He's right you know.
He's right you know
Technically yes
>no more good games
>Madden 18 coming out in August
fuck off
Didn't he get famous for randomly screaming and badly pretending be scared in a facecam while continuously playing the same generic FPS horror games? I'm not sure if I'd go to him to ask for the sate of gaming.
Who the fuck even cares about handegg
>acting like nobody in the US cares about a popular US sport
my sides
>jobless fuck with no real skills
>praised Hitler then cried "media is out to get me" rather than face the consequences like a man
>thinks his opinion matters
LPers, ASMR video makers, "unboxing" trash, none of them deserve a dime in ad revenue. Those are not skills, those are morons no better than welfare leeches, paid to sit on their asses all day doing jack shit.
yeah, he's garbage youtuber that neo-Sup Forums likes because he is """red pilled"""
>9gag meme
go fuck your goat
Isn't he a political commentator now?
Doesn't he primarily game on PC?
>Says this when pewds has shaped the minds of more children than any teacher ever has.
Your own child may look to his videos if he's still at it and you're not impotent, cuck.
How did he end up becoming so jaded in recent years?
He used to be extremely upbeat about everything.
>No more good games
But Titanfall 2 came out a few months ago
t. jealous cuck
My nigga
He isn't redpilled at all. He's a kid who was raised on the internet and is used to being able to do and say anything he wants devoid of consequences. He became shocked when reality finally closed in and he realized he was a famous celebrity and things he does and says matter
Also why did Sup Forums scream about PDP being attacked for "being redpilled" but no one on Sup Forums jumped to the defense of Stephen Colbert, Kathy lee, or Bill Maher?
I think his girlfriend left him
All good games that came out still exist.
Despite his cursing and "adult jokes" 90% of his audience is children and for the past 4 years was just a overblown Disney star that could drop the f bomb every now and then but at the end of the day still put on a face for the kiddies.
I'd imagine after a while you'd get sick of it.
Of course he is right. Nothing worth playing has come out in a couple years now. If you disagree, post some recent good games.
>no more good games
>when old games still exist
Checkmate, Pewdiepie.
Hollow Knight
He ran out of ideas and then the media() attacked him.
>anything pewpiedie says
Pick oneeeee
Youtubers have a persecution complex. They argue that the media is out to get them for being "independent (they aren't independent)" and stealing viewers from "le MSM". They fail to realize many of them are actual celebrities now and have to obey the same social laws other celebrities do. They'll often claim their views are specifically targetted and not others, even though this is often false. Their entire argument makes little sense since "le evil msm" does not uniquely target their views or youtubers
Oh cute, you're a retard with nothing valuable to say.
sorry, I don't waste time on things that I don't need. Bitch better be on birth control or unable to have kids.
Since "red pilled" means "has pro-Nazi views and reads Breitbart" then yeah, he is. Redpill doesn't mean "educated".
2D indie trash
>Also why did Sup Forums scream about PDP being attacked for "being redpilled" but no one on Sup Forums jumped to the defense of Stephen Colbert, Kathy lee, or Bill Maher?
Because pewd is just a random guy making videos for money with no other agenda, while the other three are in line with a cancerous agenda and they're fuckwads in general. Fuck off.
And that's all that's needed to know you don't like video games.
Didn't his ME:Andromeda video take some webms straight out of Sup Forums
again, you are a containment board escapee spouting meaningless meme words, you have nothing valuable to say. Hitler was a loser, Trump is a Jew, Milo sucks cock.
because as I said, "redpill" means "sides with Sup Forums". It has nothing to do with facts, in fact it actually means ignoring facts to push a narrative.
He's a celebrity with more pull than any of the people mentioned previously aside from maybe Colbert. He is not "some guy"./ Pewds is a celebrity and professional entertainer and is treated as such. Youtubers need to drop this bs of "So what if I have more pull and make more money than that loberal elite actor? I'M THE LITTLE GUY AND I AM SPECIAL"
>no agenda
Neck yourself you hypocritical faggot.
You will always have consequences for your actions
No I don't like games that look like they were made in the fucking 80's when technology is much more advanced now. There is 0 fucking excuse for any game to be 2D pixelshit anymore.
>a cancerous agenda
Trump is a traitor and a Jew, sorry if you can't see that because you still believe he's an "Aryan with a huge dick".
Your obsession with the penis size of an elderly, senile old fat guy is troubling.
Is he shitting on vanquish in this video or not
A fair amount of his videos are just him browsing threads on /gif/. He shilled his channel here when he was just a wee lad and his channel was about CoD and Minecraft.
I wouldn't be surprised if the webms were just him browsing Sup Forums.
>anyone who uses "cuck" is from Sup Forums
my fucking sides. how new are you, my man?
>because as I said, "redpill" means "sides with Sup Forums"
You can make up your own meanings for words if you want but if you do, you can't get upset when other people disagree and use the commonly accepted meanings instead.
Was he trash talking Vanquish? Just curious
It's almost like developers still make 2D games because people still like the genre.
does that mean all the old good games suddenly suddenly disappeared?
am i going to get a refund? oh, it didn't happen, just some retard spewing shit as usual.
Bill maher may have an agenda but he is fair. He invites alt right faggots and GOP Trump supporters to his show and defended fucktards like Coulter and Milo, so it's extra retarded for people to now dog pile him for saying nigger.
