgame is shit and the rest of the game is great from a casual standpoint?

Endgame isn't shit, trying to grind for absolutely perfect gear is shit

>Don't flashbomb me or my son ever again

I had only played 3U prior to 4U and found it to be an amazing upgrade. There's a lot of things I prefer about 3U but outside of mounting the actual combat was refined and improved upon to such a degree that I find it hard to go back to 3U. I loved the new weapons, movement felt tighter and the controls felt a lot more responsive.

4U room where?

The biggest issue with 4 is the Charge Blade. It's my favorite weapon, but it's so absolutely overpowered and fluid. It does EVERYTHING with no downsides, on top of being one of the fastest weapons.

CB addict here, I agree. It kind of killed what already little weapon variety I engaged in by being my dream weapon.

I can make a 4U room at 9 after the ARMS test punch if people are still interested by then.

Relic system and Guild Quests where fun in the beginning, until you realized that it takes insane ammounts of time to get that one specific relic set because you have to get lucky with the drops.

Guild Quests start fun, but then you eventually start fighting chaos gore magala or dual apex rajang at lvl 140 when they have bloated health and ridiculous damage.

It reached a point where i simply could not find any team competent enough to handle dual apex rajang wich where unfortunately the most efficient hunts for GQ.

The maps in 4U are the fucking worst. They just had to put slopes and cliffs everywhere to show off the new movement

the best monhun game, but it could have been a lot better.

>amazing defensive capability
>sick as fuck animations
>infinite combos for days
>Sword mode is aesthetically perfect, not too large to feel comical like the GS and Switch Axe, and doesn't feel like a toothpick like with the SnS
>ridiculous damage

It's pretty much the only weapon I use in both 4U and Gen and I still never get bored with it

Grinding for postgame gear is not shit by itself, is the way that it was addressed, like it was a fucking korean mmo.
Rolling relics was a shitty mechanic to obtain powerful equipment and apex monsters and mechanics arent fun to fight against.
Having to painstalkingly raise your own guild quests to drop postgame stuff was boring

The rest of the game was nice, improvement of the AI, new weapon mechanics, more monsters etc
But the maps are seriously awful, because fucking ledges everywhere disrupting your movement and rolls, and uneven terrain makes it harder to aim for parts, calculate the monster movement , or just keeping track of the monster on the camera
4u's map should have been entirely banished from the series, but they had to bring them back in gen for some reason

>Thinking CB is OP
>When IG exists

Even GS is better and GS has been good since forever.

Dont ever forget guard point. You cant talk about CB and not say anything about guard points.
Just like they gave brave gunlance a guard point on the fast reload and the weapon improved by leaps

Guard Points could be a weapon in and of themselves.

>sick as fuck animations
>Sword mode is aesthetically perfect,
Fucking this, every move has so much weight to it, even walking with it out is perfect.

>MH5 brings fists
>fast blunt damage, excels at status appliance and locking monsters down
>you can press X+A anytime to parry, but you have to time it well for it to work, otherwise you are wide open to take an attack
>You dont roll or evade, you hold B to run in any direction and reposition yourself to avoid attacks You can literally run in front of your stunned hunter and parry the fireball

>tfw no mh4u on vita

I was just thinking of a massive shield you'd swing around like a retard and cave skulls in wth

A full-body weapon that attaches to your fists and feet and links them with phial tubes is the ideal thing, it would let you running jump kick

I liked the idea of more "verticality" in MH. Mounting was fun but at times easy to spam. The movement felt less rigid when it came to climbing. I remember back when i first tried the freedom games i didn't know you could jump to ledges.

I think MHX took it too far with aerial style, though. It felt too gimmicky and aerial attack spam was an issue.

Like the talons from Ninja Gaiden 2?
>every weapon could mimic the claws and feet of that of the monster's set
I'm down.

I feel ya. I really do, but at this point if you really wanted to play mh4u that badly, getting a 2DS, and a cheap copy of the game is reasonable.

I do enjoy this meme though.

I'd say there's 50:50 odds as to whether or not styles will carry over into MH5. I'm pretty sure they're an X/XX specific thing though and honestly hope that they won't go forward, though I wouldn't mind certain style-specific motions and arts being toned down and added to basic weapon movesets. For example, a bootleg Dragon's Breath, maybe you get it from holding onto a charged shell or something or trying to WF from an upswing.

I think it's shit

Can't wait for Monster Hunter to get off of shitty nintendo consoles and come back to the winning side where it belongs and get back to being good again finally

>implying what console a game is on determines its quality as a game

The arts/styles aren't a bad idea in concept, but since they were only in X/XX, they're really not balance very well. Some arts are too weak or too powerful, and some weapon/style combos are head and shoulders above the other options.

At this point, i'd be fine with adding some more attack variety to weapon movesets, or letting players customize their own moves/combos, rather than the style/art system.

