Where do I go to get a girlfriend to play vidya with?

Where do I go to get a girlfriend to play vidya with?

Other urls found in this thread:


never knew penguins could have autism

Penguin recognizes superior 2d


>only 7 straight females on the map

great map bud

He had a partner years ago but was NTR'd when a new penguin came to the zoo.

>get cucked
>turn to 2D
What should we take away from this?

>America is full of bisexuals
>Europe is full of gays and trannies
One cannot fabricate such claims.


What a great taste in Friends

You don't want one.


I don't know. I've alread accepted I won't have one.

Where can I get a girlfriend like Hululu?

From your printer.


The zookeepers didn't put Grape-kun behind the fence because Hululu was causing him to "neglect his flock".

They did it because he's very old, and they didn't want him falling into the pool because he might drown.


You don't. They're fucking horrible.
Literally a girl who gives you shit for playing videogames, 24/7 would be better than having to exist next to a girl gamer.

secret Sup Forums dating thread?


penguins are truly just like us

Sure I'm a 20 year old man that plays normie games, go to the gym, and occasionally like to play basketball. Also I go to fighting game tournaments, no smash bros.

Waifu-ism...it transcends species...

>Doesn't like Smash

>Plays basketball

sleep tight grape-kun

But there are only guys here.

Someone once drew this with Dawn and a Piplup.

Wish I saved it.


I don't like Smash. The smash tournaments I've been to smelled like shit. Went to other FGC tournaments like Combo Breaker where if you stink you get kicked out. Also the crowd there is much better.

Tripfaggotry...it transcends boards...


Even animals understand that 2D > 3D.



I demand an explanation.


>ever dating someone
As if senpai

doing gods work.

What a son of a bitch

butt blasted autistic weebs.


Isn't there a manga about a guy who turned into a penguin like Tuxedo Gin or something?

You dont. You give up and play videogames while waiting for entropy to give you the release of the long sleep.

Anyone else feel sad for the penguin?

>used to go to the gym as a teenager
>Went for 2 year, lost about 40 kgs, was moderately fit
>Still a social outcast with no friends
>Got more and more depressed, stopped going to the gym, got extremely fat, have nearly zero human interactions in a day, only go to college the minimum amount of time possible.


Everyone knows this, but the real story isn't nearly as funny.

>"Hey dood, does Enta seem flatter than usual dood?"
>"Nah dood, she always look like that"

Have you considered studying in a college library?

How do I ask for a girl's number?

Cause you faggots keep scaring away all the women with "mah chan culture, no women lol". Fuck you and fuck this board. I wish i was a normie with social skils so i could finally find love with a qt.

You are one too idiot.

>Cause you faggots keep scaring away all the women with "mah chan culture, no women lol"
As it should be, thirsty faggot.

After talking for a bit, when one lf you two has to leave, say something like "Oh hey, let's swap numbers real quick." Text her in an hour or so

It's not fucking hard

If you invest in charisma/luck hard enough, this board.

Don't listen to this guyYou need to offer her something first. I usually have some chicken nuggets in my pockets for this purpose.

Fuck you. I would give up Sup Forums and all its """""culture""""""" for a chance at love with a qt.

There's this girl I talk with a lot at a store near me. Is it weird to ask for their number at work, even if it's the only place I see her? It's not like she just cashes me out, either. We can talk for like half an hour to an hour if it's not too busy. She says stuff like "Really nice to see you again, user" when I'm heading out, too.

What's love like?

That's sad. You're sad.

>I would give up Sup Forums and all its """""culture""""""" for a chance at love with a qt.
It's not yours to give up, nigger. If you don't like it then leave and find a slut that isn't your mother so you can fuck her

It's like the feeling of nostalgia you get deep in your soul when you listen to old video game soundtracks from your childhood, but you feel it in the moment and it doesn't feel like it's already passed.

This, also make sure she eats them or else it won't work even if you have to use violence.

