What went right ?

What went right ?

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Mechanics, characters, most supports, art/character design, soundtrack, and story. Map design is literally the only thing wrong with this game
>inb4 someone says the whole thing is bad because the maps are bad

Delthea, guess what? I made a friend today!


>most supports

cats don't count, loser

Oh, by the way, will it sell well? Do we have some numbers? I liked it way more than Fates.

Fuck me, i cannot pass act 1 unless i get the fucking draco shield, I just can't go on knowing i missed the shield. Fuck you slayde, why the fuck you don't keep tryng to get to the heal spot forever? STOP PRIORITIZING ATTACKING!


fuck off, this is shittier than fates

Presentation > Story. The plot can be as generic as it wants to be, but if it's told in a satisfying manner, it's still an enjoyable experience. There's a lot of little pieces of enjoyment that all build up to a fun time. The characters commenting in gameplay left and right, the NPCs in each town, the base conversations and supports, even if they're all brief and nothing special, they're small bits of enjoyment peppered through the whole game and keep it from feeling like a completely painful or simply dull time. This is what this game does so much better than Awakening and Fates.

you can farm dracoshields starting in chapter 4. it is less grind to farm 4 scales off dragon spawns than it is to reset grind that chapter.

>tfw everyone has their final battle quotes
>tfw battle music changes in part 5
>tfw alm and celica hold hands on the title screen once you beat the game

thanks intelligent systems for making the best 3ds fire emblem game

as in like, 90% of them. I wouldn't even really count the weak links as negatives for the game because they aren't even bad, just a little underwhelming.
On Japanese Launch week it sold 1/2 as much as Awakening and 1/3 as much as Fates in their respective launch weeks. Keep in mind it had minimal marketing and that Fates had 3 versions, so take that as you will. If I had to guess what that means, not amazing, but not bad by any means

The supports were barebones shit. You learn virtually nothing about the characters through them and didn't have much meat or meaning to them in contrast to past games.

The plot had a good foundation but got much lamer and barebones as the game progressed, with Celica's journey feeling really pointless and her and Alm doing some dumb shit.

The mechanics could be hit or miss. Cheesing maps with "retreat" is pretty dumb and the unit spawns can be obnoxious as hell. Plus I don't like how easily characters can rack up a lot of crit.

With that said, I thought it was still a decent game. I liked the ideas they put in such as towns and the time control, but other shit like dungeons and map design didn't sit well with me.

music like the world map themes, Act 2 and Act 4's especially.

Ok, i will give it one last shot, if slayde fucks it up, i will give up and move on.

>alm ch 1-4
"this banner is really majestic, i wonder how much it cost to make"
"ouch! i looked straight at the sun and burned my eyes"
"that torch is really bright! best be sure not to burn my hands"

alm ch.5
"that is a banner"
"that is the sun"
"that is a torch"

they put way too much effort into the examine text, but it really payed off there

>best 3ds fire emblem game
conquest exists

>90% of them
There are like 6 good supports in this game are you kidding me? Half of my arbitrary number that's good is Alm's.

>>tfw alm and celica hold hands
wtf isnt this game only rated t

Supports here remind me sacred stones, that is good.

As somebody who doesn't play Fire Emblem, I literally only learned this game existed yesterday. The only FE threads I ever saw by passing on the catalog were for the mobage too.

Why did they suddenly drop all marketing whatsoever?

The gameplay was good, but the characters were very shit. Fates is the first FE game ever to make me skip dialogues.

They literally only marketed awakening and fates

I still remember when I was like 15 or something, not on Sup Forums but checked ign regularly and things like that, and the way I found out about Radiant Dawn's release was that one day I just saw it on a shelf at Target.

Because it's somewhat low budget remake by a B team of a game that was never too popular to begin with, and released on the 3DS after the Switch already came out.

