Why is he so hated?
Why is he so hated?
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Deceptive skill curve
Attracts shitters and xXxLegolas420xXx crowd due to being the epic archer man with low risk
Has the ability to randomly oneshot you by simply spamming chokes
Doomfist when?
He's a heavily feast or famine character. When playing well, he is capable of 1 shoting every dps (bar bastion) with his primary fire, and Scatter Arrow wrecks all but the sturdiest tanks (who all die to a follow up shot). Furthermore, scatter arrow is more than capable of killing people behind corners leading to all sorts of rage.
When played poorly though, he contributes almost nothing.
Thanks to that little thing called confirmation bias, people remember all the enemy Hanzos that wrecked their shit, and all the shitty Hanzos they played with who didn't contribute anything.
Finally, he's almost never been in meta, so redditor meta slaves instantly spurg out the second he (along with any non meta character) is picked
Japanese characters attract the worst demographic. He is by no means a bad character.
Because is skill floor is slightly higher than the rest of the Overwatch cast.
weebs ruin everything
This. They're both hated for the same reason: you can spam chokepoints and get a bunch of lucky kills
His skill set is just not important enough in the game.
>Reaper is anti tank
>76 is better, can heal, dash
>Tracer can harass and pick off support while staying on point
>Pharah can rain down from above, hard to hit
>Genji can reflect bullets from Bastion, moves quickly
>McCree can stun and pick off foes while staying close
Hanzo just snipes and launches the biggest and easiest to avoid ult in the game. Hanzo on the point/payload is useless too
yeah ok, how about you git gud nerd
Hes not reliable damage and you need at least 1 hitscan with Pharah being in every game.
>retard missing every arrow against some guy on your team
>you happen to walk around a corner and eat an arrow that wasn't even aimed at you
Scatter Arrow is just a dumb ability. Its just way too unreliable, and annoying to fight against. Either it will oneshot you or deal no damage at all.
Sonic Arrow never feels like its as useful as it should be
One of the worst ults in the game
>His skill set is just not important enough in the game.
>sonic arrows can reveal enemy team if launched at the right place
>can basically one shot tanks with scatter
>can one shot everyone else
>Genji can reflect bullets from Bastion, moves quickly
Of all the things Genji can do, this is your example? It's not his team killing ult, it's the Bastion deflection?
t. Silver
That's called suppression. The best hanzos in the world do it jack ass. It's no different than s76 doing tiny amounts of damage to everyone on the other team.
Because he's the best
He is defense tho
You are comparing him with Attackers.
Because getting killed by a hanzo never really feels like you got outskilled. Either he randomly tags your head because he was blindly spamming arrows and you just die, or he shoots at your feat with scatter arrow and insta-gibs you.
Combine this with the fact that he doesn't actually contribute very much beyond being annoying as fuck, and you have someone who is terrible regardless of whose team he's on.
>One of the worst ults in the game
Not with the most recent change. Position yourself well for a flank behind a wall and dragons spawn near-instantly. Very lethal.
>Thanks to that little thing called confirmation bias, people remember all the enemy Hanzos that wrecked their shit, and all the shitty Hanzos they played with who didn't contribute anything.
>Finally, he's almost never been in meta, so redditor meta slaves instantly spurg out the second he (along with any non meta character) is picked
This all day. I can't count the number of times I've carried with hanzo after someone telling me to switch because "he's useless" then I get several team kills and I get "ANYBODY CAN PLAY HANZO." There's no winning with him, even if you are winning.
Because most people aren't good with him, and unless their aim is amazing they sit on the high ground spamming arrows and not contributing toward taking a point/moving the payload
>implying blizzards arbitrary categories mean anything
Hanzo is a DPS, so hes comparing him to other DPS heroes
>and not contributing toward taking a point/moving the payload
This seems to be a common talking point that does not reflect what actually happens in game. In my experience the whole team is throwing and no one is pushing the payload.
memes and hivemind.
Overwatch is a typical example of a game were everyone just follows the "meta" and if you dare pick outside that you will get flamed to death.
Get out of Bronze
In all seriousness though Hanzos honestly should be near the payload on attack. Hes alot more of a mid range scuffler than a sniper.
I hate him mostly because of the people who play him. They always seem to stand in the same spot even if they are killed multiple times, missing every shot while spamming "need healing". I also really hate when people instalock him along side a Widowmaker, I mean the game tells you what we are missing in terms of team comp, how can you be so dense.
because 99% of hanzo players are terrible or noobs
Because he's a dirty sandnigger OP
SCATTER SHOT is an instant kill for everyone but the hp tanks.
He's asian
I'm silver and I'm always on the payload. I often have gold on payload time and eliminations. People still complain.
I essentially never get to play hanzo because within a few seconds of the game starting someone instalocks him or widowmaker and i'm almost always forced to be our only tank or healer. So I tank or heal and silently resent hanzo player for being selfish assholes. The worst part is so many of them are awful.
