You have ten seconds to tell me a game that perfectly captures the feeling of an 80's and/or early 90's action movie

You have ten seconds to tell me a game that perfectly captures the feeling of an 80's and/or early 90's action movie.

Other urls found in this thread:

Final Fight.

FC Blooddragon or whatever its called

and hotline miami

Vice City

The first Metal Gear Solid

>baiting this hard for a Hotline Miami thread

you got me there, OP

why can't vidya do grungy slum environments anymore?

Blood Dragon.

Michael Biehn is such a beast.



Literally no movies were like Blood Dragon. That game is what a millennial thinks the 80s were like.

Fuck Kung Fury, while we're at it.

Contra 3

Sleeping Dogs.

Max Payne 1. It feels like an early 90's action movie. Max Payne 2 feels like an early 00's action movie.

metal slug

Streets of Rage 2

finally someone said it, thanks.

>Terminator for the Sega CD
>Demolition Man for the Megadrive
>Duke Nukem for fucking everything

It's probably seen as racist, somehow.


Soldier of fortune

It's a real shame how he destroyed his career. He could've really been a leading man one day. His agents all tried to put him in Die Hard type movies but he was already too much of a mess.

>That game is what a millennial thinks the 80s were like.


Post action kino.

It was obviously meant as a parody, but dumbshit redditors thought it was a straightfaced depiction of 80's media

Snatcher and Policenauts BOTH do this.

A parody of what? What 80s movie is it similar to that it is parodying?

All that said, Navy SEALs is a perfect B-grade '80s action movie.

>you will never have burgers with Reagan

Duke Nukem 3D

That's more like a sweaty drug cartel movie like Scarface or Miami Vice.

Max Payne
Alan Wake

Max Payne 3.



Ah shit, son! That's the feel.


Rex looks a lot like snake from escape from new york and they even have some random tech bullshit
With cheesy as fuck wtf moment like the surf pursuit

I wish that version of Alien 3 with Hicks and Bishop was the movie we got.

I forgot who said this but I remember hearing this story about this comedian who was famous for doing W. Bush impersonations, back in the 2000's when SNL and every comedy talk show did it. He said everyone would constantly ask him to do the impression and everytime he'd make it wackier and wackier to the point that he forgot what the original impression was and at this point was just doing a parody of his original parody.

That's what Blood Dragon is. I really liked the game but it's like they tried to parody Duke Nukem rather then actual 80's films and what we got is this weird parody of a parody that barely resembles the original thing it was poking fun at.

>GOAT atmosphere and setting
>Restricted to visual novel gameplay

I would love to explore Neo Kobe City trying to solve a mystery.

Beat Cop

it might not have the gameplay but it certainly has the writing that feels straight out of Beverly Hills Cop

Did someone call?

What is big trouble in little China then?

>being over 30 on Sup Forums


>I said, “Why’d you cast me?” He said, “I wanted to cast you because there’s a certain moment in that movie where all hell is breaking loose, and I wanted to see you coming through these hospital doors, to see you bang through these double doors, and I want the audience to stand up and cheer.” This is while we’re shooting. I’m like, “Oh, yeah? Really? Okay, we’ll see about that. Whatever.” Didn’t give it a second thought.
>Anyway, we’re at the big screen downtown, a thousand people, and the movie starts, blah blah blah happens, Josh Brolin’s doing his thing. All of a sudden, I come crashing through the front door with a shotgun in my hand… and fucking everybody goes crazy. Everybody stands up and cheers. Here comes the fucking cavalry, which I guess I represented. Which I guess he knew I represented. That’s Robert. He knew that moment was going to happen if he cast me in that role, as opposed to somebody else, I think, because of all the stuff that I had done back in the ’80s I guess was kind of heroic.

I'll say Shadow Warrior, it's a bit OTT but fits with the aesthetic of, say the Mortal Kombat movies

Snatcher is a pretty strong ripoff of Blade Runner but I don't care

>being under 18 on Sup Forums

if Blood Dragon is at 100 crazy, Big Trouble rides the line around 55 and peaks at like 75. FC3BD is a farce and knows it, but Big Trouble has a restraint and method to its madness.

I don't think anyone would ever argue otherwise. It's practically a mash up of all the popular 80's sci-fi shit. But it does it so well.

Resident Evil 3.

