What would a trailer park boys game play like?

What would a trailer park boys game play like?

I'm thinking a GTA clone, where you can switch between ricky, julian and bubbles for missions. Each has specific side missions. Julian has property management side missions, bubbles has fetch quests (chicken and liquor, kitties at the vet, etc) and ricky has drug dealing missions. Each star on the wanted meter goes up a notch. One star is Randy on his bike, two stars is Lahey and randy in their car, three stars is george green, four stars is george and ted together, and five stars is Leslie Dancer in his tank.

What other games would make sense with their format?

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Honestly it would be pretty cool if they made an Overwatch clone with TPB, but eh, anything would be amazing with OW mechanics anyways

I would make it like a flash game and give them giant bubble heads that just resemble them a little bit then i would put multiple pictures of madona on a 128 x 128 scale basis on the ground while putting multiple water sprites on the ground the game itself will be football related and can be played by 4 players at once the fourth character is a hidden gem as he is the ultimate kariature of jesus riding a motorcycle and masturbating in front of allah the game will feature many enemies such a cyrus and Jim Lahey the goal of the game is to win

he he he anyone wanna taste my tasty cookies? : )

anyone else here a long time fan? i remember in like 2004 there was a flash game called Ricky's Stash where it was basically Mario but you'd collect weed for power ups and goombas were Randy crawling on the ground. it looks like it was taken down though for fuck's sake.

What the fuck is going on?

GTA style game I guess.

But really I'd take anything as long as they're in it. They'd make anything better.

Can someone please post that reaction image of ricky smoking a bad joint?

this one?

They just need to add the boys as playable characters to Payday 2

I am interested in watching this show, do I need to be a canadian to understand the references? are all the seasons good or should I just watch some?

YES thank you, been looking for it for ages

Nah it's just your typical trailer trash stuff.
Bewear, there is little to no continuity, however. Especially when you start bringing in the movies. So if something doesn't make sense, just ignore it.

Is this from the podcast? I've been watching it recently and the episodes when they legit get too high to know what the fuck is going on are hilarious. He kinda makes that face in some of them but I haven't found an exact match yet.

there are references to typical canadian/maritime stuff, though, just by virtue of being set in canada. I think, for instance, they get take-out at a swiss chalet in one episode, getting the quarter chicken dinner, which is an iconic meal

i really wish the boys would have just made a youtube channel instead of swearnet,
I'm pretty sure they're hurting money wise.
I'm a 2x subscriber but they could be making so much more making their little 10 minute videos on youtube instead of asking for subscribers. god bless those boys.

They're just washed up one-hit wonders.

you wouldn't even know they were canadian without the accents

Seasons 1-6 are one universe, then they broke off and did a new movie for the american audience which is in its own bubble, then they came back for season 7 which is in line with 1-6, but they "ended" the show at the end of that one, which they undid in a special called Say GoodNight To the Bad Guys. After that they did a 2nd movie which is kindasorta a followup to the sequel and also serves as a series finale but not really, then they made a 3rd movie which is again its own canon because Canada legalizes weed in that movie (it was supposed to be the official "no more, we're done' finale, but the actors bought the rights to the IP after that and kept it going) then they made a deal with netflix after that to make more seasons, so that's where they're at now. seasons 8-11 are now currently netflix exclusive and again kindasorta pick up after the 3rd movie but not really since weed's still illegal in the seasons. It's weird. You just kinda have to take each piece as a self contained item after season 6. The movies can be seen as non canon I guess even though there are some elements from them that come through the netflix seasons.


They would only release the trailer.

Weed wasn't legalized in Don't Legalize It, Ricky just ended up with a license to grow.
But it's basically all thrown out in the new seasons anyway. I mean Bubbles ends up with a bus to live in at the end of that movie but when the new season started he was back in a shed.

Isn't him being a government anointed official akin to legalization? Either way he had a home in the end of 3 that is never mentioned again in the rest of the series.

i love the boys but does anyone else remember the drunk and on drugs happy fun time hour? Holy fuck I don't think I've ever seen a less funny show. It sucks the boys are good actors, sepcifically Ricky and Bubbles, because they're night and day from their real selves but they're always trying to do the "we used to be trailer park boys haha dope fuckity fuck fuck flyin holy mackeral cocks!" schtick.
i think they could be successful actors if they weren't TPB first

>Ricky: what the fuck do you want, Randy?
>Randy: frigg off Ricky!
>Julian: Ricky, stop do you want to go to jail?
>Lahey: god damn shit apples from a shit tree, Randy
>Bubbles: *agitated groaning*
every TPB episode ever

>Homer: BART!
>bart: Chill out, dude!
>marge: Oh, homer!
>maggie: *suck suck*

every simpsons episode ever
are you happy now


That won't make me stop loving them though.

And washed up, yeah, maybe in terms of the show since Netflix got a hold of it, but their podcast is fucking hilarious.