>Scatter Arrow is just a dumb ability. Its just way too unreliable,
It's not unreliable. The arrow's scatter pattern is always the same. If you shoot the same surface 10 times in a row the arrows will scatter the same each time.
If it's unreliable, its because you missed or you shot the wrong surface (eg, shooting stairs and expecting it to reflect up into your target)
>memes and hivemind.
>Overwatch is a typical example of a game were everyone just follows the "meta" and if you dare pick outside that you will get flamed to death.
What started this? Was it mobas? I've been playing competitive games since the late 90s and I never noticed meta obsession until 2-3 years ago.
People look to blame their failing on anything they can. I'm over lvl 400 and I can't tell you how many QP have people on mic bitching about whatever hero keeps killing them. It's almost always a problem of positioning and cool down management even more so than mechanical skill. You can see this with teams who have mastered both. That's when the whole meta bullshit becomes important. When both teams know how to aim and know how to use their abilities and know where to be at the right time, the only way to break the tie is to pick counters to the enemy.
Archers in FPS.
The idea that arrows have a more lethal impact to the head then a bullet ever. Which is understandable. Both are equally lethal. What's more annoying is body shots with arrows vs bullets. Take Sniper Huntsman vs Rife from TF2. You can blind chuck arrows for more lethal damage then learning to headshot.
Now what archers in FPS need is ammo differences and less damage for body shots but should add say a movement slow. Harder to walk with an arrow in your calf then a bullet.
Reminder that it still takes some skill to instagib with scatter. It's not a brainless free kill.
It's because gamers are racist.
basically his brother was fucking his waifu so he had to do something
still cuck though. thats why nobody likes him
Unless you're tracer. I've never not die to scatter arrow.
After the next hero at a minimum. The next hero is a support. Well unless t hey make Doomfist a support.
Because people see Wraxu and wanna emulate him, failing horribly.
I think he's fine.
Hanzo players are often showoffs and he is known as a "tilt pick" in the community for a reason.
>aiming at someone's feet
>not brainless
From his teams perspective
>Low DPS
>Rarely gets on the point
>Cant adequately protect himself dispirit primarily playing away from the group
>Constantly tries to draw healers away from the group because he wont use healthpacks
>Tends to concern himself with less important things like shooting Torb turrets or reinforcements
From the other teams perspective
>Non line of sight burst damage able to kill full healthed heros leads to feel bad moments
>Random one shot headshots because projectile hitboxes are huge leads to feel bad moments
From everyones perspective
>Has utterly infected quickplay along with Widow and Genji making some heros not viable in quick play on top of competitive
>Is seen so often in quickplay its a meme
>Rarely if ever switches despite being ineffectual and if he does switch its most likely to a Genji which still does not provide what the team needs
At this point the only ones that like him are the ones that play him.
if i can i usually try to bank a scatter off a wall as someone's running through a hallway. it works a lot of the time surprisingly.
>200 health character who needs two full seconds to do any damage and is useless outside of farting range
I seriously have no clue how people have problems with her. She's a mild annoyance at best. Give her some hot monkey dick and have a flanker blow up her shield generator. It's not hard.
Because 9 times out 10, if there is a hanzo on your team, he's going to suck balls. I'd rather have a bad player play anything but hanzo
No, I would call sym's beam brainless. If you just aim at their feet you'll only slightly damage them most of the time. You have to be able to reliably hit the sweet spot.
Bitch got a halo 1 plasma rifle slowdown effect on niggas
character who is entirely based on luck
even the worlds best hanzo players can't consistently land hits
Is it just me or is Widow superior to Hanzo in every single way except his ultimate, which is superior.
Nah, just get better at geometry dumbass.
Slowdown doesn't affect your ability to shoot someone. In fact it helps because the worst thing to do against Symmetra is to jump around throwing your own aim off while Sym herself is jumping around throwing your aim off while taking advantage of her auto-aim gun. Stay with your Winston as much as you can so he can clear out her turrets and just shoot her.
>Rarely if ever switches despite being ineffectual and if he does switch its most likely to a Genji which still does not provide what the team needs
so fucking true
widows ultimate is better though
hanzo is a joke character put in because they hadn't ripped off the design of the huntsman from TF2 yet.
She's the biggest one-trick pony in the game. If you're really good at that trick (headshotting people from halfway across the map) then she's great. If you're in literally any other situation she's complete garbage.
>teamwide wallhack
>not superior to muh dragons
geometry is overpowered you idiot, not nearly as many people would bitch about hanzo if he didnt have his geometry shotgun
>walking around a corner that is being spammed by arrows that can one shot you
Not very bright, are you?
Character wise, he's a huge dick.
Play wise, he's not very good and one of his skills effectively rewards failure.
Very few players can play him effectively.
I might be wrong but I think LoL started the whole trend, the devs of LoL even started to design the game purely around the "meta" stuff. And now you can get banned if you don't pick accordingly to the meta.