>being on Sup Forums

>EVERy movie and game was TRON WITH SYNTHWAVE

Retro-inspired games should be purged.


that's racist

What happened with him after Terminator?

yeah I don't get it, when I think of 80's and early 90's aesthetic I think more of grimy filthy urban sprawl, shit-strewn alleys and empty crumbling warehouses or heavy industrial areas than neon vomited everywhere

He fucking died, did you even watch the movie?

That looks pretty awesome.

Don't be a smartass.

Why were these posts deleted? They were reference Cobra and Timebomb.

It could be a boardwide ban. When you shitpost on other threads and trigger a mod, he can delete all your posts in the board with a single click.

Funnily enough, I found that out when I asked the same thing on Sup Forums and the mod banned me for "ban evasion".

New janitors just went out so who knows. Could be any number of reasons. We'll have to adjust to the new people's preferences.

Yakuza 0, I would have put mgsv, just because of how you can fly in shirtless on a chopper in the jungle, which really gives me that original 1980's Predator feel. But Yakuza 0 has it all, you got villains you wanna punch, romantic subplots, the fucking FINALE has 80's action movie written all over it. It just gives me the classic 80s action cop vibe.

I always get banned when I talk about mods, even if I'm joking

hotline miami

>implying a smelly ass manchild who does work FOR FREE is gonna ban you.
Mods are no fun allowed fags.

>New janitors just went out so who knows.
That's not how janitors work, summer child. They don't even go "out on patrol" as soon as they're accepted.

Streets of Rage

masters of the universe for intellevision ´coz which kid wasnt into based Masters of the universe.


DMC1 I guess. The rest of the games in the series are anime.

Old guy here. Can confirm this is 100% correct.

Geez, I had no idea Biehn was such an awkward sort. That's really sad. At least he can still get work, but damn it. He's old now.

At least this gives me a reason to watch Grindhouse/Planet Terror.

>tfw no one has made a space bounty hunter game yet

cyberpunk 2077 is the only hope


There is nothing wrong about liking the exaggerated neon """"80's"""" style. Of fucking course it wasnt like that in the past. It doesn't mean the idea isnt cool.

aggressive neon like in most Neo-Tokyo art is fine. It is a pleasant aesthetic but what we've seen in games trying to be retro is just shit.

This is probably the best answer because it's not tryhard.

Jesus Christ dudes. Jagged Alliance 2.

that point and click bladerunner game


The fuck does it matter, punk? They're clear overexaggerations of the 80's. Cheesy neon shit is just fun and has spun off and become it's own thing at this point, much like Cyberpunk. Off yourself, and all your little (You)fag band should take your example.

The same thing applies to modern movies trying to ape the style.

The thing about 80s/early 90s action movies is that even when they're at their most "over the top" they still treat things pretty seriously. There's little to no "look at the camera and wink haha aren't we silly guyz" stuff.

I like the agressive neon style you are talking about, but it usually is always restrained to cyberpunk.

Why cant we have this aesthetic in a game based on present? Why cant we have this aesthetic in a game based on the past? Hell , why cant we have this aesthetic in a high fantasy setting where mages put glowing lights everywhere?

He got some really big gigs like Aliens and The Abyss (He's still quite a good friend of James Cameron), but a bad case of alcoholism meant that Biehn pissed away a lot of roles and faded into relative obscurity in the '90s and '00s.

Arnold movies were almost entirely winks at the camera.


Neon works as a highlight in the dirty, trash filled, city streets of neo-noir/cyberpunk. The contrast is the point.

>There's little to no "look at the camera and wink haha aren't we silly guyz" stuff

But that's basically what Commando is.

>tfw no sequel
>just a dumb comic

I guess I should be glad, Egg Shen being ded and all

>Arnold movies were almost entirely winks at the camera.
Not really. Last Action Hero and True Lies definitely are but that's also the point of them as they mark the end of that era.

>fat Australian Freddie Mercury in a chain mail vest

I love Bennett.

Metal gear 2. It came out in 1990 so that's kinda why.

I would pay a ridiculous amount of money for a good Terminator 1 game. Preferably a modern day remake of the one Bethesda actually made back in like 1990.

Commando, Total Recall, Running Man. Its pretty blatant in those.

Strangehold feels exactly like a John Woo movie.

This is not true.

Anime movies exist.