>no lisa
you didnt even try

>lisa: [brian's entire script from the night before's family guy]
now what

this isnt even close m8


neithers the TPB simplification
welcome to strawmen

Season 3 was my favorite.

I wish they didn't try to dumb it down for american audiences.

People used to actually think the show was a real doc in season 1 and 2.

Who the FUCK is Oscar Goldman?

that's because the boys write it now and they completely miss the point of the old show

the old show wasn't just "dude weed lmao", in fact i'm pretty sure weed is one of the reasons the boys are such losers

the whispering winds of shit

I miss Mike Clattenburg




It's not just the boys writing it if you look at the credits but yeah, it's unfortunate that it's just them as the sole owners. I feel like they are kind of missing the point. The characters in terms of acting and how they play themselves have gone up, the boys can improv on the spot 10/10 and do a hilarious show whenever they have to, but it feels like they don't get how to write a show of multiple characters now. They're all typecast, ironically by themselves. Ricky gag X, Bubbles gag Y, etc. The writing of the show as a whole went down a lot but I feel like the characters went up in terms of writing and acting. It's just the stories that suffered. It's sad but whatever. I don't know if i'm a "stan" or whatever you want to call it but I'll watch the boys til they hang it up. I've been watching since I was 8 in grade 3 and I'll continue watching until they become too old to keep going.


That's it. Call Dino.

>Dino? Might as well call Barney and Fred too.

Donnie losing his shit over the satellite signal was the best.






Wasn't he a cunt to the cast? Or was that Barry Dunn?

I'm pretty sure the two of them pretty much raped the minor characters for money (see: corey/trevor's scathing letter+leaving the show in season 9).

Ironic that Barry Dunn is actually a legit lawyer in Nova Scotia

They have a mobile game, but it's apparently shit. Shocker, huh?

Why does Canada make the best TV shows?

don was the worst character ever
holy fuck how unfunny. the last season wasn't that bad. but the seasons with don/donna sucked fucking ass. that guy isn't funny.

someguys can drink and drive and some guys can. what is drunk??/

The reload break during that shootout with Cyrus is one of my favorites


>tfw i live in Nova Scotia
>tfw I actually drove to the trailer park where they tape
It would be so fucking cool to play a game based in Bible Hill/Truro

>i make $4,600 a year, minus tax
>it's not bad money

i never realized as a kid how poverty stricken they were




It is bafflingly bad. The writing is astoundingly bad

dont they tape in a few trailer parks?

>tfw no halifax donair place in ottawa

They really fucking don't, honestly. Canada humor is shit as fuck. the only good shows are TPB and Kenny vs Spenny


>Ray as supervisor driving Jacob around
>crashes into a tree
>dogs start barking

>bubbles this is a fucking pirate gun


most canadian TV content is made to fill a quota so you get the laziest, shittiest shows possible with like 3 exceptions


its the little things

in season 6 they bought their own land and made a park. it's used in the christmas special, season 6, all 3 movies, and the new netflix seasons.

Oh and the Say Goodnight to the Badguys special

>corey is haning out of a burning car wreck
>ricky:smokes lets go, don't be so fucking selfish

watch the first three seasons and thats it.


It was the producers, apparently Clattenburg was the chill one.

whos the best character and why is it j-roc HHUUUAAAHHH?

I stopped at episode 1 of season 8 because it was weird watching everyone aged up and I guess Trevor never comes back. Is it good?

>bubbles tames a fucking mountain lion
>they have to put it through rehab because it was eating all the weed

i stopped watching the show way before that. when they dropped the shitty documentary feel of the early seasons is when i lost interest.

>in season 6 they bought their own land and made a park. it's used in the christmas special, season 6, all 3 movies, and the new netflix seasons.

I dont know about the taping before Netflix but I went to the trailer park and its actually a real fucking trailer park. There were dudes drinking beer and waving at me on their lawns and shit. The store across from the trailer park is a real store too

Trevor's actor fucking hates the show
I think in-universe he was put into a mental hospital

The newer seasons are a mixed bag, but Lahey is consistently golden no matter what season he's in.

Trevor never comes back at all. It's.. Not great. But if you like TPB it's servicable I guess, after the movies you can't have much expectation of quality. Basically, if you want more TPB, this is the way to get it.

The celebrity cameos are SURPRISINGLY not bad. Don't get me wrong, I wish they didn't have them, but they made the most out of them. It's cool that they used the whole "swearnet" thing to make it into a way that they can acknowledge the TPB popularity on the show without the boys becoming rich from it and still having to hustle.

you know what a shit rope is?

Yeah, season 1-5 were different parks around nova scotia. They kept getting kicked out after every season and eventually when they made enough money, they bought their own land and trailers. 6 onward is their own land with a fake park. Anything before that was a real park they had permission to shoot in.

the 'ol shit liners come to port and i'll be there to tie her up


They were but they were released, and apparently they went traveling together. Corey said that they went to new york to see the back street boys reunion tour and trevor stepped onto a full subway and they "just went different ways". Thought it was a funny way to explain corey coming back but not trevor, but yeah, trevor has a grudge apparently.