Then do it.
You can. Be a normal person and leave. But you won't fucking do it. Pussy.

Your sad too. We are stuck in this place user. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do but play vidya.

>I would give up Sup Forums
so do that. Just leave, you normie wannabe.

Im gonna stay here to trigger retards like you.

But why?

This guy knows what's up

Do it faggot, we're not stopping you.

It feels right, it feels good. It can also be very scary and very sad.

It's like a lot of things

Get a gf. Let them watch you play vidya for a while, then they'll want to do it because you're doing it.
For the pre-installed version, you gotta catch them early, or be attractive and go cosplay at cons or some shit. They love that.

I'd do it except Stocking doesn't exist.

I cant. Im socially retarded :(

>tfw no bear bf

Fug that reminds me, this has been on my mind recently for some reason and I just need to get it out.

>Had dogs growing up
>One of them was a female named Luna
>Mom loved birds and took care of them, had an aviary that she and my dad built that was very open
>One day she finds this blue baby bird on the ground that couldn't fly
>She took pity on it in and put it in the aviary along with the other birds
>Every day Luna would go to that area of our yard because she liked birds too
>After a while you could tell that Luna especially liked that one baby blue bird
>Would always jump around and get excited whenever she saw it
>Parents thought it was cute, I did too
>Come home from school one day
>Mom looks upset
>Ask her what's wrong
>She tells me that the baby blue bird tried flying and ended up falling into the birdbath
>It ended up drowning because it wasn't ready to fly yet
>From then on Luna would just walk near the bird aviary looking for that bird, and would always get upset when she couldn't find it
>Could tell that she missed her friend and was waiting for it to come back one day
>Even in her final years she would still go to the aviary and just lay there, waiting

Luna died a few years ago. I like to think that her and that bird are now reunited in the afterlife.

>get a gf
Its like that picture that says "to get draw and owl first make a circle then draw the rest of the owl"

I don't like this story.

Jesus user. Life is sad in the oddest way huh. I hope those two are playing together in heaven m8.

I'm not triggered in the slightest. You, on the other hand, seem to be upset

Women hate any hobby a man has. Get ready to hear that everything you like is a waste of time and money.


I never asked for this

I don't know user... It's something you think you're feeling for a long time until you feel something better and then that's what love is until the real love shows up.

It doesn't always make you happy and it doesn't always make you sad. Most of the time it just makes you really really comfy. Like wherever you are in the world you just wanna put a little bubble around and keep it in your pocket forever. You think maybe if I keep my eyes open, if I never look away, time won't keep moving and thing's will just stay like this forever.

It's like when you're along playing vidya on a saturday night with music going in the background, and you feel okay just doing some menial task in the game, like fishing or something, for hours and hours, until the sun rises or you pass out. Except you're not alone on a saturday night. You're in love.

But what do I know user

>he wasn't born with a gf

That's why you have to be attractive beforehand. They'll try it then.


it's the urge to protect something, a spurred feeling of utmost motivation. once you embrace this feeling, you'll seek it constantly, like a drug. you can't until you find it again.

Consider twitter. It's an incredibly efficient shitposting platform and if you can stop being an autist long enough to make nice with other autists, you might be able to learn some social nuance by being friends.

He's a big guy.

What the fuck? Half the thread is off topic garbage beginning with the OP and I get banned for something this silly?

Why is it always the same bullshit whenever new janitors are hired?

lol what the fuck?

Online vidya. That's how I got mine.

KemoFure was originally a videogame

What the fuck janitors

>something this silly
>suggesting suicide
>in a board with the most amount of underaged posters

The funniest shit is when the ban says shit like how Sup Forums apparently gives a fuck about the quality of its posts. That is such a blatant goddamn lie.

Say it with me now


Are we going to start banning everyone who says KYS now?

this is some fuckery

either nuke the thread or let it be don't ban one person when the entire thread is offtopic retardation Mods

We should, but only because 12 year old Leafy fans started that.