ITT: Games you're glad it flopped
ITT: Games you're glad it flopped
>Being happy when a game that tries to do something different (even when it is derivative from other games) in the current gaming climate, and even does it competently, flops
Sup Forums truly hates videogames
>game that tries to do something different
Are you serious? there's loads of games like Prey
Give me five. Note how I'm saying "current" so don't post something like Ultima Underground.
Lad, Prey did it horribly. also
>Give me five but with these exception
excellent argument, here's the better games than Prey
Deus Ex and HR
System shock
System shock 2
now go clean your shit taste
>loads of survival horror, personalized character powers/upgrades, free exploration, heavy reliance on ragdoll physics, non multiplayer focused games?
implying you have played system shock 1 or made any real progress in system shock 2.
sure faggot
I already played all of them; that's why I said Prey was derivative. And you still haven't answered my question. Where are those "lots" you talk about?
>let's reboot an IP that only a small group of people liked
>and then alienate that small group by making a completely different game
>what could go wrong?
It would have done better as a new IP.
Is it actually any good?
I've beaten all of those except system shock 1 which I haven't played and I just started prey last night. prey is better than all of them except maybe the first deus ex in terms of gameplay thoroughness. it's really great so far, especially in terms of story and atmosphere. you're trying hard to debase a game with very little ground to stand on. not even sure why
Retards at Bethesda probably purposely forced the prey name onto arkane. I wonder what the working title was?
not OP but I greatly enjoyed it. Probably worth it to do like 2 playthroughs, similar replay value to Dishonored 1 but I liked it more than either Dishonored.
Yeah, not sure why Sup Forums has such a bizarre hateboner towards the game. I love Japanese games, but the nippon dicksucking has reached new heights here, making everyone think any game released from the west is automatically trash
We've all played all of those games already. Multiple, multiple times.
Out of the many here, I personally thought it was very enjoyable
i read through a bunch of prey threads before I started to see how people described it and they said it was a lot like a simpler system shock 2 in terms of creepy atmosphere and skills and the non linear progression, and they're right. it's really fun so far but I could see it becoming frustrating in terms of combat. the story is super intriguing and throws a twist on you in the first 30 minutes that sets the stage and mood for the rest of the game
fuck off m8 prey is gr8
>taunts someone for being precise
>shits on the request anyway
>does not even come up with 5 RECENT games after he said that " there's loads of games like Prey"
Are you really just dumb or are you trying hard to keep up appearances?
Yeah, you are genuine.
>excellent argument
He was not making an argument, faggot, he was asking you to back up your big mouth, which you failed to do, while flapping your gums a bit more.
Also, how are you able to judge someone´s taste from them saying that there are not many games like prey, which probably means that he played all those you listed, you retard.
That´s why he would have wanted prey to be successful, so that there would be more of them, imbecile.
Alien Shock.
Sad. One of the best games in years and made by a quality studio. I remembered when Freespace 2 sold jack shit (~50,000 copies) one year after release, though Volition did survive and managed to release Red Faction 1 two years later.
How does Bioshock do anything near as identical as Prey and how do outdated games like System Shock 1/2 fit into the picture?
one of those games can be considered recent lol. One. barely.
5 released within the last 20 years.
Wow what an impressive list faggot.
>take niche but still profitable game
>hype people up years ago with a sequel in the works
>fuck over the studio so the game is never released
>dash all hopes by rebooting the niche franchise into something completely different from the original but still somehow generic
>doesn't attract fans of the original
>doesn't attract new players
>surprise it flops
well done bethesda
Looked like a boring story-driven game.
There are reasons I think. For one this game was barely advertised, people were probably still skeptical about the game after the quality of Dishonored 2's PC port, and there's the reason listed.
Was Andromeda a failure? can seem to get a definitive answer on that one.
Yooka Laylee
I really wonder why they plastered on the Prey name on to it. Was the IP's license time limited and Bethesda needed to use the name to keep the rights?
Yes, it is fairly open ended. You can visit many locations early, finish quests early through sheer dumb luck, kill NPCs and the interactions adjust accordingly, the game keeps track of what choices you make in some quests and so on.
I always see Sup Forums complain that they can't kill critical NPCs, but whenever games come out that allow for it they shit on it endlessly.
I'm sure that because it didn't sell millions like AAA fps #3883, EA considers it a flop
aahhh. now thats justice.
There's no reason for 'it' to be in that sentence, third world nigger.
>constant "it's not so bad guys" about Ubisoft clone games come out 4 times a year
>people on this board try and rehabilitate shit like COD
>games like Prey get shit because it's similar to something that came out like 10 years ago
Well, it's relatively new. Wait for a few more years, I bet plebs will eat it up.
Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much? It's not even because it became popular either, it hasn't reached the acceptable level in the Sup Forums popularity gauge for contrarian mode to activate
I enjoyed it and I am on my second playthrough.
it's basically another system shock, and it's great. just proves that Sup Forums is largely casuals that just want to play corridor shooters.
I don't think you know what flop means. Combined with the console sales this game probably made its money back.
Because the pre-launch predictions here were that it was going to be complete shit, and people don't like to admit that they're wrong. Add in a healthy dose of buttblast over Prey 2 being canned and you have yourselves some angry fedora enthusiasts.
im a girl btw
>Dishonored 2 flops
>Prey flops even harder
So Bethesda are going to disband Arcane, aren't they?
