Does this guy actually like games or does he shit on every game he reviews just to add inches to his virtual dick
Does this guy actually like games or does he shit on every game he reviews just to add inches to his virtual dick
he liked plenty of them, but given he talks more about the flaws it makes it sound like he hates everything
the ones he truly hated typically get reviewed after he didn't even finish the game
If you've watched his vids then you would know the answer to that question. In any case, I dunno why you made a thread dedicated to a professional shitposter.
he stole his whole gimmick from Stuart Ashen(his "Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Of" series), except ashens actually reviews genuinely bad games, this ripoff just pretends all games are shit. Literally the only format difference is the lack of gameplay.
He specifically said in like his third review no one likes it when he just flat out praises a game, so he's gonna stick to being mainly negative for that dosh. If you want his serious opinion read his other stuff
>shit on every game he reviews just to add inches to his virtual dick
It's this. Most of the time he never even plays them and makes up shit.
>actually enjoys some games
>Sup Forums gets angry because he shits on some they like
why do you even care what he says in the first place
>sucks Dark Souls' dick endlessly and praises it for shit Demon's Souls did
>played Demon's Souls prior to this and rage quited on the second level never to touch it again
I wouldn't know I haven't watched that shit in years.
He's a liberal faggot. Of course he's retarded.
All he does is say something negative about a game then say something gross.
>If you want his serious opinion read his other stuff
I like zero punctuation but about half of his written opinions are completely retarded. He turned into a darks souls dickrider and started comparing every game he reviewed to DS as soon as he played it. Generally the only I agree with him about are how major publishers jew the players but everybody already knows that.
>I'm a snowflake
damn son, calm down
He's been doing it for 10 years.
He must get some enjoyment out of it. That or his virtual dick is gigantic now.
Projecting much?
>Le projection meme
try harder faggot chan
Yeah, and his latest video has him complaining about how a Dark Souls clone is "too hard".
Not to mention how much he's gone about shilling Spec Ops The Line and Bioshock Infinite.
Anyone read his books?
No, but if the writing style he uses in his articles is how he writes books then I can tell you they aren't worth reading.
>I like zero punctuation but about half of his written opinions are completely retarded
do you mean every opinion he has? Watch let's drown out, watch a stream, etc. and it doesn't matter. half of what he says his bullshit and another quarter is a comparison to DS no matter the games genre or topic
He likes plenty of games, he just so happened to shit on your favorite game and hurt your fee fees.
Maybe you shouldn't take a comedy skit so seriously. If it makes you feel better, Yahtzee is a megasperg with crippling social anxiety like you.
Man, he comes off as a total wanker on let's drown out.
He does like some games, but he has very, very bad taste and usually drops a game a couple of hours in if it is at all complex.
I've watched a couple of them but I've never been able to stomach more than five or ten minutes because it's mostly just him and his annoying friend trying and failing to be funny for an hour.
That series would be much better if they just shut the fuck up and played naturally instead of having a "who can outquip who the fastest"competition
>Anyone liking something I don't is shilling
See, I can misinterpret shit too, faggot
He's a complete piece of shit
>Incapable of making a Nintendo Review without 5 minutes of anti-Nintendo bitching and moaning.
>Washed out on Monster Hunter before killing the first boss or leaving the game's tutorial segment
>Washed out on Demon's Souls until Souls games became trendy, then he read a guide and tried really hard to fit in and claims to love them now.
Which is why he needs someone like Gabriel to balance him out. Him by himself is insufferable.
He's not a reviewer. He's a comedian.
Maybe tutorials shouldn't drag on for most of the game
>prominent reviewer complains games are dumbed down and hold the player's hand
>they're shit at even the most basic tasks
Egoraptor, Razorfist, and Yahtzee all fall into this trap.
>Washed out on Monster Hunter before killing the first boss or leaving the game's tutorial segment
In fairness to him, Monster Hunter is boring garbage.
So what game did he bash to hurt your fee-fees, or is it that your petty little hive-mind can't stand someone having an opinion?
