What's it lookin like boys?

What's it lookin like boys?

>No Ape Escape 4
That's just another reason to sell your PS4


Kadokawa is going to win again

Wish you faggots knew how to use an.


>wanting reasons to sell their console
And you say Sonybros are the worst fanbase?


>Wants nothing but ports for the switch.
I fucking hate you. Why the fuck did you not just buy a fucking Wii U if you're going to beg this hard for those games.

Thanks for posting my report card for me, user.

Nintendo - Games and Gameplay

Sony - Bullshots and Movie games

Microsoft - Who?

Everybody else - Who gives a shit, Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are gay


>short and to the point
>sleek, smooth design

>awful design
>crowded ugly mess
>cheap looking
>reddit official


I'm sorry nobody is using your design :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>nobody is using the template that has been used for the past X years
>but me and a few of my /r/Sup Forums and /r/gaming buddies are using this totally HYPE template with lots of space for my uninteresting opinions nobody will read
LMAO who the fuck are you trying to fool kid


So how likely is it that guy talking about Starfield the other week wasn't bullshitting?

I mean, people come here and bullshit all the time, but we know from Prey that someone from Bethesda likes to leak here.

Why are you such a faggot. You sound like an e celeb that is losing subs because everyone has moved on from Minecraft.

It's always funny ow easily one can always spot a Nintendicksucker.

Whether you want to admit it or not, Nintendo is literally the only company that does not use scripted gameplay.