>tfw Spenny is a touring musician and just wants to get on with his life, despite looking like he aged 40 years in the span of maybe 10
>Kenny is desperate to stay relevant even though he's washed up as fuck

S2 and S3 were gold but everything else was extremely hit or miss


They had to have bought an already existing park then because there are people currently living there. Unless they have some sort of contract where they deal with reduced lot fees or something to deal with them taping once a year.

>sunnyvale shut down in one film, all the trailers relocated to lahey's new park, only julian's trailer remains
>show picks up again, everything's back in sunnyvale again and lahey again doesn't own a thing

Never heard of extras, have you?

>>tfw Spenny is a touring musician and just wants to get on with his life, despite looking like he aged 40 years in the span of maybe 10

Spenny is a dickhead. I met him on tour and me and my friend bought the VIP passes. He got drunk as fuck on stage and started calling us "seals, clapping for our fish" every time Kenny would say something. When we got back to meet him, I bought a poster and he was like "DO YOU WANT IT FUCKING SIGNED OR NOT?" I was like "Man it doesn't matter to me, I just paid to meet you guys" and he was like, mockingly "NUUUHHHOOOHHH IT DOESNT MATTER HUH?" and he signed it fast and scrunched it up.

It was when the jian ghomeshi thing was going on in the news, and Kenny was like "Holy fuck, you Ghomeshi'd the shit out of that poster man" and spenny was like "FUCK OFF KENNY, I don't mind you fucking around on stage but that ISN'T FUCKING FUNNY".

It was awkward. We just got a picture with Kenny while Spenny seethed in the corner.

They were done taping for the year when I visited. There is an honest to god trailer park there. Google Bible Hill Trailer Court.

things that didn't happen: the post

>They had to have bought an already existing park then because there are people currently living there. Unless they have some sort of contract where they deal with reduced lot fees or something to deal with them taping once a year.
Maybe currently since the boys bought the IP, I don't know, but since 2005 they have used a blank plot of land that they constructed into a trailer park themselves for the purpose of the show, because they kept getting kicked out. I don't know if the arrangement changed after count down to liquor day, or if they started renting out the prop trailers or what, but that's how it was from season at least 6, the first movie, season 7, say goodnight, countdown to liquor day, and don't legalize it.

Seasons 8 and 9 are kinda like South Park's Seasons 17-19, with them adding characters to the park and more plots. They're about on the same level as Seasons 5-7 depending on your tolerance for zany. Season 10 is complete and total shit, however. All you need to know from Season 10 is that Snoop Dogg comes to the park, likes Ricky's weed drink, Ricky's a grandpa now, and everyone is either completely useless, or an asshole/bigger asshole. (Julian becomes a complete douche during this season, Barb is a mega cunt, and Lahey is completely ineffective) Season 11 is a back to the basics season and is actually probably the best season out of the Netflix seasons.

The films are like loose canon. The only thing that's canon from the most recent film is that Ricky got a contract from the government to grow weed, and the bus that Bubbles' parents owned is used for a moment.

I wish it didn't. I liked spenny before that.

I thought she sold the park and left?

I saw Spenny at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Coffee Crisps in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I have no difficulty picturing this.

After all the shit he went through, both on the show and all the fans mocking him, Spenny has a bit of a justification to be an asshole.

Fuck him for not paying back Wolfish though

It's more typical fuckery you'd expect. Some unexplained way she fucked the boys with the contract. She feels entitled to money or something. Gets a dyke gang going with some 600 pound chick and "donna". She comes back and says she's rightful owner to whatever amount of money.

I think it might be a different trailer park we are talking about. I can't remember what the one from before looked like but the Netflix seasons were taped at Bible Hill. I drove around and looked at all the different taping locations they did like at the liquor store as well.

I'm gonna need more of that meme

Well you can watch the DVDs yourself. The season 6 as well as the canadian version of the first movie both have mini-docs about how they kept getting kicked out of the parks they were filming in so they had to buy their own. I believe the season 6 one had a featurette about how they made fake snow for the christmas special, which they actually shot in July. I'm not making any of it up, just check out the DVDS. They weren't in character mockumentaries either, it was like the rickyism bits where they're all out of character and discussing the show. They showed Mike Clattenberg shoving fake snow into a snowblower for the xmas special.

I felt that way on stage. I was cheering for him when he'd talk but he got wasted in the first like, 15 minutes of the show. He drank like 3 scotches and a bunch of shots within the first half hour. Then he just got belligerent.

they showed a humiliation that the network rejected, it was Spenny putting a condom on his tongue and licking a cat's asshole. he was really mad recanting the story because he had to do that, then the network rejected it and he was like "why didn't se see that coming fucking before? of course they're going to reject a cat's asshole being licked!"
and he had to do a 2nd humiliation for that episode. the same thing happened with him jacking a turtle off, they showed that too.

the trailer park boys podcast is funnier than the show has been since season 4

>my birds doin | this right now

fuck spenny