Are there actually people who browse this board who unironically didn't think this was a great game?

Are there actually people who browse this board who unironically didn't think this was a great game?

inb4 ass memes, by the way

I just got Ending E a few hours ago and I unironically think it was the best game I played in the past few years

I thought it was amazing man, glad you did too. I've never played anything like it. The original Nier is fantastic too.

there's 21 more endings

Yeah, this game is actually phenomenal. I'd give this thread about 5 minutes before the shitposters appear to try to convince everyone it's bad.

>Nier 1's library
>9S has to fight 2Bs
>then has to fight 2B s flying around in mechs
>A2 makes the machines kill each other
>the camera cutting to a closeup of A2 when she reveals 2E
the rush of scenes when you enter the Tower was great for me

It was alright, but just alright. Don't know what all the hype is about.



Its one of the most shallow Platinum games, right up there with Korra and TMNT.

Do you mean in terms of combat? That's a bad comparison, since it's not the same type of game as MGR or Bayonetta, and it's not trying to be.

Can't tell if this is a meme but same. First time I teared up at ANY form of media in well over 2-3 years. Hell, I haven't even teared up over real life shit forever. This game really got to me

I'm pretty sure it is. A pity I'll never get to experience it now.

The original Nier made me feel something for the first time in years. Over a decade, maybe.

Why's that user?

They took Nier and Bayonetta and we got the worst of both worlds. Still an alright game but it was kind of disappointing. The first Nier has better bosses too.

Sup Forums memed me pretty hard on this game. I really tried too like it but it's just not fun. I got to the part where you beat the collosal machine and cause that ground too cave in and get the alien signal. I had to drop it there because I was just forcing myself.

Then I bought vanquish too remember platinum does make good games.

>Worst of both worlds
The fuck? How so? We got an incredible Yoko Taro story/characters/atmosphere with fluid, fun Platinum gameplay. Sure, it's not as deep as their other games, but it's not the same type of game as them. It's a Yoko Taro game first and foremost.

The only people who think it's great are emotionally undeveloped

There's nothing good about it, it's all just fapbait bullshit.


I stopped reading the LP. I never "played" any of the games, but after TheDarkId LPs, it fealt like I had.

>it's a Yoko Taro game first and foremost

This is an incredibly bad thing, prior to Automata all he had released is turds


I can't fap to 2B anymore now that I know she and 9S are unironically in love. I actually am having a hard time fapping at all after the ending. Feels weird man

We got a very watered down Bayonetta with a story that's not as good as Nier's.

im more sad about the fact that i know im not gonna play a game this good for a very, very long time than anything that happened in the story. Sup Forums spoiled a lot of it before i saw it, but thats my fault - no regrets, didnt take much joy from it.

2B on the bridge was pretty fucking rough, tho

I liked it if that's what you're asking

I like being smothered by grills tho.

Turds is a little harsh. Have you played Nier? It's actually a masterpiece aside from the combat. I'm not saying that's not a big downside, because it is, but most of the complaints are only because of combat, which is fixed by having Platinum on board

I just wish there was more of it. I haven't even gotten 100% yet but I've finished up most of the side quests and I'm a little sad at the lack of end game content.

Just as predicted. Here come the shitposters.

Regretted getting this game the day I bought it.
Wish I just got Persona 5 instead.

OK, so will someone please tell me why the machines all look like Emil?


Maybe people are just being honest. But oh no that's impossible, people either think this game is amazing or they're shit posting, only explanation!

Except notice how there's no actually well reasoned arguments as to why it's bad. It's all comparing it to Bayonetta (which is stupid) and saying it's waifubait.

First game was overall better

t. bought Automata at launch and really, really wanted to like it. Soundtrack is good though

What you're seeing is the regression of American society toward some sort of twisted Neo-Victorianism. Sex is bad, titties are evil, etc. etc. etc.

Well you know no-one's saying they have to elaborate on why they don't like it, OP asked if there's people who don't think it's great and people came in and said "yeah, there is".
And besides they're not entirely wrong about the Bayonetta comparison, if you've played Bayonetta or any Platinum game for that matter, the combat will feel pretty disappointing.

Except Nier Automata is a Yoko Taro game first, and a Platinum game second. It's not the same kind of game as Bayonetta or MGR, so making that comparison is useless. It's like comparing Mirror's Edge and Battlefield, since they're both Dice games. A better comparison would be to the original Nier's combat. In comparison to that, Automata is so much better.

I wanted to like it, I really enjoyed the first but Automata is just bland and uninteresting.

The overworld was much worse than the first game. Combat was serviceable, but that only goes so far when the enemies are the practically the same for the 35+ hours of the game. The characters motives and development were as uninteresting as it could possibly get too.