Games like LoL and overwatch have certain roles, and heroes that fit that role. Like a DPS,tank or healer. And if one of the lets say DPS character does much better at that role than another there's no reason to pick the weaker counterpart.
>worthless dragon is better than wallhack
Are you seriously this stupid?
Wallhacks are considerably less useful when the enemy team knows the wallhacks are up.
>Rarely gets on the point
Hanzo shouldn't be on the point unless there are not many people on the point. You would be aiming better if you have some distance from enemies.
>At this point the only ones that like him are the ones that play him.
Too many people "maining" a character. I used to hate Hanzo to back in season 1 and 2 until I played around with him in quick play and arcade. His wallhack arrow is really useful on certain points and maps.
>xXLegolazxX joined the game
>insta locks hanzo or genji or even junk rat on attack
>someone go healer
Winston players are cool though
Hanzo is only strong because the maps are so narrow and chokepointed that he physically cannot miss as long as he shoots down them. If the maps were open he wouldn't hit anything.
>Hanzo shouldn't be on the point unless there are not many people on the point. You would be aiming better if you have some distance from enemies.
Yes I understand but most points are moderately to well protected from outside fire and if he is not on the point than its 6 bodies against 5 putting your team at a disadvantage. Many point fights go to the last man on both sides and if your down a man that means they immediately win.
I just want widow to be able to hang upside down from her grappling hook while indoors. It's in her short and even in one of her fucking intros. Just ADD IT
ayyy I wish people gave Winston more love,
Golden Staff Monkey King is my favorite
League started it yeah, RIOT didn't help with that jury bullshit and basically designing the game around it.
League has damaged videogames so much its kind of frightening.
>tfw no gamemode which is basically comp-lite to practice off-heroes against the meta
I have a strategy as Mercy when the team is shit
I call it "Mercy's wild adventure at the safari" and I basically pocket winston not giving a fuck about anyone else, you'd be surprised how many matches I won that way
Yeti skin is better
I just don't like getting instantly killed from scatter shot on the ground
>lasts 5 seconds
Yeah, seems really good.
>mfw got to masters playing only sym last season
Feels goodman.
>>Constantly tries to draw healers away from the group because he wont use healthpacks
This shit gets my motherfucking goat. Screaming at me for heals, hidden away in some alcove somewhere. "Why aren't you healing me? Why aren't you healing me?"
fuck that mustache its ugly on the safari skins too but its there for a reason
I also dont like the facepaint on Wiukong but at least its lore based
Should call it "Mercy visits Detroit" instead
"Mercy and Winston 2 : Electric Boogaloo"
Harmony on monkey, Discord on healers
Watching the backline melt has never been so satisfying
So what you're saying, is that you're silver?
Plenty of ults are powerful because they force the enemy to avoid them. I get a ton of mileage out of Hanzo's ult just by blocking off flank routes and forcing the enemy to tunnel through a single choke or give up a chunk of objective progress for free.
The only reason I don't play him more is because I don't believe in my own aim so I just play Winston and Reinhardt but one day I'm going to learn how to aim good and then I will play Hanzo 24/7.
Yes he fucking is a bad character
Generic ass long range DPS bow user who can easily one-shot most of the cast, and nobody is safe from his scattershot-follow up combo. Only thing more aggrivating than his horsecock kit are the fuckhueg demographic of people who play him that suck shit as him.
> Sym is a support character
> but torb is a defense character
Honestly, I classify the characters as tank, dps, support or builder. Much easier and simpler that way.
there's no inbetween for skill with Hanzo
Good Hanzo's can decimate damn near anyone
Bad Hanzos are worse than a level 1 bot
I've never played a game where I said "yeah our Hanzo was alright"
> All those roadhog shitters mad that they can't one hit kill over half the heroes
Reminder that an instakill move is not a counter. Hook should be meant to get you out of position so the enemy TEAM can kill you, not roadhog with one shot.
I hope Widow and Hanzo are next. One shot kills in a TEAM game is just not fun at all.
Thanks for the filter thread OP. We were starting to get clogged up.
>team for whatever reason has a Winzo and a Hadowmaker on top of the inoffensive Soldier 76 and McCree picks
>playing Zenyatta because we need a healer
>enemy Pharah and Mercy flying around with impunity in spite of this
>able to reliably take out 4 of the enemy team trivially with half-assed coordinated efforts but regardless of the presence of my "fuck this enemy in particular" orb nobody seems interested in shooting two hovering targets
>Hanzo's scatter arrow flies wildly into nothing
>snipers dead
>McCree invites them to step right up, is slaughtered the instant he begins standing still
>alright, 76, your time to shi-
>Genji is with you
Mercy is getting the nerf bat next
between being hands down the best support right now and the prominence of PharMercy she can't possible escape Blizzard's awful "balancing"
Ana is still the best Support, Mercy is just usable now.
>Just want to play someone like 76
>No one picks a healer ever
>Have to carry the team with Zen again
One day I will get to play someone else.