>check some review
>sounds like he absolutely hated the game
>later he does a top 5 list of best/worst games
>it was actually his fav game that year
I'm pretty sure ragequitting when the game fucks you over or bores you is a good sign the game is shit
>But hey, there are people who still think of Myst as a classic, generally people that haven't played it lately.
He's right, you know.
>shits on Halo for having "bad gameplay"
>his favourite games if Half Life 2
okay the internet is getting more retarded by the minute. First thot now this.
It's not that it's bad, it's that it's mediocre and static.
Not an answer
>it's that it's mediocre and static
He literally called the gunplay in Halo bad while praising Half Life 2. The guy is clueless.
Explain, frogposter
Does Sup Forums actually like games or do they shit on every game they review just to add inches to their virtual dick?
What do you need explained?
Okay here's your answer: None
I just was forced to watch it by my friends and noticed the pattern.
Are you satisfied Reddit-Fag, here's your (You)
We literally shit on everything Tumblrl cuck
You put out a loaded statement without backing it up properly. I want an explanation on what Halo gunplay has over Half-Life 2.
Not when it's a Japanese company that pays your daddy Hiro
I'm honestly sick to death of all the "BUY THIS GAME IT HAS WAIFU" threads. Porn hasn't gone anywhere, why buy a game for that?
Yahtzee is fairly entertaining and I enjoy his word play.
Because porn has gotten fucking dull?
>OH YEAH YEAH!!! MY ORGASMS ARE SO REAL! *texts on phone*
You say that like Japanese shit hasn't gotten dull
>Copy and paste
>Tweak it to by belief
wow, how edgy, I bet you had to be on your feet to think of that witty comment.
>*Tips Fedora*
Nobody over 25 actually likes games.
Not an argument
They are fun little reads. I wouldn't go into them expecting literary perfection but they are not bad. I got his most recent for free on audiobook and it was fun listening to him do the characters.
Not an argument
You will never be this butthurt
Not an argument
daily reminder thart this is the guy that openly admitted being unable to finish Chrono Trigger in one of hid videos
Dude. He couldn't kill Great Jaggi.
Literally the first threatening monster you encounter who's basically garbage tier almost immediately. In a game with 25+ monsters ranging from leviathans to enormous wyverns, he couldn't kill the baby sized velociraptor guy who does nothing but tackle and spin around.
You should still wait until you've killed even one "monster" before claiming it's shit.
Like, I'd pressure people to slay their first Rathalos or Rathian before quitting.
He couldn't kill this little fella down here. Just a basic tutorial on dodging and punishing and he couldn't handle it.
Where was that mentioned?
Monster Hunter Tri I think.
Liar. There was no mention of shit boss fights anywhere
If I recall correctly, we can infer from what he says about his experience and time with the game that he never even got past Great Jaggi. Maybe it's not clear to you if you haven't played the game yourself.
I can go rewatch and prove the point if I want, but you'll find I'm not the only person making this claim about him.
You are willing to give him free advertising, so he's doing something right.
Yahtzee never uses footage from his plays, so you have no physical evidence to prove that.
No I have his own words on how much of the game he completed and what he accomplished within it.
Go watch the video. I'm not bothering just to spoonfeed you.
Yes, that's what he is saying.
>I just was forced to watch it by my friends and noticed the pattern.
Your friends forced you to watch so many videos that you could pick up on a pattern?
He made a 2nd video talking about Half-Life in current days. While he doesn't laud it as great, he appreciated it for some things, which is having good pace and good physics engine, and overall being a fun game. Halo is just the first game console games got to be that had the capability of being as big as a PC game. Only that it was generic and bland and spawned the downfall of video games.
I did, and I'm saying there's no way you could possibly know that for sure.
There's something wrong with this place when they actually believe reviewers should be taken seriously, let alone trusted. Yahtzee should just be watched for entertainment purposes only for instance.
>Praised Bioshock infinite till anyone with more than 2 working brain cells showed up all the flaws to him. Then he started hating it.