In the original Nier, there was that sense of hopelessness but with some semblance of a goal to be achieved. The characters also were interesting with their own hangups and actual story to them.

In Automata it seemed like a bunch of autistic androids fighting each other for reasons they didn't even comprehend and the payoff was basically "because fuck you that's why". 2B going on with her generic "i must continue the mission at all costs!" and 9s with his generic anime rage.

Nier was a much more cohesive experience.

And I fucking hate that regression with a passion.

My experience with Nier:A

>Now your out in the open world what do you do?
Try to get items for the side quest but didn't get enough so go allover the map doing side quests getting bored with the back-tracking
>Finish quest for the trader and progress story
Do more side shit and get bored with the game desperately want fast travel
>Go to the circus
Nice music but really small area, boss fight was decent
>Go give this fuel to Pascal
Run around the map twice because fuck you
>Some shit happens
This was nice didn't last long though
>Now you have fast travel lets do more side shit and boring quests tracking over areas you been before
>9S is gone
Now you got more side shit to do going to the same areas again
>Final act
This was good
>Start [B] route
Replaying the prologue from 9S perspective was cool
>First act
Ok now do all the boring shit you had to do earlier over again also we removed fast travel again because fuck you also you only have one weapon and combat revolves around a stupid minigame now
>Doing side quests I missed
But the combat is worse so you want to kill yourself
>9s goes missing
Finally something new
>Final act
Okay this was good
>Start [C] route
Finally some new content again
>Final act
Great 10/10
They were good but I wanted them to be longer.

Solid 7/10 with a good soundtrack, if route [B] started with fast travel and you had two weapons (sets dont count) and hacking was only used for chests/objects it could of been a lot better.

Nothing to be done, unfortunately. Culture has been seized almost exclusively by the elites now. There is virtually zero upward mobility taking place to refresh and renew it.

>>Now you have fast travel lets do more side shit and boring quests tracking over areas you been before
I wish I knew this I spent hours running across the map doing side quests before getting fast travel, also having to run to pascals village then back to camp then to pascal again twice with no fast travel.. what were they thinking?

I thought it was okay but really disappointing. Was hoping for the dream team of Platinum game and zany Taro story. Got Taro game and a kind of disjointed story.

The characters really didn't do a whole lot for me and only 9S had enough screentime to go anywhere. A2 in particular was really hurting by the lack of script focus because the turning point of her character is the almost completely unmotivated decision to spare Pascal. She doesn't actually do a whole lot.


can we please stop using that retarded word?

It's a weaker game compared to the first one, and the first game was just okay.

Feel free to hate me now since I dissed a taro game.

I unironically think that it's a great word.

Nier 1's story was pretty standard JRPG save the daughter stuff besides Emil's Mansion and the last hours of the game.

The strength of it lies in its dialogue between characters during side quests, Automata had a much more compelling main story especially in Route C.

It takes time to write a long post only for it to get trashed in a hour or so when the thread gets archived who would put in the effort for a game they didn't enjoy?

I just got the first non-joke ending and aside from the music and atmosphere (but Taro has never not delivered on these fronts so it was a given anyways) I'm not super impressed so far. The main characters and the story arent super compelling to me, the combat is disappointingly shallow for a platinum title, and so far I give more of a shit about the side characters than I do 2B and 9S. Their relationship feels extremely forced.

All that being said, DoD3 didn't start clicking for me until the 3rd or so route and Nier 1 took awhile to pick up too so I'm sure its the same for this too.

Automata's story is standard FPS shit of "follow orders", so lets not even go there

Um. Plenty of people? Are you new here?

What was the best joke ending?

>Nier 1's story was pretty standard JRPG
>Automata's story is standard FPS shit

I am a shit poster I don't have time to write well thought out arguments.

Adam and the aliens were the big reveals of the first half, nothing to do with following orders. Who the fuck is following orders in Route C when everything is going to shit?

Not even going to go into how retarded and ill-fitting Nier 1's Endings C and D are in the Daddy Nier version of the game that everyone played.

are you retarded
the fact that the game is popular as well as all the other popular lewd media disproves your basement dwelling theory

>I give more of a shit about the side characters than I do 2B and 9S. Their relationship feels extremely forced.
This so much.

2B/9S pairing is just feels like a teenagers idea of romance played completely serious.

Were any of them even good? Maybe as a half a second chuckle until you realize the last checkpoint was 10minutes ago and you are wasting time getting some useless letter on your save file.

>Ending C
thats like half the game bub

and the "follow orders" plot isnt even a bad thing, Automata's characters are just so bad that it dosent hold up

This plus they break the flow, going for a joke ending during a serious story moment then getting stuck in loading screens takes you out of the world and it takes awhile to get pulled back in.

