Help me design a HUD

help me design a HUD.

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HUDs are a mistake

Dead Space has the ONLY good immersive HUD in videogames.

Its impossible to surpass it without replicating it.

What makes your game worth playing? What's to do in it?

Nice Skyrim my man. Got a list of mods? What ENB are you using?

None. Its the enhanced edition. Please buy and see for yourself

this is what I have so far

Lose the big symbol. There's no reason for it to be there blocking view.

Nice try Todd

too minimalistic

In game HUDs are really cool, it's a shame that outside of Sci-fi it's really hard to do them.


not minimalistic enpugh

Don't listen to this faggot. Stylization is important and just having boring, featureless bars makes your game look incredibly cheap and kills immersion.

Don't make it minimalist, its easier but it looks like shit.

Invent some magic holograms for the setting so you can have a Dead Space-style UI.

You can stylize without plastered randomly

go on /r/gamedevclassifieds and find a UI designer who's willing to give you some free advice maybe, IMO you won't get the best advice here

No. There's nothing worse that having giant, stylized, pointless bars and gauges and letters and numbers taking up half of your fucking screen.

outlines are you friend. if your hud ever overlaps the wrong color it's useless.

if you don't tell us what information it is that must be available to the player at quick glance we can't help.


Ask him to justify it then instead of talking shit. Random for the sake of random is bad but just because you don't like it doesn't make it random.

how can we help you design a HUD if we don't know the information you want to display let alone the type of game

>sword ammo
durability, i suppose

Explain your game and its mechanics first.

This one's for free.
Hope you're grateful, I'm a professional UI/UX designer.

>no fingerless glove meter

I need a "teleport to naked elf village" button irl. Also you forgot the escort health bar


pajeet wants 1m rupees in his paypal account
he copies a hot CS:GO UI

You're golden with what's there
If you need to see numbers open a menu, don't take away from the game

Settle down okay?

Here you go. You should be able to hide the note slightly by a button press.

This guy knows what's up.


scale that shit down 50% and it might be ok

But how would you know how much health/mp you had left?

not only should all games have way points, but they should literally give you a line in front of your character, telling you where you should go. this was seen in skyrim with the clairvoyance spell. all games should have this automatically at all times. if we don't have it, how are we supposed to know where to go? skyrim was long enough of a game at 25hrs

What mods and enb are you using my man.

I could see that working if you put your characters portrait in the big circle and lose the little circle, def needs a lot of touching up and polishing though

physical differences that the character reflects, hrt in the arm: holds arm, slash on the forhead: bloods drips down

stuff like that

( I dont know if this would work for OPs game but this is what'd be ideal for me)

>Sup Forums doesn't get what to do with this thread


Sorry that your super amazing thread wasn't the success you wanted it to be, OP.


This what everyone thinks they want when they imagine playing games while arguing on a forum but imagine playing Dark Souls and you can't see your health, stamina or any of the other information displayed in that game's HUD. Games have HUD's for a reason because they express information that can't be known through your virtual detachment to the avatar.


>using this unironically

but it's for commentary, coach. you used the image wrong

worked for the original resident evil games, they had no HUD at all


after u sell me that as an assett on UEMarketplace

The original RE's are slow, methodical puzzle games that were about resource management more than gaming reflex. That sort of HUD would not work in a real time action game that needed you to read information real time.

No health/mana bars, just this.

Needing information in a action game, is a sign that you have a action game where there is no feedback.

5 days in MS paint

read it in his voice


What like Devil May Cry and God Hand? Can you actually name an important action game with no HUD?

That seems like it would have readability problems and be intrusive to the action.

I remember the Pepsi hud thread. Good times.

In Godhand, if you had a better way of displaying health, you could remove that. Even the Roulette coins could be moved to a on screen element.
But what is of the UI that is truly important: Is the Godhand meter. Its the one thing that needs to be visible.

DMC is a game where you have player character feedback unless you look at the UI. Thats also a sign of UI failure.

