Friendly reminder that this is your new Lara Croft

Friendly reminder that this is your new Lara Croft.

>that severe lack of titty

this chick was so wooden and emotionless in the last bourne movie


more like womb raider lol

sorry, no one on Sup Forums would stick their dick in that

Sometimes I think I'm flat and then I look at girls like this and realize just how worse it could be.

>that malnourished twig

>having any kind of cardio vascular and enduro strength to do anything more demanding than lie on her back getting dicked 24/7 until she fucking dies

Where the fuck are her legs?

>ima gril on teh interwebs TEEHEE **--^__^--**

Let HRT do its magic, do not get implants please.

She skipped leg day


she sucks at acting, not that it will mean much for the tomb raider movie

lucky bastard. i hate my moobs

she skipped every day except 'don't eat anything, drink a few sips of water'

I can already tell she has no ass

Low estrogen cuckqueans I bet you have no ass either. KYS you inferior subhuman titlets

>bulbous head
>no legs
>no arms

how is she supposed to do half of what lara does


they arent doing the latest games storyline i hope?

you forgot your image

she gets naked in like every other movie for some reason

>That hot asian girl

How can white girls even compete?

Since the outfit looks nearly identical to Laras' in the reboot, it's a safe bet that they are.

She doesn't even look remotely similar

>no tits
>no muscle
>face of a 12 year old
This like a teenage origin story?

>finding women who look half asleep 24/7


Did I trigger you slut? Jelly?

Forever pissed they didn't just give it to the chick that voiced her. So hot.

This is why white girls resort to blacks and latinos.

>Her casting is announced
>A bunch of people saying what a perfect choice she is and how good she looks
>Im just sitting here like what the fuck she looks awful and nothing like Lara

the original TR is honestly the best videogame movie, Silent Hill 1 or MK1 close behind

There better be a hot asian girl if they are making lara look like a 12 year old boy.

She doesn't look like she can gun down a gorillian guys. If someone farted on her she would probably fall over.

>>>A bunch of people saying what a perfect choice she is and how good she looks

Most of those are hambeast feministas and white knights applauding the fact that she doesn't look like a "bimbo".

Its not even about being hot, which this actress is not, but look at her body is not athletic at all.

>no titties
>no ass
>narrow hips
>no thighs
>broad shoulders
>okay face
>not fit
Why cast someone who is the anti-Lara?

all i remember from that movie is how much i wanted to fuck angelina jolie, the years haven't been kind to her

old lara who kicked ass is sexist
new lara who is vulnerable and frail is empowering women because her tits aren't as big.

But even Nu-Lara is more fit than the actor.


Oh jeez, I kind of feel bad for her. I have bigger tits than that and I'm male.

She needs a boob job stat, if she wants to be in Hollywood.

I have a huge sleep fetish, so i'm down with it.

Why don't chestlets just kill themselves?

>tfw the model and voice actor for Lara's in-game character looks and probably acts better than her

This movie is going to bomb like a nuclear explosion. I cannot fathom how we go from perfection personified as seen in pic related to a woman who has the figure of a wooden plank. I've seen anorexics with more meat on their bones than this broad. I've said it before and I'll say it again, FUCK Crystal Dynamics for butchering this character. The reboot games are shit, this new abomination known as Lara is shit, and the movie looks a million times worse because at least Lora had meat on her fucking thighs.

If you enjoy the Crystal Dynamic reboot shlock, I sincerely want you to fuck off because you clearly have no taste and are a poison to good games everywhere. This isn't Lara Croft. This is a butchery of my childhood.

Original TR movie was trash, but at least the actress had the right body type for the role.

Damn. PS4 games finally got some good graphics.

I prefer it to the sequel. Nothing can save a film in which the protagonist cuts herself to lure in a shark at the bottom of the ocean and then ride the shark to the surface. I can only take suspension of disbelief so far.

she became a skelly, but she is still alright for her age.

>boy ass
>boy shoulders
>no hips whatsoever
>twelve-year-old's breasts

The second-hand embarrassment is real.

She looks like a Lost extra who had a scrapped episode where they find a box of pheromones.