I enjoyed them quite a bit for the most part. I don't think they really needed to have a whole lot of meaning, since it's a remake that didn't have supports before. What's important is that you get to see how they interact, like with Delthea and Luthier or Clive and Mathilda. Maybe you missed some of the better ones with substance? Delthea and Clair shows how much Delthea cares for her brother, and Leon and Valbar gives us a look at how good of a person the big guy really is

The only thing I didn't like about it was Celica had no reason to sacrifice herself and seems stupid for doing so. I don't think that's what the original intent was, but it was mostly a matter of how poorly they handled context for her decision and how suddenly she changes her attitude. What stupid shit is Alm doing? For the entire game his goals remain pretty much the same, to defeat Rigel, and then at the end that changes to Duma. Stuff like Rudolf's ploy usually comes off to me as stupid, but I thought it was really cool because more than anything it was because he wanted his son to grow up strong and happy before the terrible shit he and the world would have to face.

I was more talking about stuff like HP magic/skills, the way promotions and classes work, and weapons. The skills were a bit poorly balanced and oftentimes useless, but I think that'd be simple to fix just by letting you follow up with a normal attack afterwards. I like the idea of using HP for them a whole fucking lot more than "chance to do more damage but it's not a crit". The weapons were fun to use. It was fun to have another aspect to character growth in mastery of specific weapons, for the occasional skills that did matter. And the upper tiers felt like they were strong with appropriate drawbacks, rather than just crippling the fuck out of you and being useless like in Fates. Promotion is mostly just my personal preference though, because I find the idea of 3 tiers cool as fuck.

>copy and paste characters
>dude lets not kill anyone lmao xDD
>edgy takumi subplot
>corrin foiled my plot again!
i sincerely hope you don't think conquest had a good plot

Is there a Genny x Saber support or something? Fucking god how am I supposed to know all the supports?does the game want me to guess?

fate had the worst FE characters, the worst plot, but the most content and best gameplay in the series.

I hope IS will get what Fates did right and wrong.

It added Mila's Turnwheel which is the single best mechanic ever in a Fire Emblem game.

I'm going to really struggle to go back to the old games after finishing Echoes.

>Story and characters as good as SoV
>Gameplay as good as Conquest
Can they do it?

They actually don't, but their endings mention they both married somebody but neither makes a mention of who. Genny meanwhile has a base conversation where she mentions a preference for older men. It's not a ship that has a whole lot set in stone, but there's enough there for the imagination to wonder.

Better gameplay and map design than the piece of shit that is echoes

Sorry I came to play GAMES here kid not read books

Echoes plot isn't even that good anyone the praise it gets is retarded

>generic as fucking plot
>most boring MCs ever devised by human mind
>complete dearth of supports, what few supports there are are extremely short and REEK of filler
>garbage maps that are extremely repetitive with the same dumb enemy AI
>the most tedious desert/swamp levels in any FE ever made
>entire game is piss-easy even without turnwheel, one of the easiest FEs right up there with SS and Birthright
>incredibly dated mechanics overall like lack of shops, completely unneeded Fatigue mechanics, restrictive equipment management, terrible weapon balance

you are actually fucking stupid if you think Echoes is good

>better gameplay
>when tactical options like skills linked to weapons, magic draining hp, and weapons sacrificing speed for attack exist
I will give you that conquest had good map design, but fire emblem has always been about stories and characters and politics. not about """map design"""

>fire emblem has always been about stories and characters and politics. not about """map design"""

this is nu-FE everyone

Is there any way to fix Res?

You learn that Genny and Sonya were both dumped at priories from their one support, and that sonya is a lot like Genny's mother, and that both resent their parents for it. Sonya obviously does seeing as her father is Jedah. I miss when having a support together meant that the two characters had chemistry.
Sorry there's no crazy randumb falling into holes humor for you with a marriage cherry on top

I enjoyed it a fair bit. Not the absolute peak but a great addition to the series.
More than FEA and Fates though, because the game in general and overall was enjoyable to play through rather than some main aspects being amazing but others being so dogshit it's unbearable, like in Fates.
Favorite out of the 3DS FEs, high-middle in the franchise as a whole.

I really don't like this attitude towards games and a lot of Sup Forums seems to parrot it. Good gameplay is very important obviously. In most cases it's the most important thing. But so many people put gameplay at the top priority at the expense of literally everything else. For me, it's about how everything in the game works together, and how enjoyable it was as a whole product. I can ignore mediocre or even poor gameplay if it's tolerable and literally everything else about the game is enjoyable.

