So why is this game hated again?

So why is this game hated again?

Probably because it's extremely simplistic.

Old game mechanics and the fact they made retarded choices when it was remade, like needing to kill your own units to access extra chapters.

Most common complaint is that it is "too faithful" to the original FE and thus has little/no character development for anyone who doesn't talk for more than 1 chapter. The art style used is also pretty ugly, even compared to the 3D used in the Radiance games.

>The art style used is also pretty ugly
>hating 90s anime style

It's a remake that didn't fix the problems of its predecessor. Same reason most Final Fantasy 'remakes' are lackluster.

What were the issues?

1) It didn't incorporate the good engine traits of latter games.
2) Stupid Gaiden Chapter requirements (all but one requires killing a ton of units, last requires fucking oneself out of the Falchion on purpose)
3) Its visuals were too "real" to do GBA era animations and too weak to look good.
4) Reclassing broke it worse than Awakening.

It was a faithful recreation of a game from a series that had considerably improved since its early entries.

No weapon triangle, for one.
It was the most barebones it could be.
Gaiden's engine was stupid enough for echoes to be faithful and advance on.

Can someone give me a rundown of why this game is/if it is bad? I've been playing the Western Fire Emblem games on release since Sacred Stones, but passed over this one cause of that shit art style.
Does the Japanese DS remake of New Mystery of the Emblem have the same issues as this?

Shadow Dragon has the triangle though.

The art style is fine, looks like mid 90s anime. Then again most Waifu Emblem fans only like the newest anime anyway.

Its got a fun hard mode and reclassing is so busted its fun to use. Dunno why they kept shit like the gaiden requirements though. IS is too faithful with their remakes.

The in-game models look like shit the portraits are fine.

>The in-game models look like shit the portraits are fine.
Use the patch to replace the sprites with the FE12 ones, which are basically the same but without the shitty black borders that ruin everything.

New Mystery has the same problems with the art style and the mechanics, it has more characterisation though. Lunatic mode is far better designed if you're into that.

I meant the ugly plasticine looking battle models. Can't really fuck with the GBA sprites

Art and aesthetic are dull as hell
Music is boring as hell with the exception of probably five or so tracks
Gaiden chapter requirements were dumb
Gameplay was outdated
There was barely any character development other than for plot relevant characters
The maps and story were pretty good, and I think that the game could be improved a ton if it had been handled like Echoes was

The artstyle

Oh those, idk I kinda like em for some reason, feels kinda PSX,N64 esque.

>muh grafix
That alone makes a game shit? Piss off graphicsfag.

Shadow Dragon was my first and likes it. But then I want back and played Binding, Sacred Stones, and a translated ROM of Blazing and understood why people weren't high on Shadow Dragon. I haven't actually played a mainline since Echoes, and it's status as mainline is a matter of debate.

How is New Mystery of the Emblem?

If you haven't played FE3, I'd say go ahead and play New Mystery of the Emblem, and then go back and play FE3. If you played 3 and enjoyed it you'll probably hate New Mystery.

Art style, shitty models, stupid Gaiden requirements and just the jump from Radiant Dawn to the first game was kind of jarring. Only the last two complaints I listed hold any water. Of course people just ignore that FE1/ book 1 are solid and Shadow Dragon took those, made it sanic fast and gave it some much needed difficulty with all the hard modes. Now people are praising the shit that is Gaiden because it looks pretty and the story isn't a dumpster fire like Fates.

In-game aesthetics are shit and how Gaidens work

Paper-thin plot and characters that doesn't even try to be anything more than a skeleton slapped onto the simple gameplay.
And of course it's ugly as sin is every regard.

So should I play the original FE, the fan patched not localised one or this ds remake?

gaiden chapters need you to kill off your own characters to access them. literally rewards you with extra shit for being bad.

It feels extremely lazy for a remake.
Echoes is a remake done right.

Play the original. Shadow Dragon just kinda didn't fix anything wrong about the original and just made the art even worse.

Best lord, best pegasus, best christmas knights

I don't mind the simplicity or even the ugly art, but the gaiden chapters were fucking stupid.

Play FE3. FE1 does have value, but you're not really going to miss out on much if you play FE3 Book 1 instead.