Did you preorder the limited edition "No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service" version of Katsuragi's game, Sup Forums?

Did you preorder the limited edition "No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service" version of Katsuragi's game, Sup Forums?

I already have the regular DX edition of Ikaruga's game, but I'll get the US one just to keep the tradition.

No because i'm not a localizationfag.

Why do people play this again? Just look up porn of the characters and masturbate, don't waste your time with this game.

Do you happen to have Ikaruga in Ryomou's outfit yet, Ikaruganon?

Sorry, I haven't bought any dlc for PBS.

The gameplay is actually good in this one.


I decided to jump ship from the series a while ago. The whole baby thing the cards did just sealed the deal.

Baby thing?

look up cards for Yumi

Baby Yumi, I assume.

Now all we need is cards with the girls having bananas, cucumbers and other phallic objects bulging inside their clothes to seal the deal.

>English version of a summer themed game with water guns
>releasing it at the tail end of summer
You had one job, XSeed.

Yeah, it sucks I can't play it until the end of fucking summer though.
It was the only game I was looking forawrd to this summer too

I'm glad my wife is treated respectfully like the beautiful YOUNG woman she is, and not like a baby

>releasing it at the tail end of summer
It makes sense, it's the end of their little vacation on the island after all.

>not enjoying the summer with the girls
That's one trip where the journey would be better then the destination.

I want to sexually fuck Katsuragi

I bet Katsu is a roastie


What's a roastie?

/r9k/ slang for a woman who has ridden the cock carousel to the point her vag looks like roast beef.

Isn't it the only edition of the NA version? Either way I preordered.

roastie: someone with an overused, battered, blown-out vagina, specifically one that resembles roast beef


as a physical release most likely, kinda like what they did with Shinovi Versus

They announced it as a limited edition, but I don't remember if they did the same for Let's Get Physical, Double D and Endless Summer.

Thanks friends. But my waifu ain't that.


the oven is broken

I want to see Ayame rape Kat into mindbreak!