4U had my favorite monsters in the series. Glad they're finally starting to move away from exclusively lizardlike monsters. Seltas Queen, Najarala, Nerscylla, Tetsucabra, and Zamtrios were all incredible and some of the most unique fights in the series. Even the new draconic monsters were GOAT, Gore/Shagaru Magala, Steve and George are easily the series best. Really felt like the first game to feel like Monster Hunter, rather than Flying Wyvern/Lizard Hunter

It introduced me to the best girl (and the third best girl), so I'm happy with it. +I've put over 150 hours into it (solo hunting) so it must have done something right.

More insectoid monsters would be great

Tower shield and short sword with bash attacks and two_three swings for cutting demage

I tried playing demos of MH on 3ds but I never felt anything for the series. Sure, the idea of hunting monsters and large weaponset is cool but I got backed off by completely absurd atmosphere and armors design and awful controls (I was constantly slashing empty space instead, like if game only recognized 8 directions and nothing between). I couldnt get into ANY weapon set - sword & shield was hitting way too weak, longsword had weird angles and was actually more like spear, greatsword and hammers were too slow and rest of the weapons were completely alien for me.

At the same time, I did enjoy God Eater on PSP. But not MH Freedom Unite.

Oh and when I tried demo for Generations, I nearly ran out of time with that giant raptor while using "long sword", despite smacking him nearly constantly this time.

I keep feeling that MH is overrated.

It's good but I like Hunter arts/styles from X/XX better. Fight me

Lobby is up, search fishing

id is


It's not a very easy game to get into, and the 3DS controls are ass (I play on a 2DS so I don't even have the luxury of an extra analog stick). However it's still probably my favorite game series out there. Finding a weapon that just clicks with you is an awesome feeling, and I believe that MH has a weapon for every sort of playstyle, although some are much more complex to use than others.

t. never played Grank

But to what end?


Why is LS such a shitty weapon? Having to maintain red is incredibly difficult if the monster is that much faster than you and you continue to whiff your spirit slash. You lose out on major DPS that could easily be supplemented by another weapon that doesn't have to rely on such a shitty gimmick.

Brave LS is a much better version of the LS through-and-through.

>I believe that MH has a weapon for every sort of playstyle

In Dark Souls, I was always running with greatsword and shield but I doubt that MH have similar option. Like I said, sword&shield deals so little damage it hurts.

It was a good game, but the guild quests ended up being kinda lame, apex was a shit mechanic and charge blade was overpowered

I would have played it if it wasn't on something as cramp as the 3DS.

Charge Blade my nigga, dont even need to use the axe mode, blade mode is strong enough

git gud newfaggot

you like the game or you hate it there's no between in monster hunter

LS is amazing in Generations. The hunter arts helped it a LOT.

All three arts are fucking great for it.
There is nothing and I mean NOTHING more satisfying in this game than landing that perfect Critical Juncture

>Like I said, sword&shield deals so little damage it hurts.

It actually does a fucking ton of damage once you set it up and learn to beat the shit out of things constantly, and oils only make it stronger. Take it from someone who's really good at it.

First MH for me was trii bundled with the Wii and I played it for around 10 hours before I gave up,

Then I bought a psp and for some reason I bought Freedom Unite (I think it was just really cheap and i wanted to give it a chance) and after playing it for 20-30 hours it just clicked for me and I started to really enjoy myself .

Since then I've bought both a 3DS for 3 Ultimate and 4U. And later (after the 3DS broke) a "new 3DS" for Generations and have put well over 150 hours into each of the games.

Critical Juncture is really satisfying to land.

But if I miss I feel like i've failed as a MH fan.

I hacked my 3ds but I have MH4U legitimately, is it safe to play online?

Admittedly it's tough for new players, although the more recent games are getting better at this.
A friend introduced me to Freedom 1 when I was like 12 and i've been a fan ever since.

Having someone to play with probably helped me through the tough times of getting shit on by a low rank Kut ku.


Death Gun you shitter you died twice and then quit on your own quest



Will MH5 finally remove Khezu, Azure Rathalos, and Black Gravios from the game. Literally no redeeming qualities to any of these pieces of shit

Haven't really loved an MH game since Freedom Unite. 3U was Good. MH4U was OK. Generations killed the series for me, though. The hunting styles made everything far too easy.

MH3U is the peak MH experience so far because you can play it on the big TV with a real controller. But it's also a fantastic game, good story, village, guild sweetheart, great monsters, music, I even like underwater combat occasionally

I think MHXX Switch might top that though.

>Azure rathalos
Man, i loved him in 3U, but hated him in 4U.
In 4U he felt like "Rathalos, but in the air even more." Felt like the opposite in 3.

Khezu can fuck off, though, just a boring fight. They need a new creepy cave monster besides Giggi and Khezu.

>no mentions of uneven terrain
It ruined the game, what are you smoking by leaving it out?

It was completely fine and there were a lot of maps that actually did have significant chunks of even terrain. The only time that it was actually an obstacle was for burrowing monsters in the desert like Cephashit, which is already a bad mon on its own.

