What are you emulating right now?
What are you emulating right now?
Uh, I'm trying to emulate Radiant Silvergun, but I don't want to get an entire Saturn EMU for that. I'll just wait until the vizzed beta is done.
Harmful park is fucking amazing, I love the spritework in this game.
Right now I'm emulating Starblade
Just get Retroarch
I know right,its one of the most beautiful 2D games ever.
>Finally get a 3ds emulator up and running
>Boot up FE Fates
>Even with my gtx960 I averaged about 30fps if there is so much as a single fucking 3d mesh on screen
Now I have to spend the rest of the night in this shithole
I like this game, I like this game too much. I don't know how many times I've done 100% runs of it, and just had to do another one
RA is shit. It's just a frontend hacked onto several different emulators made by third parties. Too much shit gets broken because RA's developer didn't write any of those emulation cores, and they weren't designed to be thrown into some other frontend.
SSF or Casini are both fine Saturn emulators.
It also has the best setpieces, on par with Boogie Wings
Also, pic related feels pretty easy for a beat-em-up, I'll probably learn to 1cc it.
No, I want Radiant Silvergun specifically cause I got Ikaruga and really liked it, and Silvergun takes place in the same universe.
Mednafen Saturn on RA is up-to-date and is nearly as good as SSF
Persona 4, Kingdom Hearts and Klonoa
Retroarch is a emulator frontend not a game you dummy
SNES vidya at the moment, thought was intending to emulate PS1 games soon since i can't find non-jewish resellers of PS1 games that i could play on my console
Oh, my bad. Well, I last time I downloaded an emulator it ran like shit and ate up way to much memory to be worth it. I think I might be able to buy it as an Xbox title on my computer, but I'm afraid it won't let me play it.
>What are you emulating right now?
No particular game. I have a Pi box rigged up to emulate a ton of shit from the third and forth gens. It's not exactly the best route to go, but it's something cheap I can keep hooked up to my television.
Everything else, I own real hardware for.
playing lvl 12 magician
at camilia(w/e) spamming thunderbird summon. combat is trash, sure, but dodging stuff is fun none the less.
In standard play, its classic castlevania with light exploration, literally. You're a whip wielding human vampire hunter exploring, not draculas castle, but camilia. theres still some neat secrets, and getting your ass beat cause of shit movemnet to over powered summons is a great feeling. sotn inspired combat is seriously trash, i cant stress this enough. You play an overpowered vampire and level design is just long corridors and the enemies are lined up for you to take them out. Jumping around with projectiles every is great fun
what game and what system
Harmful Park on PS1
That really inflates my dong
my will to live
Thanks user I'm adding it to my backlog
>download MAME some time ago and play the first Metal Slug
>fire it up recently to play the other games and it keeps shitting out 'rom not found' errors even though I never touched the specified roms directory
Well fuck you too.
Just get the Metal Slug collection on PS2 or emulate it
Final Fantasy IV
Dumbest story ever. But the gameplay and music keeps me going.
Just "beat" SotN. Now, i'm doing the reverse castle, but i'm finding it hard to continue. All that backtracking is starting to take its toll. Now i have to do it twice!? It wouldn't have been too bad it it had 2 extra warp points.
Super Robot Wars Z2: Saisei Hen
It's really fun and better than the first half, Hakai Hen
Just finished playing through all the Jumping Flash games and Cho Ren Sha 68k, which surprisingly didn't fuck on for me this time.
Now I'm currently replaying Etrian Odyssey 3 on my phone as well as the Hamtaro games on my 3DS (except the DS one). They're really simple but I love them, I'd rather replay these games than rewatch the anime in case my nostalgia is ruined.
What you call backtracking is just free exploration. If you want a game to just tell you exactly where to go and never repeat an area, then 2D Action/Platformers aren't the game for you. You'd probably do better playing Dragon's Crown or Shantae.
Castlevania HoD
I've been amulating Sonic 3 on my Vita.
First time playing and I'm absolutely loving it.
The final boss rush in Launch Egg Zone is halting my progress though. I know how to beat it, I'm just not very good at getting to the final part with rings left.
Only the best game Blizzard ever made.
>Metal Slug collection on PS2
Fuck off. The PS2 is fucking horrible due to the shitty input lag alone.
Oh shit, me too. Just beat it a couple hours ago. I windfist kamehameha'd my way through.
>not playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>calling Launch Base Zone Launch Egg Zone
>having any trouble with Big Arms
Get a fucking noose already.
tried FF1 PSP
played for 10 minutes and got bored went back to gradius collection
Heard about this game, but all anyone ever says about it is that it's tied to Ikaruga and that's it's really good. Is it exactly like Ikaruga?
Dragonball Z: Attack of the Saiyans.
Have desmume, but there are probably better emulators out there.
Desmume is the best NDS emulator on Windows
Its like Ikaruga but better
Ignore this dumbass, everyone, he's absolutely, clinically, totally right.
The problem with MAME is that when it updates, there's a good chance ROMS that worked on the previous version do as well because they dumped extra shit or the sets got updated.
So if you have a backlog of ROMS from 2009, you have to redownload said games in 2014 and so forth.
I'm surprised that my PC is actually kinda powerful despite not having a fancy graphics card
I guess those 13000 pesos weren't for nothing
I've only played the NES version so I wanted to try the SNES version that was never released in the US, fucking Enix. It's really good so far, this would have sold fucking amazingly in the US.
