30 Fps

>30 Fps
SonyFags will defend this

Doesn't matter, it'll come to PC eventually

Well I mean so did the original unless you throttled it in emulation

>botw runs at 20fps on switch
>"wow, 10/10, GOAT
>crash runs at 30fps on ps4
>lol, only 30fps, crap game, sonyfags will defend this


Was the original trilogy running at 60? Also as long as stage timing feels right with how everything acts I literally do not care.

>muh nintendo
every time

>Implying I care
>Implying I won't get it anyway and have a good time while you're waiting for it to come to PC which may or may not (probably not) happen

I haven't been excited for something in awhile, been playing the GBA game to hold me over, it isn't working.

And why not make fun of Neokikeshitendo's blunders?

>30 fps

So it was you, ACfag

You mean an open world game on a portable runs as well as a corridor platformer on a console? waoh....... thisss..... power......is for the playerss... just whaoh

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>it's okay if nintendo does it

huh really make them marios wahoo

>can't manage to make a remaster of a 20 year old game run at 60 fps

The comparison isn't justified, sorry, sonypal. I also never plan to buy a nintendo console in my life.

Are all these 30 fps threads made by the same guy?

30 fps, with the blur effect.

Don't play it then? It's really that simple.

How is your wallet compared to your mind?

>low FPS is not absolutely bad, it's bad relative to the platform and type of game

so yeah, it's literally okay if nintendo does it


It's absolutely astounding to think about how years of western developer incompetence have led to this very point: one of the supposedly "best western studios" that "maxes out the PS4" can't even hit 30fps on a remake of a 20-year-old game.

We need a market collapse, followed by a rebuilt system where 60fps is the standard on consoles. Or I guess I could just keep playing on PC, that works too.

Don't worry, it'll be 60fps on Scorpio and PC, just remember the PS4 "exclusive" is just a year long.

Who is this "one of the supposedly best western studios"?

Naughty Dog isn't the one making this remaster

Naughty Dog sold the rights to Crash Bandicoot to Activision ages ago. Before being bought out by Sony. They've also spent years trying to legally get it back. This is all on Activision.

How embarrassing. Here I was wondering how Activision pulled this one off without cutting corners.

>Activision not cutting corners on anything Blizzard or CoD related
You for real?

Naughty Dog never owned the rights to Crash Bandicoot. It always belonged to Universal, who sold it to Vivendi, the then parent company of Activision, Sierra, and Blizzard and since Activision bought out all game related business from Vivendi, they now own Crash.

>low FPS is not absolutely bad, it's bad relative to the platform and type of game
Of course, the PS4 is more than powerful enough to run a game like this remake at 60. Zelda runs at almost 30 because that's the best the switch can do.
So it's probably incompetence from traveller's tales or whatever studio is doing the remake. Either way, it's unacceptable.

30FPS only really matters in terms of multiplayer games. It's garbage for devs to invest that little into the technical side of their game but more forgivable than in a CoD or Overwatch.

>They've also spent years trying to legally get it back
This is a lie.

I don't understand. It seems we are in agreement.

I've been waiting for a competent human being to get here.

>30FPS only really matters in terms of multiplayer games
You need to stop posting, a higher framerate is a sign that the hardware supports the software well and isn't trying to run something that it shouldn't. 30FPS is a clue about something going wrong during development.

The original was made over a decade ago, you are literally defending a remake running as well as a game made over a decade ago. Congrats.

>This is a lie

I didn't realize you knew everything they've been doing the past few years. We have officially found a bad ass.

What if they did it for the purpose of it feeling like l, oh I don't know, an HD remake? That's all it is. An HD remake.


>screencapping your own shitpost


I see where you're coming from. There's no way to determine which of us is right - whether they made the requirements too high and didn't want to invest more technically or just made the requirements too high knowingly to begin with.

A HD remake that's been built from the ground up with new models, textures, etc. There's no excuse for 30 FPS in 2017 other than laziness.
Nintendo makes flawed remakes too, but at least those run at 60 FPS usually.

>It'll come to PC eventually
What alternate universe are you living in?

Go to bed, Donald.

It's not a shitpost. Neogaf requires you sign up with a paid email service and the moderators are like Nazis there.
A lot of people at Neogaf think like the person in the screencap does, because a lot of them are Sonyfags.
It's always refreshing to know there's a place worse than Sup Forums.

Keep up with these fucking threads

Sorry but I don't stay on Sup Forums 24/7

>No reason for 30fps in 2017

Sure there is. It gives PCfags a reason to shit about.

All I care about is that it's stable. I can play at a stable fps.

good for you.

Bloated, spaghetti code is likely the reason.

Either that, or they went full retarded with the amount of automated postprocessing fx which are probably doing a hell of crosstalking, instead of manually baking lighting like ND originally did.

Considering you're the one buying these games, you should be the one upset about it.

>Devs don't bother and just create shit because even they would prefer you just went back and played the originals

Sorry I had a horrible brainfart. I guess I meant to respond by questioning how you expected that Acti wouldn't cut corners on everything with Blizzard and CoDshit being the exceptions.

Then again even CoD cut corners by running on a heavily modified Q3 engine and reusing assets from CoD 4/WaW

>I like things being inferior or shitty for no reason because I can use it to shitpost to others
I sometimes forget what types of people are on Sup Forums.

A 20 year old game pushing its hardware above and beyond its limits to achieve unprecedented videogame graphics for its time and still managing to get a rocksolid 30 fps isn't comparable to something that looks like unity fan game running at half the framerate that better looking games can run at on the same hardware.

Even with all the post processing in the world (which clearly isn't there, judging from the videos) the PS4 should be able to handle it easily. Nothing looks particularly high-poly, nothing indicates anything too taxing in terms of effects. If it's a design choice to go for 30, it's disgusting.

>And Sony went the always offline route

>20 years old

They are brainwashed just like some of the posters here.

>It's always refreshing to know there's a place worse than Sup Forums.

If only. This place is for nintendo as neogaf is for sony, we have a fucking filter on nintenbro for fuck sake.

There's filters for sonybro and xbot too.

Cease your victim complex, trash.

>we have a fucking filter on nintenbro for fuck sake.
You're a fucking dumbass. Like honestly, I'm not sure if you're feigning ignorance or you're a gaffer looking for an excuse to bitch and be a victim.
There's a sony-related filter too, you can't say So(nygger) and/or Sony(pony) anymore.
It was a piss-poor attempt to stop console war shitpost spam

holy fucking kek
Sup Forums is a bastion of honest discussion compared to that shithole

Pretty much.
This sums it up well

I'm a sonyfag, and I don't defend this.
The graphics aren't that great, there's no excuse.
The fucking PS2 games had 60fps.
Then again, a lot of PS2 games did, while very little PS3 and 4 games do. Why is this?


they fixed this with a patch

how did he not see the irony in writing that ban message?

Because the gaf mods are subhumans.