Would you pre-order?

Would you pre-order?

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Yes, it would have the Play Anywhere thingy so thats a definitive yes

i'd expect it to be free for anyone has the chief collection considering the utter shitfest on release that was

I don't see why I wouldn't.

If they fix the FOV yes.

Would be great to see Halo 3 in 4k on the Scorpio

probably will be 30-40 dollars launch price

It is fake, it was confirmed

Pls stop ;-;

hi I work for 343, H3A will never happen! im gonna go shove a black dildo up my ass now! fuck halo 3 anniversay!

You got to be thick in the head not to believe it wont be a scorpio launch title. But how much can nostalgia sell?

halo nostalgia is one of the biggest one out there, almost every kid/teenager grew up with these games

also friendly reminder that those kids are now 18+ so no "underage" shit applies now

Sure, Halo has a great soundtrack

After HCEA and MCC, no I wouldn't

I agree

>Halo 4 had horrible multiplayer
>MCC was broken for months
>Halo 5 had a horrible campaign
343 had their chance and they blew it. I'm not interested in playing anything else from them

They've deconfirmed it like 10 times. Stop getting your hopes up

>After CEA

Even if you dislike the new visuals, CEA in classic mode is better then the original CE since it's the same shit running at a higher resolution

god i'd kill for this to be reality

343 have said time and time again that H3A is not happening, just recently too

"b b b ut frankie said the same thing about H2A" yeah yeah but this is them straight up telling people to fuck off with H3A requests, it's not happening.

guarantee that they're gonna do a halo 3-themed content update for halo 5 instead, in order to keep h5 in the spotlight and continue to rake in the microtransaction money

I agree it'll be a H5 content pack, but I don't think it has to do with them just wanting to shill 5 more, I think it has more to do with the fact that 3 actually looks really damn good still and hasn't aged much visually, and that after the backlash of CEA and MCC they are too scared to do more remakes


You can't be serious

Like they must actually be dumb to not bring it to PC right?

They really only had to do Halo 2 Anniversary or a compilation of the Bungie trilogy if they wanted to go that far. I heard MCC was so glitchy at launch

I don't recall any backlash over H2A itself rather than just the multiplayer being a completely fucked mess

I can already listen to the soundtrack on Youtube.

I just want a full-on pc halo game
Sure the multiplayer for H5 is cool, and I can play halo 1, but having the MCC or a full halo title on pc would make me cream myself

>Even if you dislike the new visuals, CEA in classic mode is better then the original CE since it's the same shit running at a higher resolution
No it's not, shit the hell up. There are still graphical effects missing in even the MCC version, shill that shit somewhere else.

>they lied when they said they weren't making H2A, but surely they're telling the truth now when they say they aren't making a H3A

You're a fucking retard, senpai. Halo 3 was the biggest multiplayer game in history back in its day. Microsoft wouldn't miss this opportunity to make a shit-load of money off of a remake.

It's baffling desu. Like they would rather euthanize the whole Xbox division before bringing Halo 3 to PC. There's no explanation for it aside from spite.

Even if it's real and you happen to be a fan of Halo, why would you trust 343i AGAIN? This isn't an abusive relationship, guy. You can leave at any time.

If it was on PC. Even if it was on the shitty microsoft store I would still probably get it.

>CEA in classic mode is better then the original CE since it's the same shit running at a higher resolution
It's a console port of the PC port of CE, gaylord. The actual PC version, NOT the 343i reworked bullshit, actually supports native 1080 now. CEA does not.

except that frankie never actually lied about H2A. he said "there is no H2A in development right now" which was true at the time he said it. tricky, loophole wording but the guy never lied. and it was one guy.

whereas with H3A we have multiple people from the company telling us time and time again that there is no H3A and to fuck off already.

if you're actually expecting H3A at this point then it's entirely on you when the stage goes dark at the end of the conference and H3A is nowhere to be found.

I don't think another halo rehash will make me buy an xbone
I would rather get a switch no joke



Nope they will fuck up the netcode as always and leave the original 360 version as the most superior. Stop giving 343 money you fucks

there's MCC already and no one will purchase it after getting burned by MCC and then Halo 5

only PC

I would honestly throw money at it if i saw it on steam store page but if its on microsoft store win10 exclusive? ah buddy, they can fuck right off... even worse if its on xbone then its lost forever.

If anyone is fucking retarded here, it's you.

Did your mom drop you on your head when you were young? You can tell me user.

No, halo is shit, and halo 3 is no exception



only if its on PC too. im done with consoles.

Not after MCC, they never fixed that shit

Fuck off halo 3 babys. Literally NEVER EVER.

Sure, but we aren't comparing it to the PC port

The post I was replying to was saying one of CEA's selling points was that it was the original game at a higher resolution in classic mode, which isn't even the case anymore since Bungie put out their CE patch back in 2015. So no. CEA is not an exception to the overall shitty package that was MCC.

Just going to point out that Halo Online / eldewrito already exists for PC.

It's a work in progress but has a fully functioning online multiplayer up and running. It could always use some more players.

Just grab the files and install the Halo 3 Armor set mod and you're good to go.


Forgot to mention that a big update is currently in the works and close to release.

Supposed to add more maps and goodies, including some multiplayer maps from ODST.

Hell yeah.

But it ain't habbening.

They should make a Halo 3 custom edition for PC. That would be rad.

Literally no one from halo 2 I know played halo 5 for more than 2 weeks but I asked them one question if they would play h3a and it was all a yes.

I didn't ask if they would buy a scorpio for it though, but 343 already said it's not happening

>dlc for the mcc
>doesnt work





Yes but I also agree it's not happening. If Halo gets anything announced this year it'll be a Halo Wars 2 expansion, then lead into Halo 6. I'm more interested in the outrage in a few years when MS announces a Halo Reach Anniversary, completely skipping over Halo 3.

>Halo Reach Anniversary
That game is too hated to get an anniversary. Plus there was a significant drop in sells that disappointed Microsoft.


>The Malta's already driven off its boarders