Any good alternatives? I don't really care about all the mountains of shit MAME has like support for fucking hanafuda and mahjong cabinets, I just want to play traditional games.
It's a pretty good Zelda 2 romhack.
final burn alpha works for neo geo, atleast. its supported on libretro for lower end systems, also
Naruto Clash of Ninja 2.
Gaara is an asshole.
Other arcade emulators aren't much better, actually. Final Burn and Kawaks are just as picky.
Console emulators, all you really have to worry about is just the emulator itself as they'll take care of the hardware (expansion chips will be part of the emulation code). Games are more or less the same as you left them.
Really, your best bet is to go for a site that keeps its ROMsets updated and legally and in terms of Sup Forums rules, I'm not allowed to disclose that information.
good way to get around this is to create a custom folder in your favorite mame gui and add all games you have to said folder. This way you won't lose track of them when their status changes to "no rom found". Next, learn how to use clrmamepro, it'll do its best to fix your outdated romset. clrmamepro renames files inside roms, downloads missing files, removes unnecessary files and makes other magic things with your rom collection. If your roms are still bad, redownload them from emuparadise. Don't forget to get bios files too.
Once you learn how to deal with mame and set up it properly, it's pretty fucking good
>and legally and in terms of Sup Forums rules, I'm not allowed to disclose that information.
> this would have sold fucking amazingly in the US.
As long as they actually marketed it. The only thing that got JRPGs popular over here was years of marketing. Mostly Final Fantasy VII and Pokemon that had the biggest marketing campaigns in gaming history. Dragon Quest on the other hand has had less marketing than Nippon Ichi games over the years.
What should I emulate next Sup Forums
Bloodlines is one of the best Castlevania games.
Since you seem to like action platformers Legendary Axe
Have you already beaten them all? DKC2 might be the best game in the lineup if you're not allergic to 90's prerendered graphics.
Power Blade and Power Blade II for NES
You should emulate Omega Boost.
On a journey through the DQ series, just started DQ5.
swat kats or sparkster
3rd strike yo
Currently trying to learn dudley/ryu/alex better
Alex Kidd for tight Rock, Paper, Scissors bosses.
Should have clarified that those are the ones I'm considering right now, haven't played any of them.
I still think it's one of the best fighting games of all time next to Garou Jojo's and Last Blade 2
Playing through Banjo-Tooie with a 60 FPS Gameshark code. Feels good man but there's been some slight issues sometimes.
Suikoden I-III transferring save states.
>playing the PS2 version
You know Japanese and you're wasting your opportunity to play the better DS versions without a god awful translation?
I know nothing about the various versions, I went in to DQ1 completely blind to the series except for playing DQM when I was a kid. I'm not too concerned about it, I just don't like the DS or its emulators.
god bless
Hyper Metroid. It's pretty fun so far
Good taste man, i played the JoJo one but didn't know about the others, i'll check them out, i'm new to fighting games and i'm finding some great games i haven't heard before such as Samurai Showdown 2 and Darkstalkers.
just turn off combat animations
Mapless Super Metroid.
And Chrono Trigger, which I've never beaten. Chrono Trigger is a bit of a slog though, when does it get good?
I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I would say it picks up after you pass 2300 AD and learn magic at the end of time.
Suikoden 1-2-3 amazeing , 2 being my favorite . God I LOVE THEM
>Chrono Trigger is a bit of a slog though, when does it get good?
Right when you hit 600 AD about 30 minutes into the game? The only slow part to me is 2300 AD and tons of people prefer that part.
Metroid Fusion.
you guys apply the darker colors patch over GBA games?
I googled it and Japanese players seemed to like the PS2 version the best. What's so better about the DS version? I'm still really early into the game so I could switch over.
>not playing on original hardware
What are you, poor?
My god I fucking hate that program. I'll keep using standalones because they have the features I need with none of the headache of a controller-centric GUI.
Is it worth hunting down new emulators to play old super nintendo games and the like when my ancient versions of emulators like ZSNES still works perfectly
The DS version added more monsters, new story, new end game content and faster battles. But most importantly, there's another choice for who you marry. Three girls instead of two.
I'd say the DS version is worth playing just for the faster battles though. The only advantage to the PS2 game is orchestrated music, which is definitely the superior music. But do you want better music instead of a dozen gameplay improvements?
Guys, To be completely honest i' afraid of emulating. I don't want viruses and weird shit on my computer. Can you guys help me out?
i have money but im not going to spend it because only stupid poor dumb sons of bitches spend their money on anything other than cheap meals
The shit SquareEnix pulled on DS games like FFIII and DQIX with wifi means emulation is basically required for some games.
BSNES is a masive improvement over ZSNES. But that's only if you want to bother spending 5 minutes to learn a new program.
Completed Ace Attorney Investigations just today, pretty damn good. I'll be starting the second game soon.
The last case was a drag though. It went on for too long.
>roughly $1500 for three old ass games
Man, I love collecting, but the prices for some games are truly ridiculous.
Posting best girl.
Did anyone actually get to job level 99 in FF3 DS?
That must have required some hellish amount of grinding.
Thanks, speculators who don't even play games
The encounter rate in that game left me with PTSD.
taima fag?
I think I'm gonna stick with PS2. I'll just play the DS whenever I replay it if I wind up liking it. I usually don't do additional content anyways, didn't play through chapter 6 of DQ4 when I finished it for instance.