I never liked it up top because it makes no sense to look away from what you're fighting

Sick webm brah

According to this metric there is no action game that does not have "UI failure".


El Shaddai was a character action game with no HUD, your character's armor damage showed how much health you had left.

Make sure that there is a way to tell max HP and Stamina

But up top is level with 80% of the enemies.
the remaining 20% it would be invisible below./

Characters with wounded stance before critical? There is a lot of those. Because its a trend. Its also a thing, because Animation Blending has been standard engine tech for at the least a decade by now.

The main reason to have a UI, is that adding/blending animations for each new state is a lot of work. And there is more work behind it, to make sure its visibly distinct enough to tell them apart.
If you add particles to your weapon, it can be messy to read in motion. And it might be set up badly, so the ramp from "high to medium" is confusing to read. Or low and critical is hard to tell apart.

There is also on screen UI, such as Dead Space or El Shaddai.
And UI is replaced by sound design, even if thats rare, due being a hard area to do good work.

Here you go, this one is modern unlike all the other suggestions.

This works for generalized information in games with generalized mechanics but not for precise information needed for precise actions. How would you communicate a stamina bar with this mechanic? Weapon durability? Do you think every game would benefit from such a generalist health system, or even be appropriate?

>generalist health system,
Pretty cancer user. Its often a poor abstraction.
>precise information needed for precise actions
Give me a game where this is needed, and happens. Closest i can think, is special moves that is monstrousness in manipulation of placement(i.e Rogues Portal Strike in Nuclear Throne) but those are the exceptions

>Give me a game where this is needed, and happens.
Souls games, stamina management is a huge part of them.

Is it really now? Since you have no feedback except you can't do anymore inputs, you need the UI.
But that doesn't mean you need the UI if its replaced.

Totally not Dark Souls inspired

Yes, are you completely retarded? A split second where you don't realize you have run out of stamina could result in a completely unfair death.

Basically any action game where attention to health, resources or special moves is essential to succeeding. Do you primarily only play "cinematic experiences" or something?

OP you should just make her naked since everyone will just mod her that way anyway

Do they really?
Health management is often just "stay over lethal range" or "stay over combo range"
Which again go back to the point: You need the UI elements because the game has no feedback without them.

Looks straight out of a 80's CRPG

No hud best hud

I would start with learning literacy. Its a insult to not do that.

>muh no quest makers meme xd

Isn't it pretty much the same as the Ghostbusters game's HUD? Just on the backpack?

You need to learn literacy. I'm saying that any kind of alternative visual indicator would be too slow and/or ambiguous to work. HUD bars are instant, simple, and get the job done.

Not great at design, but I prefer vertical bars myself.

Yeesh play a hard game for once and then come back to me. You've clearly never even touched a game like Devil May Cry 3 or similar.

>UI that is nowhere near screen movement is instant
>alternative visual indicator would be too slow and/or ambiguous
WTF are you smoking

You mean 'an insult' you tryhard ponce?

What is wrong with your field of vision?

The whole point of a UI is to not intrude on screen action while communicating essential information quickly and easily. That's why meters are used because its the simplest and most straight foward form of information communication. Why do you think speedometers not use "alternative UIs"? The point of a game with bars is to trust that you have multitasking ability to juggle information in the side and in front of you

This actually looks good with the symbol.

We humans read information horizontally. What's the point of it being vertical other than to be different? Takes up the same amount of space either way.

Meant for

Thanks. Though the OP hasn't specified what the game needs, it looks like it could be open world esque, so I figured in the middle instead of a circle it could act like a compass point.

Just a matter of preference for me I guess. I just think it looks nicer.

What game is this OP?

Exactly, arranging HUD elements vertically it takes up less horizontal space. Which make them less intrusive to the game view.

Only in the cucked parts of the world, plenty of cultures have some verticality.


make sure the entire screen gets a red filter and obnoxious textures flood the corners of the screen the moment your health drops below 80%

I think the problem is that you argue that a off screen UI is conveying critical information.
Its really not.
How would you argue away the contradiction?

>Royal Guard Style 3