No one will care about him in 5 years. He's as much of a celeb as some American Idol winner people forgot about in short order.
fake "reviewer" who also has pro-Hitler views and refused to man up when called out. Sup Forums are pussies.
I don't know about jontron but pewd does not have an agenda. He just loves money. On the other hand all these network personalities() with their connections are cancerous and should fuck off.
Pfft, you are like a little baby. Look up the Frankfurt School and post modernists.
where do people like this retard come from?
reddit? tumblr? neogaf?
>Random swedish guy on the internet playing video games gets attacked by the media because kids watch him instead of them
>3 hollywood jews getting eaten by their own
One of these things is defendable.
My boy
>retarded Sup Forums gamers
Please, do feed me some bullshit about how only liberals are out to destroy gaming, then get mad when people point out that Jack Thompson is a conservative.
This gen is pretty underwhelming. Seems like last gen sucked up the last creativity the industry had and now they're just competing to see how many gays and special snowflakes they can pack into a game for a pat on the back.
No he isn't.
2017 is fucking amazing so far and will only get better.
>pro-Hitler views
Which ones?
>Pewdie goes from screeching fanboy pandering to painfully forced contrarian pandering
>Sup Forums laps it up
No, he's just being edgy, there've been plenty of good games this year.
He's a "classic liberal", which isn't really a bad thing, but I'm okay with dog-piling him because fuck everyone allied with that agenda. Read SJWs always Lie by Vox Day.
>Ys Seven
Clickbait be clickbait. He never lets played a single good game to begin with
what happened to him? what made him just drastically change his attitude?
I know high school just ended but its a little early for you niggers
>Sup Forums want every game to fail coz it's funny
>Sup Forums hated Pewdiepie
>now he hates video games
go browse Sup Forums or something m8s. we need to make Sup Forums great a gain.
Reminder to filter the word "Sup Forums", it makes threads much more enjoyable.
He's just playing a different character because he got bored of the first.
Not him but that's literally what it means, you're the one disagreeing with the commonly accepted meaning. "Redpill" has drifted extremely far from its Matrix roots.
you're pathetic.
>Have a huge dissenting opinion as the title in your video in caps
Fuck off Felix I didnt fall for it then I wont fall for it now.
more money flows from being an edgy ironic cynic instead of pandering to 12 year olds looking for letsplays and loud screaming
Jontrons a filthy iranian, he doesn't even fit in with neo-nazis
>You witnessed the day Pewdiepie became a reflection of Sup Forums.
Ori and the Blind Forest
I don't actually disagree. Games have really become worse.
He got tired of pandering to ADD children on horror games and had more money than he knew what to do with anyway, so he stopped giving a fuck. Then he realized he loved money too much so he kept making videos but now with no ideas, then WSJ attacked him for clickbait so now he's kind of woke.
He realized he gets more views by being edgy. It reels in people like Sup Forums while still entertaining the kiddies because he occasionally screams loud.
Isn't that literally you creating a safespace for yourself and your opinions
It does NOT mean "literally just agrees with Sup Forums", nobody would say that if you asked them what the term meant.
You might be living in an echo chamber, user.
An attention seeking retard who ran out of ideas so he's resorting to cheap flame bait?
Why do you care? You can filter what you want.
What do you think about people who close off the comment sections for their politically sensitive youtuve videos?
If a safespace is a place where offtopic shit that are also not videogames get cockblocked, i'm all in.
Breath of the Wild
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
If you already know what I'm talking about, why do you feel the need to phrase it like a question?
>implying the off-topic threads aren't the best part of Sup Forums
I see we have a newfag in our midst.
Three take it seriously in huge operations. One doesn't in a personal space.
They're smart people
>Ann Coulter
You're consistent and I have nothing against that.
Isn't it dead again
You're not gonna filter out off topic shit by filtering "Sup Forums". In fact you're more likely just going to filter out the people objecting to off topic content.
The weebs have been all fucking over Nier Automata and Persona 5 is all I really know. I mean Sup Forums's opinions on games are essentially worth shit anyway. I just come here once every few weeks maybe for the occasional pic/gif thread that doesn't just devolve into idiots screaming at each other and abandon thread when it does.
Sup Forums was better when off topic threads were actual chan material, not random normie shit like /soc/. School shooting threads were always the tits.
>conservative gamergate assholes are anti-piracy
pic related
>in fact it actually means ignoring facts to push a narrative.
I never knew Sup Forums was this leftist. Sad!
>Racist Nazi pewdiepie hates games
wtf I love video games now
Good riddance. I hope he takes his fan base with him.
>education meme on cheese
Both of our parties would benefit if you kindly found your way back to plebbit and stayed there.
Bloodborne just for the atmospear.
He's going from 2008 mode to 2011 mode.
>It's an e-celeb thread turns into Sup Forums bait thread
This is some pure unrefined cancer right here. Guarentee it'll reach 300+ posts before being deleted too
I can't stand watching more than 2 minutes of this guy
How do you become the most popular youtuber being annoying as fuck and having zero creativity?
>but no one on Sup Forums jumped to the defense of Stephen Colbert, Kathy lee, or Bill Maher?
I personally think if you tell a joke you shouldn't have to apologize for it or lose your job over it.