Why am I finding it hard to enjoy this?

I really want to get into the Witcher 3. But I've played it for several hours, and I am finding it hard to get into. The game is gorgeous and instantly sucks you in, but my motivation to keep playing it goes down. The gameplay is often pretty boring, and I don't find the environments that exciting. The gameworld feels strangely empty. I'm just not compelled by this game, the combat isn't fun, the quests aren't that intriguing. And I don't feel that motivated to get to the next story point, because it's just following a bunch of random leads to locate Ciri and you know that most of them won't lead anywhere.

It sucks because the game is obviously so well made from a technical standpoint. But it's just boring.

its how i felt when i first got the wild hunt, no kidding i stopped playing after i killed the griffin in the beginning. second time around many months later i started agaim with the goty edition and it was much better and enjoyable, but stopped playing again just recently cos i got bored, sitting at level 20 and desu i dont think ill go back to it

Because it's a shit game

now let's wait for all the mad witchercucks to yell "BUT MUH GOTY! LOOK AT THESE SALES"

I kinda agree, though it's still miles better game than #2.

TW1:EE has been the only GOOD game in the series so far.

Glad I'm not the only one. I stopped playing after I killed the griffin too. This is also why I don't listen to Sup Forums anymore.

Same, I got up to the bit where you switch to play as Ciri and noped outta there. I want to like it, but I can't.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the best game ever made. No this is not baiting, shilling, marketing or whatever you wanna call it. You need to understand that humans evolve through time. Art evolve, music evolve, movies evolve, humans evolve and so games do. No, your Ocarina Of Time is not better than Horizon: Zero Dawn. No, your Deus Ex is not better than Persona 5. Still no, your The Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines is not better than Skyrim. Things change, they evolve. A game released 15-20 years ago it's not better than a modern game. You think that but it's just nostalgia and emotions. I too used to believe that The Legend Of Dragoon was the best game ever but at some point I had to face this thing: modern games are better. I love The Legend Of Dragoon and will always have a special place in my heart but cannot compete with the likes of, lets say, The Last Of Us. I understand that and I accept that and so should you. The "old games" are better is just a meme being reinforced by nostalgia and by the fact that you just can't let it go. I know that, deep inside you, you know all this already. But you have your position to maintain. That feeling of being different than the others. Dislike these games or not, you have to accept that TLOU, TW3, P5, HZD and BOTW are the pinnacle of gaming history. It is time, user. Time to let the past go. Just keep all those memories and feelings in your heart and move forward or you will never be able to enjoy new games. Remember that old is obsolete. New is the future. We can only go forward.

The combat is truly horrendous and the quests are all overly simple as if they were designed by Bioware.


Same with me. After the Griffin I stopped completely. Nothing about it seems compelling to keep going.

I mostly enjoyed the game. My main complaint about the story was how all the characters you came across were already known to geralt in the past.

Because it's a boring game with mediocre gameplay.

Writing is the only strong part, roleplaying potential, combat, gameplay are all trash

I did a lot of Velen, went to Skellige and then stopped playing after a couple of quests. I was pretty burnt out at that point. Still haven't gone back to it but want to. I also get seriously bothered by the amount of lootable things. It's like an OCD to me. I have to do it even though most of it is garbage.

Everything can be hidden and nothing's necessary except the quest marker. Still worse than morrowind's journal but not as bad as you make it out to be.

Wait, really? Since it took me a while to get me used to the combat, and I cant imagine how this is the peak game in the series.

It's a Western open world game. Those aren't very good.

I also actually played Witcher1 and 2 and this game shits the choices of the previous games. And yes I'm autistic enough to care.

it's pretty boring yeah

I think I'm just too dumb for this game. All the different items, recipes, weapons just gives me a headache.

You're not alone m9, I find it overwhelming at times and just struggle through with the most basic gear. Doesn't help the inventory/pause menus are shithouse

>it's a Sup Forums hates games episode

how do you call yourselves gamers when you don't even finish your games?

It's a masterpiece and probably one of the top 5 best games ever created. Back to BOTW or New Vegas you tasteless fucks.

How the fuck did you stop when killing the griffin?

Did you just play for two hours or something?

I mean the only reason why you could have burnt so hard it's because you started collecting everything in the first zone and did every pointless quest in the starting zone just because you felt you need to

I play with minimap off and no "?" markers and had a much better experience with the game even if i didn't collect shit at all (and if i found a hidden location it was pure luck)

>I think I'm just too dumb for this game

yowza, you must be really dumb

I found I am enjoying this game thoroughly. My only thing is that I have to play it in small doses because the game world is so overwhelming. Its all about your taste bro. I fucking hated Dark Souls even though Sup Forums recommended it to me. I can understand why people like it but I couldn't get past 1 hour of that game.

Oils, potions, and bombs aren't very useful unless you're playing on Deathmarch or trying to enter an area while underleveled. You can pretty much ignore them and focus on equipment and signs.

I like DaS, but only as a coop game. Single player just feels depressing and repetitive. The worst part about saying that is the only argument soulsfags have against it is "git gut"

Yeah, the combat is remarkably bad. One would imagine that this SMALL DETAIL called gameplay would keep it from consistently getting 9s and 10s everywhere.

It's just not a very good game and I will list 2 reasons why I hold this position

1. progression is all fucked. The best gear and weapons in the game are crafted witcher gear, meaning you don't even bother to loot anything since it will all be trash

which lead directly to

2a. there is no point exploring. Why do you explore on skyrim? to find caves with good shit or a cool boss. Since you don't need any loot the game has to offer, a huge part of exploration lose it purpose

2b. EVERYTHING in the game is marked on the map. There will be no surprises. If there isn't a ? on the map, there will be absolutely NOTHING there.

Lmao. I also stopped after killing the griffin. Played it again recently only up to finding dandelion or whatever the fuck his name is.

i felt the same. i tried multiple times to get into it and i just never could.