I liked the one item system and it would have made the game even easier if you could hold multiple things

>generic as fucking plot
welcome to fire emblem. at least it wasn't stupid like fates or awakening
>most boring MCs ever devised by human mind
i know this is an exaggeration but honestly you have to have played like 10 games for this to be true
>complete dearth of supports, what few supports there are are extremely short and REEK of filler
FE never needed supports. it actually functioned without them for a while.
>garbage maps that are extremely repetitive with the same dumb enemy AI
it works because you are fucking fighting a war you dipshit
>the most tedious desert/swamp levels in any FE ever made
you obviously have never played FE1
>entire game is piss-easy even without turnwheel, one of the easiest FEs right up there with SS and Birthright
try playing on hard/classic.
>incredibly dated mechanics overall like lack of shops, completely unneeded Fatigue mechanics, restrictive equipment management, terrible weapon balance
it's a goddamn remake. of course things will be dated. lack of shops is good, thats how good FEs were. fatigue made sure you weren't just farming in dungeons. equipment made sure you were weighing the tactical choices of swapping out items.

fuck off nu-FE fag

Yeah, same. I appreciated that you couldn't just throw items on a character to make them stacked as fuck, you had to actually consider their strengths and weaknesses and give them something that complimented and covered them properly.

if you honestly think that FE is a gameplay-focused series you are fucking delusional and no amount of smug anime girls will fix that


Honestly, as fun as 5-range archers and 3-range mages are, I think the mechanics are garbage. It plays like an NES game and I'm horrified that Awakening got hated on when suddenly NES gameplay is being praised. It's horribly simple and even more or a stat-fest than Awakening.


Awakening put me off with its broken pair up (some units are just useless buffs for stronger units) and child characters making adult units irrelevant

Let's not forget

>A forced romance somehow worse and more cringy than half of the Fates romances, except instead of two minutes, it's FIVE CHAPTERS


U wot m8

Fucking Mystery of the Emblem shits all over Gaiden.

Echoesfags are fucking delusional lmao. I can't believe you're defending the shitty writing, GARBAGE maps, and incredibly easy difficulty. I beat the entire game AND postgame dungeon on classic/hard with 0 grinding. What a fucking joke. You have to be a complete retard to think this game is challenging, but then again, only a complete retard who defend Echoes' incredibly obvious flaws

that's why i said best 3ds FE game, not best FE game that is obviously Radiant Dawn

Honestly, pair-up isn't even needed since enemies don't pair up. It's basically a cheat since only you can use it.

The 2nd gens I agree to it somewhat, but amusingly enough it's way less overpowered than in FE4 where 2nd gen units pretty much became literal gods, like fucking Sety and his 105% speed growth.

I actually think Radiant Dawn is pretty awful.

The story was retarded - especially blood pacts, the only likeable characters were from PoR, Micaiah Sue and the Loser Brigade were unfun to use, and some of the maps could be huge slogs.

I said it before but still
The game is fine. Not the absolute best or worst, but a solid addition to the series.
Why does Sup Forums always resort to extremes with zero sense of moderation? Always has to be GOAT or TORTANIC 2.0

>shitty writing
literally better than the disaster that was fates.
again, still better than awakening and birthright. conquest is the only place where echoes is beat in this category.
>incredibly easy difficulty
>I beat the entire game AND postgame dungeon on classic/hard with 0 grinding
>dude i totally beat this game without grinding it's so easy lol xD i dont need to show you any proof tho cuz its that fucking eazy lmfao
you are fucking retarded
>You have to be a complete retard to think this game is challenging
when did i ever say that?

>it works because you are fucking fighting a war you dipshit
(lol, what? Are Awakening/Genealogy tier maps okay because its realistic?

I mainly like Radiant Dawn for the depth that was unseen in the series up until that point as well as the scale of the main plot. though i will admit PoR is a better constructed game from a gameplay and map design standpoint

Because when you dedicate so much of yourself to hyping up one game as being the best in the series, another game coming out that's almost a hard opposite of it triggers an immediate instinct to hate it.