Couldn't disagree more. Automata felt like a limp facsimile without any of the bite. The village getting invaded was way more compelling than the start of Route C, and the vengeance driven second half had a lot more weight. Killing machines didn't stack up to killing shades because we already knew the machines were sentient from way back when. Hell, just compare Devola and Popola in both games. In the first game it's a huge gut-punch with terrible repercussions to your party. In Automata it's "hey remember these characters" and basically had no consequence.

Are you implying America is the entire world, dumbfuck? That shit is doing well internationally, not stateside. No, the internet does not count.

Did anybody else feel despair at the start of Route C when everything was going to shit? I actually questioned myself and thought 'holy shit, with everything gone, what is the point anymore.'

There was this weird duality the whole way through of me wanting to see how everything unfolds and the creeping thoughts in the back of my mind as to whether any of this shit matters and where do we go from here now that everything is gone. I adore this game.

>watch streamer
>dude 1 played bayonetta expects a bayonetta 2.0, shits on the game
>dude 2 is a weeb, playing with japanese voices
streaming was a mistake

Its fucking Yoko Taro, dude trolls his fanbase by principle.

That being said, yeh the game is one of the best i've played.

Could also be because we don't get enough cyberpunk/robot games that focus on deconstructing human nature and how technology intersects with that.

have you ever seen a carl's jr. commercial

I did. It was extremely tedious to play.

So you would rather play with english voices that were done by some garbage bin actors found by a localization company that had zero input in the games development?

I can't tell whether NieR:A or Terraria is the game of the decade so far.

It's an overrated piece of shit like the rest of Taro's games.

>>watch streamer
Tarofags everyone

It's not a troll, I did some of the endings because I was reading a guide to purposefully get them but once I saw they just wasted my time I stopped.

People are getting them on purpose I'm not sure how that is trolling anyone.

I like U because Commander floats off into space with a stern look on her face forever.

The realization of what the main character was fighting while he was trying to fight for his own daughter's life in Nier had much more feels than a few androids realizing that they were only beta tests by a crazy A.I. to determine which one was the superior so it could destroy them all and start a new line with the newfound knowledge. Oh, and the robots were only fighting as they were mimicking the futility of human ways such as war and religion.

Nier had actual human emotion to it's story, Automata had anime emotion to it.

Some of the biggest gripes were the mundane quests and backtracking. It feels tedious.

Well the first one was overrated shit so I'm assuming this was too

I'm a huge weeb and Nier 1's dub is the best English dub of a japanese game ever. I liked Automata in JP more but the english is by no means bad either.

Pretty much this for me, the first route was quite boring in between the heavier story sections. [B] Route had the content for the majority of it which sucked but the story revelations made me more engrossed in the world.

I heard the PC port was terrible. Did they fix it? This game seems interesting so im considering dropping a bit of dosh on it or its predecessor.

>Except notice how there's no actually well reasoned arguments as to why it's good


>playing weeb games on pc

If i thought NiER was the most tedious dull jrpg I've ever played will i like this?

I still prefer the old demon designs. SMT IVs was alright still.

The fps mod fixes everything for me.

Had no issues at all actually.

My main issue is that really we're supposed to believe that 2B is already in love with 9S from well before the game but we never see why.

Also I get that 2B is trying not to get attached but that doesn't help sell the romantic connection which is at the crux of the story. 9S has more chemistry with 21O for crying out loud.

2B is just not a strong enough character to sell this idea.

>most of them are joke ending that ends with a couple of lines
Youre as bad of a liar as Todd Howard

I couldn't fap for 2 weeks after the ending and i was only able to fap to 2B after a month because every time i tried doing so i would start to tear up and that caused me a boner killer.

It copypasts the old games structure with streamlined sidequests and mildly upgraded combat

story is mileage may vary

Mirror's Edge has it's own merits in gameplay with it's impressive platforming and level design. Neither Nier games are fun to play and most fans just gush about the story and waifus. They claim it brings out the most from the medium with small gimmicks that you might see once in your playtgrough like deleting your save or text adventures, but it doesn't compliment or improve the flawed core game design.

I haven't played it and probably won't play it because all anyone talks about is waifu shit so it's probably shit.

those who didn't play it

Shin Megami Tensei II remains the best.

You really have to play on Hard or Hardest if you want the gameplay to force you to pay attention once awhile.

First time prologue on Hard is actually pretty decent.

Consoles are just really specialized and limited PCs

That game was unironically one of my favorite games of all time.

I had zero expectations coming in, and it blew me away. I love it to death, so happy with it.

Because it isn't a great game. It's a lackluster character action game that gets attention for its robot waifu and Yoko Taro silliness.