PlayStation is very proud to be sponsoring this year’s Pride in London

pretty damn cool

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Reminder that the rainbow is an alt-right hate symbol

pretty damn gay if you ask me. its things like this that caused me to drop sony and just stick with pc.

isnt the london bridge being bombed right now

as a matter of fact its getting bombed this instant

I still don't understand the purpose of these "Pride" things. Curious what makes people better just for being different, or why they'd feel proud of something that even they admit isn't better. No matter how I look at it I can't make sense of it.

>using gays for PR
idk bout you but if i was one of them gays id be insulted at being exploited so much

people are proud of being different

Holy shit it is.

Terrorist attacks now are really no different from organized crime in third world countries. You can't stop this shit even with immigration bans, you're all gonna have to learn to live with this shit.

wouldnt it be hilarious if some muslim ran them over with a truck like they every week?

London Pride Parade is going to get attacked

Pride is just a counter to all the hate they receive, it's not about being "better".

>you're all gonna have to learn to live with this shit.
t. london mayor

Is this some subtle propaganda/attempt at brain washing?
>Just live with the fact that they're blowing up your friends and family

No its definitely about being "better". Human nature

If that's what you want to believe I doubt anyone is going to change your mind.

Projecting this hard is bad for your mental health

Sony, please. London seems to have enough targets on its back

or you can just, you know, not?

Yes, thank god we all opened the flood-gates to these beautiful people. I'm so grateful for the cultural enrichment; without them I never would have learned to avoid large crowds and beat my wife. Inshallah, my brother

The Freakonomics dudes called this over a decade ago. Spectacular attacks like 9/11 would become a thing of the past eventually as terrorists learn that low tech random attacks are just as effective in instilling fear and virtually impossible to detect and react.

I'm just calling it as it is. Terrorism is the new normal, get used to it. It really is no different than living among the Zetas in Mexico or militias in sub saharan africa.

Wasn't Manchester bombed literally last week too? What UK town is next? I might be a neet that never heads into my city center but I still don't want it blown up!

Damn sodomite supporters

>using gays for PR
It worked for EA and Bioware

This is what happens when you take in a bunch of non-vetted refugees and then side with them because of oppression Olympics.
Who are they going to side with when push comes to shove? Gays or Muslims?

You seem to think I support Islam. I don't. I'm a fedora tipper and all religious are equally garbage to me.

Here's the thing, what's done is done. It can't be stopped. Get used to living in fear.

In the context of gaming though, it makes no sense. Gaming has never been discriminatory against gays. This is pure corporate pandering.


The only way that will end is there is a mass culling of Muslims and banning of Islam from all western countries

Something that would make the Kebab Removal of Srebrenica look like a joke, but then again many bleeding heart morons don't see something that obvious until their own personal zoo exhibits (Any social justice causes and groups they once fought for) are victimized by said Muslims.

Fat chance that will happen though given how high on platitudes these idiots are and how far their heads are up their asses.

>Gaming has never been discriminatory against gays.


>Fat chance that will happen though given how high on platitudes these idiots are and how far their heads are up their asses.
And also given how fucking stupid the idea is in the first place.

>The only way that will end is there is a mass culling of Muslims and banning of Islam from all western countries

Because this worked so well for the jews in the past right?

>I'm a fedora tipper
We can see that

He's right though

The entire European continent has been like this since 2000 ever since the US ever started shooting muzzies. The Europeans wanted to show how barbaric the US was and let the muzzies into their countries enmasse to show the US and the world how to behave like proper gentlemen.

The entire immigration issue was out of spite. And now this is the reward. There will be more. There will always be more.

Not vidya

all those gay station memes have done this

Well people may be keen on the idea of expulsion of Islam from Europe though when enough of a push is put upon the population. Sooner or later, Flag Filters, Hashtags, and Candlelight Vigils will not be enough. People will take action, one way or another.

Sorry, I forgot about all those fag-bashing games Nintendo made in the 80s, and when QuakeCon used to be billed as a heteros only event.

>In the big city international races are encountered. As a rule, the Urban man is a mongrel of a variety of social and national elements.The rustic man is conservative by nature - the Urban Human advanced by society. All progress emerges from cities and city-dwellers.

— Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi "Practical Idealism" page 11

pls spoonfeed, all I can think of is a few gag scenes from the Persona games.

that's what happens when you let muslims into your countries

Take this shit to I threw my PS3 in the trash because of this.

I imagine a scenario when Donald Trump opens it's borders to native UK/France/Sweden residents and want to see the shit show that goes on about it, especially after his immigration ban passes at the supreme court.

He would literally be the savior of western civilization


they need constant affirmations that they aren't fucking freaks, because they are fucking freaks

desu MAGA hats are the new fedoras

>ban third worlders
>no more terrorism

it's like rocket sceience

Bullet in all of their heads, if they're young enough and haven't been indoctrinated yet they can live on.

>Opening borders for people that destroyed their own countries -- people who allowed muslims and leftists to take over
nah thanks

Who fucking cares

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
— Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi

You only believe this because you don't see the weekly mass shootings in burgerland as terrorism because they're carried by white lunatics.

the holohoax never happened

but it should have

I know the current zeitgeist is dominated by the far left, but people will only put up with being murdered by medieval zealots for so long. Europeans will rediscover a sense of ethnic identity and all the globalist politicians in the world won't be able to stop the purge.

i imagine most have been redpilled

niggers aren't white lunatics

mass shootings in burgerland are a rare occurrences
being exploded in yuroop is not

Nope. You're not getting in yuroshits. You made your bed now lie in it.

You laugh at UK for terrorism, we laugh at US for Trump.

if they were they would have done something by now. It's only going to get worse and they already accepted to be slaves of muslims. At least their inflation is low and organic food is cheap

You have a bigger chance of dying from bee stings than terrorist attacks in Europe. Just because they cause great uproar in the media doesn't mean they're that common.

I dunno m8, isn't Brexit the UK's version of Trump?

having an awesome president vs getting blown up

tough choice

>jews are even remotely comparable to mudslimes
I think majority of people wouldn't lose any sleep if the latter just up and disappeared.

>"At least we have Universal Healthcare"
>Said healthcare gets eaten up by Inbred Muslims due to Consanguinity being permitted in the religion.
>Political leaders try to reason with them to not inbreed as it causes problems for the children but Muslims will bitch that it is a religious right to do so and they politicians will have their hands tied due to Political correctness.

You missed the point of that post.

jews are way worse

>laughing while white skinned people are being bred out before your eyes
Trump is the last line of defense

gayest shit anyone could go to

Scratch that, the whole world laughs at US for Trump.

Seriously go fuck yourselves

>I think majority of people wouldn't lose any sleep if the latter just up and disappeared.

People thought this of jews once too. Lot of good it did.

It's in the human nature to side with the weakest. Once you start rounding up muslims in pogroms people will riot.

>"sure, our kids are getting raped and blown up"
>"but look at your president's hair! LOL XD"
it's the people like you who let this shitshow """refugee""" program happen.


Orange clown vs terror attacks being on the rise.

Only one of these is known for leading to Chrysalids.


I was being sarcastic. Organic food is going to be replaced by halal meal