My sissy trap cuck friend is telling me to buy it.
Should I do it, Sup Forums?
give me your quick rundown on this dino shit
My sissy trap cuck friend is telling me to buy it.
Should I do it, Sup Forums?
give me your quick rundown on this dino shit
go watch some youtube videos kid
Very good game, nice graphics, dinosaurs, very often updates and awesome developers.
This thread is useless without pictures
Despite the performance issues, it can be a really good game if you're into Survival Crafting and plan to play with your friends.
OP here
He is also telling that the poor optimization thing is a meme
It's not a meme, it's a real issue, and it can be a real pain in the ass if you cant handle low FPS or running the game in potato mode, but that and some questionable game designs choice are the only problems.
Why do you even trust a fag who sucks cocks?
Get a better game, like Tekken 7 or some shit
With all things consider, ARK is a pretty good game. The perfomance meme is just from the Sup Forumstards that still think it is not the best survival game since Minecraft before Mojang being sold.
tira print
You are all stupid shitfaces.
I have been summoned
Posting a superior game, step off early access cucks.
>any videogame
>any time
Grow up
gr8 b8.
>ARK is a pretty good game
go back to the fucking school kiddo
fucking minecraft generation is killing the industry
Ark is the best game to play high
Save me from playing this vydia, Sup Forums
Why do the autistic kids pander to dinosaurs?
When I try to play ARK on high settings.
Shut up. You can't even being to understand how well ARK can be played with so many levels of immersion that even Skyrim can't compete.
Go for Reign of Kings OP
best survival crafting on the market
dont listen to those cocksuckers fags
Honestly mate, you'll only enjoy this game if you like the grind that is PvP Survival Crafting.
The game runs like shit and everybody knows that. Either you run it below 30fps or run the game in PS1 mode.
You'll spend most of your time griding resources and taming dinos, maybe raiding someone or losing all of your shit to a group bigger than yours. If this sounds interesting to you and your friends, then go for it.
Just know that the developers are borderline retarded and make some really stupid decisions, like the DLC and some game-breaking items and creatures, but they normally patch it after some time.
>griding resources and taming dildos
ARK is a huge game, in terms of geographical space, scope of content, features, technology, and just about every other metric. We're a veteran team with some major hits behind our leads, and much of the core challenge is already met, but this is still an ambitious one for us. We want the player community's help to 'evolve' ARK into the dinosaur world game that we've been dreaming about since the days we played with plastic green T-Rex toys during elementary school recess, since we shed a tear to 'The Land Before Time', since we wistfully imagined the towering cities of 'Dinotopia', and since we nearly choked on our popcorn to the thrills of 'Jurassic Park'. We love games, and holy smokes do we ever love dinos (along with all sorts of other extinct creatures/natural sciences), and through interaction and iteration with the ARK's community, we think we have the best shot at creating the be-all, end-all long-term prehistoric universe that we want to live and thrive in. We have a great start, and with your valued input and contributions, we will take it all the way together!
- 30+ more creatures to reach well over 100, with essentially every major category of extinct animal represented in some way
- More saddle types including saddle armor tiers and saddles with powerful weapons mounted on them
- Gas-powered Vehicles
- Enhanced building mechanics to evolve ARK into one of the best straight-up builder games out there
- More underwater biome/ecosystem complexity, including support for vacuum-sealed underwater bases
- Lots more items, weapons, armors and further advanced tech tiers
- More item skins, limited run event skins
- More bosses and the end-game cycle including the Ultimate Life Form & Ascension
- More biome types
- Steam Economy Support for Statistical Items (Need some Steam API functionality for this from Valve!)
- Way more plants and more detailed plant biology systems/farming systems
Ark is the best survival game out there.