Desert was fine actually.
Most areas were fucking garbage, the fact everyone wanted to fight monsters in the few flat areas speaks volumes of it. I hope it goes back to 3rd gen levels with practically only small corners being uneven.

why havent any of you fucks made a room yet

They'll remove them once they change Rathalos's moveset from being one of the most annoying fucking fights in any of the games to something actually enjoyable. So never ever.

you retard i already did

its right here in the thread you dumb jaggi

outside of the famous roar -> fireball combo, ill never understood peoples bitching towards los


The only times Rathalos really bothered me were in X. I just felt like he was in the air so much more than previous games.

Also fighting Azure in 4U was... an experience.

I want to get into monster hunter, which one should i play first?, i was thinking 3 for wii or 3rd for ppssp, i'm playing on pc btw, already downloaded 3rd with english patch.

Use flash bombs doodle

4U is the best Monster Hunter for beginners
It teaches the game so well.

However, you can learn it with every other game just as well. It's just MH4U does a really good job at teaching you, while the other games just assume you played since MH1 and know how do to do it.

Since you got p3rd, just play that. There's trainer in village.

I know, don't you worry.
I'd fight Los variants in 3U pretty often just for the fun of it, but he felt different in X.

What about tonfas?


I can't find a favorite weapon type, Sup Forums.

I wanna use LS, but spirit slash sucks dick.

I wanna use HH, but I suck dick at it and can't remember the songs by heart or when they expire.

I wanna use LBG/HBG, but managing CD and ammo is tough for my little brain.

I wanna use Lance, but I suck at evading.

I wanna use SA but it's slow in comparison to some of the -- and I'd argue they're the majority -- faster monsters and hunts would hypothetically take too long as a result.

I wanna use Bow, but (again) CD is too much for me and I always run out of coating a before the hunt ends.

holy shit get good faggot you sound abysmal

SnS, don't overthink that shit

>and I always run out of coating a before the hunt ends.
This isn't that big a deal when you have the Seregios bow in 4U or Teo bow in Generations.

>I wanna use Bow, but (again) CD is too much for me and I always run out of coating a before the hunt ends.
Bring Nitroshrooms and vials
Stop missing shots.

Hell, the roar-to-fireball combo isn't even that bad, it makes sense that the weakest part of the monster should also be very risky to hit. Even the constant flight is okay, because it teaches a player to actually prepare for a fight (which no one seems to fucking do in multiplayer).
I personally hate that heat-seeking claw attack that can poison and stun, on top of being able to go through walls. That, and the charges that'll just slide across a wall and hit you for full damage and stun, though that's not just a problem with the red/silver/blue/whatever fuck.

4U could have been the best if it wasn't for GQs and relics.

I remember having to count to like 3 when i hear him doing it
but then i also remember dropping everything for the CB so i could just guard point shit

>4U could have been the best if it wasn't for optional content that I didn't have to play
You're literally the same as the fags who complain about styles.

Insect Glaive, best balance between speed and damage

Loved it. It's also the first MH I played, so I can't really compare it to anything. I had only heard about it previously, but when I actually got it I was struck by how cool and unique the monsters were. They have a very inspired design aesthetic that's unlike anything I've seen in other monster stuff, but it's hard for me to put my finger on it. Online huntan is some of the biggest fun I've had.

I put like 300 hours into it but I quit at G rank. Specifically it was Garuga who raped the enjoyment out of me. He was fun to fight in HR, but in G his attacks just got too ridiculous. The way the huge hitboxes on his attacks carted your ass before the animations of the attack even started went against everything I liked about the gameplay.

>I put like 300 hours into it but I quit at G rank. Specifically it was Garuga who raped the enjoyment out of me. He was fun to fight in HR, but in G his attacks just got too ridiculous. The way the huge hitboxes on his attacks carted your ass before the animations of the attack even started went against everything I liked about the gameplay.
Garuga is literally casual filter.

Spot just opened up on the lobby

garuga is fun filter

Only the beyond endgame is shit, which is guild quests and relic gear farming. The kind of garbage you do when you're done G Rank and want to go even further beyond.

Apex does damage some of G rank, but I don't think it ruins it. Mount spamming is more of a playerbase-driven problem. Conservative or minimal mounting during hunts doesn't exactly leave you at a disadvantage, but in online rooms with randoms you'll probably find them wasting time because they're too tempted to go for the mount (and then fuck it up).

Worst maps of the series, meme ledges everywhere.

Also spawned the worst fans of any MonHun game. Worse than genwunners of Pokemon. CBfags are the biggest crybabies too.

>I wanna use LS, but spirit slash sucks dick.

i love to fight inbred rathalos clones in off-shape flat arenas

If I wanted to be a faggot I would just suck a bunch of dicks.

you're on every MH thread and posting the same gif.

Not hating though user, I know your pain. Have a cute Glavenous