>Hated DeS but came back crawling when DaS became a hit and his justification was "perharps i was too hasty, silly me".
>Wears an fedora unironically.
Hes an idiot doing it only for the money.
That seems to be the majority of YT game reviewers these days. I think I lost my shit when I watched that Pre Rec video talking about the original Sonic the Hedgehog game, where they couldn't even do a simple thing like press down while running to activate the spin dash to kill a fucking robot in front of them. They argued they couldn't react in time to do anything.
Idiot, he was well aware of the flaws and still liked it.
He has nothing new to add when I perfectly understand what he's saying. Only kids/idiots find him a great reviewer because they can't keep up with what's he's saying in-between those jokes he makes.
Didn't yatzee review demon souls after Dark Souls, at least the first one?
When the only quests he describes are 1 star quests, I think it's safe to assume he never got any farther. Don't you think that if he actually got to what is the whole damn point of the game, he would have mentioned it?
Perhaps he would have gotten to it if those quests drag on for as long as the Kingdom Hearts 2 prologue.
Seriously, you fanboys are fucking insufferable.
>I ate shit but at least i KNEW it was shit, i just did it anyway.
Then it makes him worse. Instead of an idiot, he has shit taste.
>it took me an hr to make a witty comment!
Yeah, unlike you I have friends.
Show me on the doll where Capcom touched you.
This. Ill be, 25 this year. I feel like the only game I enjoy is a Pokemon crystal romhack running in 300% speed on my vita
And you're a fucking hipster.
He's a fucking reviewer, it's not like he won't play shit games.
He's a critic, in the classical, 1800's sense, not a reviewer, in the for profit press sense. If you can understand the difference in goal, action, and style of these two forms of writing, you will appreciate Yahtzee's method.
Critics critique, reviewers, review. They are not the same thing.
And we've reached the point where you're out of arguments. Congratulations. You lose.
I like his jokes but the game market is too samey for him to make any interesting comments. I was disappointed in the OW review being a battle between it and Battleborne, but considering anything he could have complained about was covered in previous videos like Battlefront there's not a lot to work with.
At this point he's just doing this because he gets paid a lot because he's the only thing keeping Escapist alive.
He's definitely a bandwagoner though, if the whole Souls saga didn't indicate as such. (basically says in the DS1 review that someone needed to tell him it was like Castlevania for him to enjoy it). His P5 review was weird with how he stuck to his usual JRPG bashing for the majority of it to kinda admit he liked it in the end without going into what differentiates it from worse JRPGs.
If he stopped reviewing specific games like every AAA shooter that he clearly doesn't care about and just talked about whatever he felt like (he basically does this in his recent reviews anyway) I feel like he could get to the more Extra Punctuation style analyses, but then you wouldn't have the fanboy drama like with Brawl which you will never see again because no one cares about him anymore.
He liked Persona 5. He really lightened up. He just needs to redo his Demon's Souls review.
Really surprised when he like Persona 5
>Someone had to tell
No, he figured it out on his own.
>you have to get the cliff notes to truly appreciate it
That's a lot of his own work he put into that
dude no one of patrician taste actually likes games lmao
have you browsed this board for more than a week? People here hate games
>Only that it was generic and bland and spawned the downfall of video games.
>not CS which Halo was heavily influenced by
It heavily influenced the way games go on consoles now which you can take as you will but most of its mechanics weren't original.
If that wasn't the game's intention, why does the Orange Sign Soapstone exist?
>He just needs to redo his Demon's Souls review.
It wasn't a review, it was a critique and it would behoove you to learn the difference as it will make all his videos make more sense and easier to get along with. That's why he doesn't do scores; scores don't make sense for a critic, they make *some* sense for a reviewer, but 0 sense for a critic.
Reviews generally involve critiques
Back in 2007 when he was first starting out he gave Portal a flawless review and people didn't like it ever since his schtick has been nitpicking the shit out of every single game even if he likes it.