Make him Vidya related Episode 2
Previous Thread
Make him Vidya related Episode 2
Previous Thread
repostan from previous bread.
Anyone /4xg/ here?
/r/ing Tidus or a Black Mage
Vaulters a best, necrofags need not apply
Reposting this since the thread died immediately after
>Surprised nobody has done Rayman yet
That gave me an idea.
Sorry if it's shit, my drawing skills are pleb-tier.
lol wow nice thread!!! epic new OC incoming choo choo hype!
tumblr shit trying to pass as oc memery.
fuck off
Who wants to play videogameeeees?
I know that's not how it's done.
Reposting my favorite one I drew.
Dosh Lords were here, you're both fags.
spent like 2 hours on this, worth it though
I'm that guy who always does the demifiend
Nice user
I prefer his look from Zero.
oh, I'm the guy who requested this. thank you!
I didn't know there was a request, I did it of my own free will.
But, uh... thanks.
What if our next E3 collab is this dude? We could make another Squilliam for 2019, but i suggest this dude for 2018.
>tfw can't even draw basic shit like this
I tried for two hours until I finally gave up
Total fucking failure, just like everything else I do in life
Time to tuck myself in bed and sleep away the pain
Good night anons
reposting mine for inspiration
Should still post it, it's just random meme OC user, it's not a contest
It takes time and effort mate, but we're all gonna make it.
Just post something user. I did, and in hindsight it looks like shit, but I had fun: Maybe I'll level up someday and get gud like
Dude, this is just an OC thread based around a template, not a Sup Forums collab.
It's like Pacha, or >pic related.
OC threads occur about once a year, they're really their own thing.
Very nice, I was considering an attempt at this but it looks like you did it well
I am no artist
Also drew this from memory
>I drew this from memory
better memory than mine.
Basically this Though I'm sure some autist will make/start his own collage thing that everyone else with contribute to, given enough traction. Maybe you can be that autist.
>mfw mine is in there
It would become a merlion
I never implied it was a Sup Forums collab, i just asked if it could become a Sup Forums collab in the future for an E3.
It's okay, you don't actually have to draw. I use the straight line tool from
And my point is that these things are usually a one-time thing. Redoing it is kind of redundant, and takes away the fun of "Original Content".
I put almost everything, just ignored some with duplicate characters and images with different resolution, I even fixed the resolution of some, but there's a lot, so I gave up.
Sweet, mine's in there too.
>tfw you are still using paintshop pro 3
Repostan from last night. I'll update with a new one too.
requesting snake or raiden
>tfw mine is there even though it's shit
thanks I guess
Is there anything more painful than trying to shade hair?
>mine isn't in there
You better update this with all the new stuff in this thread, faggot.
>tfw want to contribute
>tfw remember wacom tablet broke a year ago
>tfw now it doesn't register almost a quarter of the pen area on the left
>tfw I wanted to make Todd Howard
>mine from last thread isn't there
Its okay. Not your fault that I'm terrible with paint.
Excuse me while I go to kill myself.
>Not just doing it all with the mouse
Step up senpai
mine wasn't put in either and I put it in the last two threads. Might do another later
Guy, i'm seriously thinking that i'm turning into that tile guy. Tile really feel erotic. What's happening to me guy? I don't have any folder or anything, but it always make me tingle to see clean tiles.
Is it just satisfaction because they're clean? I swears i'm not a degenerate.
Fixed version hopefully without OCD triggering white dots
Submit to the enlightened side user, there's nothing wrong with a bit of degeneracy
Take that Marielx tripfag one out of there
I would like someone with decent photoshop skills to add a nice, native American background. Paint is rather limited.
Some OC for you, user.
[Spoiler]Why am I so bad at hair?? ;_;[/Spoiler]
I did my best, probably not what you wanted, but I also touched up the piece to clean up some stray pixels.
v nice i like it
It's been a long time since I used Paint.
Could someone make the Grapple pilot from Titanfall 2?
Nevermind. Computer crashed when it was just about fucking done. All motivation is lost.
Mao a fuggin best
These threads are fun even though I never contribute.
thanks doc
hope nobody's done this yet
Could somebody do this guy?
My first.
My favorite one.
think you could try to make a soldier one?
Could anyone make a Velvet one?
Where is her left hand?
Where are her pants?
I dare you both to do better then
Did my waifu
How'd I do?
Oh shit you did it.
That is pretty neat user
Suguri/Sora needs more love.
Made this the other day.
It all ends in less than 12 days