Prove it, post a timestamped picture of your penis.
So will the board consensus gradually change like with nuDoom?
I don't know, honestly. The sequel to the original Prey that was canned in favor of what we got looked good, but the original never was such a success that so many people would be sad about the sequel's termination. C'est la Sup Forums.
Originally I assumed they turned Prey into another walking simulator, but it's actually great they did not. I will probably pick it up when it's on sale.
>post a timestamped picture of your penis
go enjoy CoD part 25 then.
fucking idiot.
It cost Bioware a support studio, maybe now they will realize that fucking nobody likes this easily digestible quippy trash that doesn't take it self seriously
Hitman did so bad it killed the studio. Wish that happened to Diablo 3.
>tries to do something different
>it's a System Shock 2 spiritual sequel you guys, but actually more of a Bioshock and worse in every way
Yeah, sure Harvey.
>The sequel to the original Prey that was canned in favor of what we got
Wrong. Arkane was already developing this and it was meant to be called Typhoon, Bethesda just decided to use the Prey name on it.
What makes it more like Bioshock?
Original Prey 2 just looked a whole lot better, can't help but be bitter when all this information about what the story was going to be and the reason why the game was canned comes to light
but CoD part 14 does not look that bad
>it's a System Shock 2 spiritual sequel you guys, but actually more of a Bioshock and worse in every way
It's better than Bioshock in every way expect maybe art design.
Hmm, haven't heard that vitriol for almost 10 years now and it keeps popping up on Prey threads, I wonder what outside group could have an interest in weaponizing it.
Basically. Who the *fuck* did they think Prey 2 was for?
That makes the hate even more irrational desu.
It hurts me on a spiritual level that people like this exist.
You haven't heard people complain about CoD since 2007?
>System Shock
no, gameplay is shit.
Bioshock is awful, you should kill yourself.
>not a single game from the last 5 years
>boo hoo it's not my open world space cowboy fetch quest game
Fuck off, we have enough open world shitfests. It wasn't even up to Bethesda's non-existent standards and those fucks released Rogue Warrior so you just know Prey 2 was complete garbage.
I have finished all of those games several times now. There's no fun in doing yet another run.
this so much, honestly I wish any unnecessary "sequel" to a franchise that pretty much ended flops hard, as its just copying the worst thing that hollywood/television is infected with
>>It wasn't even up to Bethesda's non-existent standards
>he thinks that's the reason Prey 2 got canned
don't be a dumbass.
>no demo
>expect pc players to front $60 just to try it and pray for a refund
No buy.
in fact, I pirated it and played it to completion out of spite. It's a 6/10.
What do any of you gain by Prey flopping? Not only will that never bring back Prey 2, but there is even less of a chance that it could ever come back now that the name is marked with failure. How many of you actually played it? How many of you are old enough to remember the games you compare it to?
Because at least prey won't continue as the shitfest they released.
>tries to do something different
>Immediately called a "half-life copy" "bioshock copy" etc. by everyone
Arkane's output is mediocre and their fans are insufferable kids trying to appear sophisticated by bashing le wrong generation games and namedropping games from before they were even born in anonymous cantonese script imageboards. Essentially the dadrockers of videogames.
>tries to be a "spiritual successor to system shock"
>instead is far more close to fucking bioshock and gets called a copy of that because it is
Nice projection, kid.
old fag here, Arx Fatalis is absolutely not mediocre. Even Dark Messiah has enough interesting things in it to elevate it past mediocre.
Good riddance.
>a better game
>laughing hybrids
I have never been so proud to have bought a game used before in my entire life. Rest in piss, Bioware.
Reminder Morgan's brother did nothing wrong
play with the weapons for a bit and you see blatant similarities in gunplay and upgrade system for one
Prey stands on the shoulders of System Shock 2 as it's best imitator. Bioshock is babby shit comparatively.
Prey is GOTY. Also completely unplayable in its current state on PS4, which makes it even better
Yeah, it's pretty good. It's like all the other System Shock 2 imitators, but there's no god damn "get to new section, all the doors lock in your fucking face" syndrome to deal with. You find keys and use your skills at your own pace to open up the ship for the most part. Hell, I'm on my second run and I was able to max out hacking, lifting, and repairing before grabbing the first general access keycard. BEFORE the general access keycard.
Oh, but definitely play the game on the hardest difficulty or maybe one harder than you would be comfortable with. The enemies aren't so scary if they can't cause a ton of damage because their designs are very uninspired. Biggest weakness of the game.
I agree If feels like Alex gets the majority of the flak but I think Morgan deserves at least as much
I forget which
That's funny because ME games are all like that.
I want to say it was Station Shock, for whatever reason I think I remember hearing that somewhere.
Why would you be glad something people worked on on didn't do well?
What a tiny life you have.
>out of spite
What an entitled piece of shit. You need to be culled.
the devs are just as entitled, expecting money from mediocre work
The Order 1886
This is the worst reason to hate anything ever. No fanbase is as annoying as you
Prey has 10x the depth of bioshock, and that is a fact. Bioshock was never good