>We want the penis sucking audience.
>When you have no personality traits so you base your entire identity around telling people how much you love it up your ass.
What did Sony mean by this
>We want the penis sucking audience.
>When you have no personality traits so you base your entire identity around telling people how much you love it up your ass.
What did Sony mean by this
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They meant "let's trigger Sup Forumstards, the most easily offended group of people on planet earth"
That's like making a ps4 with a watermelon design and expecting black gamers to come runninng.
worst joke 2017
i was born gay retard, it's not a choice
what's wrong, angry because you realized your life is completely vanilla and boring while we're having all the fun? get over it
straight people need to die already
>its okay when Nintendo panders to SJWs
>i was born gay retard, it's not a choice
You have no choice whether or not you put things into your rectum and sigmoid colon?
but they idolize Milo Yiannopoulos, a literal dick-sucking homosexual.
I'd actually love a rainbow pattern PS4 without the heart graphic thing
dunno why they have to make it a sexual thing
>top: generic lingerieshit
>bottom: actual clothing design
Hell, the bottom ones still have the same tits'n'ass, how is wearing clothes SJW pandering?
i don't see pol running over 20 people with a van because someone insulted them
>i was born gay retard, it's not a choice
tfw born a gay retard
No, you need to die, fags. Now that society can't keep your kind in their closets, you come and ruin everything. You and your fucking SJW agenda.
You faggots make me sick. You're worst than sandniggers
Because when you're gay you don't need to have a personality to express yourself. You just slap a rainbow on something and then start telling strangers in public how much you like sucking dick.
>a faceless, corporate software development company wants me to know that they are totally pro gay
This is why we need Ape Escape 4
What's up with the gay worship?
gays were never excluded from playing video games so what gives?
I'm not forced to buy that faggy PS4 if I want to get one. Meanwhile, if I for some reason wanted to play the insipid garbage that is hashtagFE in English, I am burdened with the incompetent localization that needlessly changes things.
Now if Nintendo wasn't retarded and had some toggle being Normal and Baby Bitch Censorship, there would not be any issue at all, I could get my trashy JPop simulator as the creator intended, and problem glasses wearing rainbow haired weebs could get their safe space simulator.
Kek this made me laugh more than it should have
>m-muh male gaze!!! Stop sexualizing women!!!
Fuck off.
that's because they're too afraid to go to prison for it. Sup Forums lacks balls, it's why they voted for a rich Jew that betrayed them but refuse to admit they were betrayed.
Because it eliminates fanservice. Except that fanservice these days means jack shit, when every sexy character is going to get hentai pics drawn of her like crazy. I'm gonna jack it to fully detailed hentai showing her clit, if you're upset over not getting a 2-second panty shot, you're a dumbass who doesn't know who to use the internet.
No, only nu/pol/ ever liked him, and he got tossed out by his remaining Sup Forums supporters with the pedophilia scandals.
I'm not even gay and I'd buy this, looks great
Why am I not surprised to hear something this insipid from a gay retard furry?
I love how much you retards love to be outraged. It's not like Sony developed and sold this. It's a custom job that a Swedish company sold for a charity. The japanese are not gay friendly at all.
>Autism speaks
Point and laugh, anons
Its about playing the game the way the creators wanted it to be played.
Not how some neon-haired feminist at Treehouse thinks its should be played.
It's funny because for years people made fun of the brand by calling it the gaystation and then Sony just has to go and make it canon with this.
I wonder who would buy this seriously though.
Fags have better ways to be gay and when it comes to actually playing games what the console looks like doesn't matter.
>gay retard
Nobody cares that you love cocks more than cunts, at least not me.
What I care is that some people are so devoid of life that they base their whole persona in their bedroom preferences.And are extremelly loud about it.
For instance, Gay Pride used to be a day. Now it's AN ENTIRE FUCKING MONTH.
You don't have to be gay to be part of the gay worshiping cult. You could put it up as an altar and praise gays every day.
SJWs like you are the only ones who get mad about cute 2D girls in bikinis.
Nintendrumpfs btfo!
someone isn't familiar with Nintendo back in the 80s, I take it. This isn't SJW pandering, this is NOA going back to old habits.
I agree, watching Milo Yiannopoulos lose all credibility and die homeless from AIDS would be fun to see. Of course he lost half is cred when he supported pedophilia- wait, that implies the fraud ever had nay credibility to start with. Saying shit Sup Forums wants to hear is not being honest, it's pandering. The fuckhead needs to read up on Walter Cronkite or Hunter S. Thompson and see what real journalists were like.
Juts because he prefers dick up his ass, doesn't mean women are out to ruin society.
No, its SJW pandering. Their localization team is literally run by feminists.
oh stop crying like a bitch over panty shots, you wimp. This isn't SJW shit, this is Nintendo going back to what they did in the 80s, you fucking underage little shit.
we live in a society that states if you arent getting your anus filled by tyrones seed every night you are oppressing and insulting the gay community, its all virtue signaling
You know they would if they weren't fucking losers who never leave the house. They don't have balls to do anything. Every time a "stacy whore" dies they celebrate because it's something they wish they had the balls to do.
then stop buying the games. Crying about it online means jack shit to them. Nah, you'll bitch but buy it anyway like a good retard.
You can try to justify it all you want but yes it is SJW shit. Doing it in the past doesn't suddenly make it okay.
Why do you keep making these threads? Don't you have VIDEO GAMES to play?
Look here you fruit. If you still have common sense and still sane, then you still are capable to make a choice. Just admit you like to take it up the ass and be humiliated like a fag you are.
>then stop buying the games
#FE was literally able to pirated and had an uncensor patch on the day it came out in the west kek
I'm black and I'd buy it.
If it weren't treehouse I'd believe you, but this is treehouse we're talking about and they brag about this kind of thing.
it's why they believe chicken shit cowards such as George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson are winning a race war, for each one shooting ONE unarmed person in the back.
>anus filled by tyrones seed every night
That's literally what Sup Forums hero Milo Yiannotworthafuck does
Non Americans tend to have inferiority complexes
I don't think I'd want to give money to the LGBT+ garbage, but damn, that's one nice looking console.
>i-its not SJW pandering I swear!!!
>What did Sony mean by this
What did Sony mean by what? That thing you just made up. I don't know, how about we dislodge that cock from your mouth so you can tell us?
That skin is ancient, it's made by a third party not by Sony you retard.