ITT: We discuss the upcomming pyro update and new "jungle theme" that we're supposed to be getting
ITT: We discuss the upcomming pyro update and new "jungle theme" that we're supposed to be getting
its not coming
>shitty gimmicky primary weapon
>shitty gimmicky secondary weapon
>melee reskin
>Pyro gets one new weapon
>no other changes
>weapon is okay but people think it's OP because they're not used to it
>Valve nerfs it to shit and people stop using the new weapon at all
>moves on to Heavy update
It's going to be terrible and will feature yet another crate with a speshul unique key and some new cosmetics with rarity levels
>op hasnt switched over to overwatch
>No burn damage character
It stinks
but seriously though Overwatch needs a pyro
A couple new weapons and a new hat
That's it.
I don't understand why it doesn't have it
Because Overwatch players are bad and wouldn't be able to deal.
probably because they didn't wanna relate overwatch to tf2 too much so they dont get sued
You know after TF2 community went to shit and UberEnt went full retard with super monday night combat I wanted a nice team based shooter, yet OW dissapointed me and I don't know WHY it simply feels bland and boring to me and not something I wanna play for hour after hour like TF2 or MNC
>I don't know WHY it simply feels bland and boring
Because it's a bland and boring game, I dropped it after a few months when I realize how shallow it is.
I only had around 26 hours played (or less than that even) when I quit around september, it was fucking pathetic since I got the game in may.
Overwatch is pretty vanilla. All the guns feel like peashooters, the amount of maps and game modes are small without the promises of modding or community servers, the only real content updates are skins or the rare character update, and worst of all is the matchmaking, it takes forever to get into a game and thats even with Skirmish mode.
Oh god i miss Smnc. It's still one of my favorite multiplayer games. WHY DID IT FAILED? Didn't Uber promised to relaunch the game? Did they said about it anything after that?
Headshot crits are a stupid mechanic that makes damage prediction impossible and therefore reduces defensive options. At any point anyone in a 1v1 can suddenly be jumped on by a tracer and genji blinking in out of nowhere, which means it is always incorrect to fight unless it is a 6v6 clusterfuck where tracer and genji are already occupied. Defensive mobility is severely worse than offensive mobility, most maps are designed with multiple entrances to a chokepoint but only one way out, which is pants-on-head retarded for payload maps and ends up leading to defense being forced into only taking 6v6 fights on the point instead of choosing the best battle for them (notable exceptions are second parts of hollywood and route 66, where the buildings provide enough retreat points that the defense is able to take small engagements and poke the offense down).
I hated SMNC actually and even then I clocked 300 or so hours in that game, got into the closed beta as well.
let's see
>matchmaking was garbage
>rabid fans who scared new players away
>listening to said rabid fans for balance changes
>putting priority in monetization when there were far more serious issues with the game
I'm amazed if anything that F2P titles don't fail as much as they used to do back in the 2010-2013 period, every dev thought they could be like riot/league of legends but ended up abandoning their titles shortly after "release".
>Playing giant hitbox press q to kill simulator
No thanks
Just play Quake Champions instead
It's going to be a disappointment. Again.
Valve has been screwing us repeatedly since the EotL update. I got sick of it and jumped ship to Overwatch a long time ago because I got sick of Gaben's crap.
It's a shame too since TF2 provided the best 2000 hours of my life
all valve gives a damn about anymore is money. face it, tf2 is done for. competitive completely killed it and drived out most of the loyal pros. seriously, what's gaben even doing anymore?