It's amusing/concerning how angry people will get over someone else enjoying a game they didn't. The first negative post in this thread is someone saying fuck off just because someone implied the game was enjoyable.

The plot is tolerable but no more than that. Micaiah is nowhere as bad as people say though, she looks like a mary sue on paper but fills her plot role well, given she is supposed to be a divine-looking icon of her people obsessed with green haired todd howard.
It's mainly because the gameplay is very good and the story is barely tolerable, plus it's a good console one. PoR had great story but zero difficulty to speak of, so RD and PoR go very well together.

Please be bait.

>game is easy
>"try hard/classic"
this clearly implies you thought it was challenging lmao

god ur stupid

but I'm glad we agree Echoes is piss-easy

you said it was easy. i merely was trying to show you that it can be at least moderate difficulty.


Sup Forums seems very instinctual.

>but the most content and best gameplay in the series.

This is how you know someone only played Awakening before.

It's funny how it's easy to tell these redditors who shit on Echoes have never played it

calm down user. I loved the game, but you're not gonna change his mind and all you'll get with a post like this is more replies with the same shit you're angry at. "You're wrong, it's not shit because I say so" isn't gonna convince anyone.
Let's just try to make the thread comfy, and talk about the things we did and didn't like, yeah?

>Universally agreed that Gaiden is shit
>Suddenly Gaiden is good

More like Echoesfags haven't played enough other Fire Emblem.

>threadly reminder that faye's husband gets ultra cucked at the end

>universally agreed
By who? Redditors like you?

The main reason I believe that they aren't together is that Saber's epilogue mentions that he brought his wife about with him everywhere/showed her off, whereas Genny's epilogue says people don't know who she married, which probably would be contradicted by Saber's bit.

I played the original up until Act 3 after Echoes was announced and stopped because of the difficulty spike there. Game has obvious problems, but is it so wrong that I liked it if nothing else than because it was different? I think it and some of its ideas that carried over into SoV could be genuinely great if they became series mainstays, if implemented properly. Dungeons would be fun if they had thought put into them, and like I've said in other posts I think using HP instead of RNG for skills would make the games a lot more fun.

Which other game has most content then ?

but I played it on the setting you said, beat the entire game and postdungeon without grinding, it was one of the easiest FEs I've played. If you think Echoes is "moderately challenging" by FE standards, you are not good at FE

>the only people who dislike the game are people who didn't play it

Find a flaw.

Radiant Dawn is significantly longer than conquest

best mobile fire emblem since fire emblem 7

she's not Mae

She's not Palla

This is the most funny thing I've read all day.

better hair than palla though.

She got enough flaws that Marth didn't consider looking in her direction.

she looks super fuckin fat in that thumbnail holy shit.

That's not Caeda

you are a grade A retard

They do that from the very start, just let them run a bit.

It's pretty much one of the best Remakes of all time.
This really isn't debatable

i mean they never were adults from the start before you beat the game
still makes my heart warm whenever i see it

It doesn't have waifus and ((((treehouse)))) didn't get their greasy mits on it. That's what went right.

>t. nu FE babies that have never played any game before awakening

are you fucking retarded? awakening was the one where story came before gameplay. fucking shithead

>m-maybe if I say they didn't play other FEs t-that'll make my point valid






Their VAs were so good, they sounded... hungry or fulfilling with their voices.

>he didn't play any of the GBA games
you can't be this ignorant, can you? this fucking stupid?
nice parrot you got there

nigga i skipped half of the story in 7, it was that unimportant. stop baiting, no one is falling for it.

I played all the FE games, PoR + RD, Awakening, and all 3 Fates routes

you're fucking retarded when you say FE isn't about gameplay


You can't get your ass destroyed by Magic if it doesn't hit you in the first place.

That's the trick

I needed JP voices for Fates but this had the same voice director as Nier 1 which is my favorite dub ever.

Alm, Lukas, Clair, and Berkut are my favorites so far.