Springman is the best boy! edition
ARMS post testpunch discussion
testpunch in a nutshell
>spring 44.png
arms is a cool game
I'm in love with MinMin but all her arms suck .
Megawatt + RamRam
I mean, I can like make an archive and dump them if you want
Any tier list predictions yet?
Thanks again to the artist that drew this. Any Kid Cobra art is well appreciated
time till next round:
>still first round screens
sad, desu
thanks dude
Helix freaks me out but I love him.
min mim and ninjara seem high but theyre also gay so I didn't play as either of them
I'm probably going to main Springman.
Still need to test Cobra Kid.
Is it possible to buy a month of amazon prime 8 days after ARMS launches, buy ARMS, and pre-order splatoon and get both games for the discounted price?
had any matches where you fought someone using the exact same alt, the exact same setup, and the exact same cheapo tactics as you?
Play the full game and unlock other arms you goof
These are sample loadouts
Impossible to tell until we know for certain which characters can use which arms.
Why is Ninjara so satisfying to use?
I fucking love fighting shadow me and beating them.
The direct already said any fighter can use any arms
Why does he wear the mask?
All characters have access to all 30 arms.
>dragon on left, ram ram on right
The dragon has great range and is hard to dodge. Once you transform the left arm it gets way better and knocks back the enemy.
The ram ram keeps taking them out from the side as they try to dodge or get closer.
I got some perfect and near perfect matches with the combo.
I want to bully Mechanica!
Don't worry Kid Cobra, I'll always watch your live streams
Is this going to be like Splatoon with the first dlc coming out the first weekend?
this works, I know first hand. If you fight someone comfortable with this, fuck its lights out.
Should work. My Prime subscription expired weeks before Disgaea 5 came out and I still got the discount and the release day shipping.
I read up on it. It doesn't matter if you let it lapse. Amazon will still honor the discount as long as the purchase was made while you have Prime.
How mean.
When are the testpunches tomorrow?
possible. I can see the boss being the first character "added" pretty quickly after launch
Same here, I'll watch them everyday
Got video of this?
So what ARMS news could we see at E3?
>official reveal of the Champion
>future DLC details
What else?
who /mechanica/ here?
its real boring, not even worth webms.
Here my friendo
I played against a ninjara that was somehow able to dash dance on the ground
he wasn't using his dash button, he was just moving back and forth really quickly. I didn't think it was possible to move that fast though. Was I playing with a mexican or is that something you can do with the pro controller?
Where the fuck can I find the hedlok theme? Shit's been stuck in my head all day.
Amiibo you can train and use in 2v2
>ARMS can only get a single duplicate "+"
>You'll never get duplicates after the first one
>You're more likely to get ARMS for the character you're playing as
>You can easily get 10+ ARMS in a single round
Mechanicunts need to go.
If Ninjara blocks your hit he dashes.
In case you didn't know.
8 EST and 2 EST same times as the first two today.
Mechanica is a FUCKING NERD!
I play best with Mechanica, but I still cycle through Spring Man, Minmin, and Twintelle.
I wanna see how many people played the true American Double Toaster Springman in this most recent testpunch. I'm actually surprised how useful it was when I used it. Switched off to Tribolts when playing Skillshot, but those fuckin Toasters, man.
Can the characters feel things through their 'arms'?
So, if Springman beats off, does it feel like someone else doing it?
that wasn't it. we would be standing in neutral and he would just dash dance side to side as if he was flicking the control stick back and forth quickly
He teleports when he blocks, so pretty sure he's just blocking right before the attack hits.
Every nin I've fought so far does this exclusively, and throws nothing but grabs.
Pity for them Ribbon Girl's slaps can hit you after you've grabbed her and cancel the grab.
he imagines that it's ninjara
The test punches yesterday and today both really solidified for me how fantastic this game is to play (I could only play for like half an hour last weekend), but I am sad to have read that the campaign mode is really barebones and doesn't have cutscenes or even character exclusive stills... Also Ribbon Girl is criminally underrated.
I stuck with true american the whole time
mostly because I didn't know what the other arms did and I didn't want to spend the whole testpunch guessing about it
Who are your 3 most played characters?
Mine are Ribbon Girl, Ninjara and Mummy Master
My wife.
see there were no punches being thrown. it looked very similar to Melee dash dancing.
Master Mummy, Mechanica and Helix
a shit
spring man
Mechanica, Ribbon Girl, and Twintelle
Who will be the NO ITEMS, FOX ONLY character of ARMS?
Helix, Twintelle, and I dont think I really played as anyone else the past two weeks enough to say they count as my third. Probably Min Min.
I don't think it'll be the character, but the fists.
It would be the Buff. Its got no gimmicks, no status effects. Just damage when charged.
Nin or Min.
What IS Biff?
Nin v Nin, No grab, Buff only.
god fucking dammit I managed to forget and miss every single session and I'll be working during the last two
need a version of this with Hedlok and six thinking hands
I never realized that I needed this until now
someone get on this
An ARMS that acquired the human gene.
>using master mummy
>always do his winning pose along with him
You sure he wasn't just dashing?
A robot that the CEO of the ARMS corporation that owns the tournament and the companies that manufacture ARMS for the fighters to use
*that the CEO of the ARMS corporation uses
Mechanica doesn't even have stretchy arms!
What kind of tiger items/power ups do you think will be the full version?
Now we have the healing bottlle, special bottle, bomb, and electric bomb.
>ARMS tournament is world renowned
>Championship fights have 100% viewership
>Somehow only 10 fighters in the league
faker than pro-wrestling.
I am 100% positive
They're the only people with ARMS.
Mechanica is a cheater.
That's all there is. And they are disabled in ranked mode.
could have been lag then.
Mechanica is a nerd
Please user kun, please for the love of whatever deity may exist share with us your collection of springman we need this in our lives
Do not bully mechanica.
the public persona of the Arms champion
isnt half the cast springless? Theres a robot cop, mecanica, twintelle, the green goo and the mummy
Post best girl
Everyone except the robot and Mechanica got ARMS genes in them