Desktop Thread No Cleaning Up


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I like this pivture

>That Windows XP taskbar

>no cleaning up
>implying my desktop isn't spotless all the time

r8 plz

>recycle bin on desktop
>game shortcuts on desktop
>intel bloatware

at least you have steam pinned to taskbar


I dont even remember, what this intel thing is for, let's uninstall it.





Link to the second wallpaper please?

>firefox and chrome
>paint on the desktop when you can just mash WIN key and search it easily
>fucking iTunes in 2017
>recycle bin
>"old firefox data"
5/10 nice pape

>pick a wallpaper with text
>cover text with icons


Yeah, I needed to clean up. Useful is shit like Word and Excel and whatnot, and I've been cursed with an iPhone and an iPad so iTunes is there despite how much I hate it.

double screen life

why the fuck do people put game shorcuts on their desktop when you have Steam?

Thanks user.


keepin it simple Sup Forumsros


because i dont like my desktop looking so fucking empty

Don't understand having any on desktops, just comes off as lazy and ugly to me.

because i dont have the games on steam, dummy. i also just like clicking on the shortcut then being in the game instead of having to open steam then opening the game

ah shit forget pic

Raw cancer.

nah, i just love umihara kawase

Do you use folders to make notes?

It's animated with wallpaper engine, but I don't want to bother recording.

hue yea

I refuse to have icons.

>inb4 "your background isn't 16:9"


>doesn't want icons
>keeps recycle bin icon

my desktop is full of obj and random stuff



clean boys

Who the fuck is that?



Alright, I be all gamey and have all the tech and stuff.

I was never able to feel comfortable with any one wallpaper for long, so I'll have to deliver the boring vanilla Windows.

I think the point of this thread is videogames but I barely play on PC.

Also I think I might have a porn problem.

Huh. I've just played the first Ace Attorney Investigations, it was pretty good. Last case was a massive drag, though. Niggers didn't know when to end it.


Because not everyone is autistic and demands their desktop be completely clean despite the fact that it exists for the very reason of having access to common programs without digging through files

seek help


That NITW wallpaper is fantastic! Where did you get that ?


boris cool I guess

Jesus Christ, stop using your desktop as your download folder.

>All those messed up desktops
This is more cringe than anything, don't you know anything about organization?

You have to be over the age of 18 to post here kiddo.


fucking wolfaboos

It's actually animated and plays music if you want it to. Get wallpaper engine on steam and check the link.

Comfy stuff.

delete your violent emma

I like the little "islands" of related folders and icons you've got there. I feel like I can follow the logic.


Turn off all the bullshit and it's just the same OS as ever. Also, Directx 12.

>win 7
we're a dying breed hombre.
I have win 10 on desktop though because I thought I'd be playing dx 12.

are you from 10 years ago?

Looks like swimsuit succubus.



Shit taste in games.


>folder titled "dont"

This made me kek for some reason.

I'm trying user....I'm trying. If I'm not playing games or shitposting I'm probably milking my dick.

>tfw probably going to lose my girlfriend soon because I constantly ignore her and rather beat my dick or play videogames than talk or hang out with her


I'm download folder is strictly for torrents and trackers lad.


I try to organize porn with porn. I mean my documents is way more organized honestly with porn with porn. Images/WEBMs I need sauced in the sauce folder, etc etc. My desktop usually gets like this for a week or two until I get paranoid someone might see it and then I make a "desktop" folder and then just throw everything in there, rinse and repeat. Every 2 months I try to "cleanse" myself and delete all my porn but I just end up downloading more shit.

>skype / discord
>using antivirus instead of not being retarded
>vidya icons
>low res background

Why not just use windows search (Windows + S)? Edit your start menu folder and put your shortcuts there.
>inb4 finding the shortcut in desktop is faster

Get windows 10 LTSB version. It's without all the extra bloatware.

you know you can disable win 10 updates.

Get DAZ activator dude.



Thanks! And here's my current wallpaper.

if i recall, that was originally a dont starve file

lauchy > windows search


If it works, why should i change it? Only for DX12. Well, fuck, there are no games that are worth reinstalling and re-ricing the OS for that.

>Paint tool SAI

>that gay ass ES card game
>gambling addiction simulator
kill yourself/10
it literally is faster because I don't have to press windows + S and type the name or open the start menu. If you lose shortcuts on your personal desktop then you might have brain problems



>Accidentally made a random image my wallpaper when trying to save it
>Couldn't think of a new good image to set it to so I picked this one out quickly
>Actually really like it cause of the sunny blue sky when my wallpapers are usually dark/night time


>DAZ activator
what is that?


looks like the desktop thread animefag parody image
grarts on being a stereotype

don't be too harsh, please

Get a snake or a spider.. You can't remember you want a shitty pet without creating a foldier about it?
You have to create a folder to remind yourself to shower?
What kinda human are you?

>On the video game board
>Uses an os you can't play video games on
now i'm thinking


macOS can play video games u baka

launchy is fucking garbage and I can't believe I fell for the meme

The tool you use for making windows "Legal"
