Resident Evil HD

Is it shit? Do you prefer it to RE4/7? Thoughts on the game in general when compared to the original and rest of the series?

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>Is it shit?
>Do you prefer it to RE4/7?
It's a million times better than four. Seven did a great job in my opinion though.
>Thoughts on the game in general when compared to the original and rest of the series?
A lot of people like the original a lot and some even more than this one, but for me the remake is way better. It's one of the best games of the franchise, if not the best one. The second and third are great too, but I still think REmake is better than those. Four, five and six are out of the question, those games are shit compared to this one. Revelations 1 and 2 were good, but still not as good as Remake. Seven was, ironically, the game that came closer to what this one felt like, but still arguable not as good.

It's godly.
Shits all over RE4. Better than original and better than the rest of the games in the series.
If RE 2 remake is as good as this I will die a happy man.

I've only played RE 0, REmake and 4. But I thought REmake was great. Admittedly it was mostly because of the impressive graphics for the GameCube. But its one of the few games where graphics actually enhanced what the game was trying to do.

Still could have improved the slow movement. But otherwise, it's great.


REmake and RE4 are both the games in the series.

7 isn't really a bad game, but there's so many small issues with it, and GOD DAMN does it shit itself as soon as you get to the boat, why.

It's not new for Resident Evil to go full action in the final section, but RE7 did it so fucking poorly, even worse than TEW did it.

Legitimately one of the greatest games ever made and I only played it for the first time last year.

Super memorable, fun and tense. Honestly the only complaint I have is not being able to switch the original voice acting for shits and giggles.

>Original Resident Evil shit?
KYS,the original is still the best one but in all the first 3 is a must have. Anything after is optional OP.

>grouping that abortion with RE4
I know you're trying to get a thread going, but you didn't need to resort to that. Kill yourself.

>Is it shit?
It's probably the best Resident Evil game ever made and also probably one of my favorite games ever.

REVII has more issues than just that.

Like terrible character models, boring design, NO ENEMY VARIETY, Evelyn as a fucking whole, no extra content (unless you want to spend $30 on the Season Pass!)

It's better than RE6 at least.

I/ve never been able to find any more of this set. Got a sauce?

>better than RE6
Hue hue hue.
>released with bonus modes
>even has free costumes from RE.NET
>Mercs is incredible
>4 campaigns
>Chris's campaign has a great story

6 may only be an action game with horror elements, but it's still better than VII.

>6 may only be an action game with horror elements, but it's still better than VII.

Back it up a tad, because...

>bonus modes that are console exclusive or you need to pay for
> shouldn't need to exist to give outfits
>which are Mercs only
>majority of Mercs is paid DLC
>Chris' story is not fun at all to play

So what's the Sup Forumserdict on 0 Remake? I never ever see anyone talking about it.

>Rev 1 good
>4 shit
walk into traffic

I never could get into Resident Evil. I don't get the appeal.

well it's not a remake it's just a remaster, so it doesn't fix any of the problems that 0 has

It's a remaster, but it's a great remaster. Much better than REmake's remaster.

RE0 is kinda shit though, so that's your call if you want to play it. It's the single mainline Resident Evil before RE5 that Shinji Mikami had no directorial or producer role for.

What's the best area from the game and why is it the Aqua Ring?

I don't think the first game is good, I said that there was a lot of people who liked it. I like the REmake only.
Also, I don't hate four, I just don't think is as good as other Resident Evil games.

is RE HD playable with KB+M or do you need a controller?

RE7 was like a shittier 4.

never been so afraid to approach a dead monster in my life desu senpai

Oh I just shortly read that it includes a new control scheme and some alternate game modes so I can't think of it as "just a remaster".

The remake in general or the HD remasters? I can't speak for the remasters directly but REmake itself is elder god tier RE. The rest of the series can't fuck with it.

Revelations 2 is the best RE game tbqh

Enhanced port works better then.

RE1 to REmake is a remake. An entirely new game using RE1 as a foundation.

RE0 HD is the game upscaled with some bonuses.

>console exclusive or you need to pay for
I was referring to Mercs and Agent Hunt.
> shouldn't need to exist
I agree. It's still better than paying for costumes.
>which are Mercs only
More than you can say for VII.
I wouldn't call maps the majority. It's not like they locked skills or weapons behind DLC. Besides, the best maps are the ones that came on disc.
Kill yourself.
>Chris's story is not fun at all to play
Nice opinion.

Super fucking tense and the wonky controls just add to this. Mostly atmosphere though, something that RE7 had none of btw

>anything like 4

In the sense that it's most like Rev1, which in and of itself feels more like a sequel to 4 than 5 did. Still, Rev1 was something of a conscious attempt to bring some horror direction back to RE and in that light RE7 is a more dedicated continuation down the path that Rev1 trailblazed. It's less like the parts that are like 4 and more like the parts that attempted to draw from the classics.

Did RE7 at least have the map design reminiscent of Metroivania games like REmake and 2 had?

I skipped REmake since I played the original when it released and only got around to playing it in 2015. It was alright, but it's SUPER fucking obvious to me that most of its fandom consists of people who did not play the original on release.

>something that RE7 had none of btw
It had loads compared to RE5 and 6. Just about more than 4 even.

RE7's map design is very simplified compared to those games. A couple areas move in that general direction but by and large it's never that complex. However, it is still an improvement from the relative linearity of the action games, however slight of one it may be.

You start out in the estate, you can explore as you find the keys and such. As soon as you leave the house, you go to the old house, which you can explore, after that, you go to Lucas' hideout, which is rather linear, and then you get a point of no return after you beat the boss for that section.

jesus fuck Neptune still scares the shit out of me after all these years

True, until you realize that the only other enemies in the mansion are fucking goo monsters and Jack who's just an annoying bulletsponge

>anything like 4
It takes far more after 4 than the older games so it bugs me when people say 7 "took the series back to its roots" or whatever because it didn't. It's laid out a lot like 4 with puzzles and exploration being solved in a linear order with a bit of backtracking and a lot of combat only without any of the enemy/weapon variety and a lot of cinematic experience stuff you'd expect to see in modern horror games like Ayylmao and Outlast.

And until you beat Marge, the only place the Molded appear are in dark areas.

I love older RE but RE4 is one of my favorite games for how it blends tightly designed environments and enemy placement reminiscent of older action games with a format that strikes the right balance between feeling familiar enough with the previous installments, and suiting the updated presentation. It was a massive paradigm shift for the series as a whole and people were rightfully disappointed that the series strayed further from its atmospheric horror roots as a result, but judging it standalone of its own merits, it's fucking GOAT.

>in the mansion

What about the mansion basement? Or the second floor of the old house? The majority of the ship? RE7 wasn't as great as the early titles but it still very much has its moments in regards to atmosphere.

The ship draaaags and the moment you get the machinegun, any semblance to tension disappears.

>that feelerino when you accidentally did the basement and Jack fight before you got the shotgun

Sounds pretty weak.
Are there puzzles like the old games at least?

>goo monsters
>annoying bulletsponge
I didn't see them as such, I was immersed in the Baker family narrative and the obvious hivemind control they were under.

I think puzzles are one of the things RE7 does great. I also don't think the exploration part is that bad, in fact, it's good, but it's not as complex as in earlier games

>goo monsters aren't bad because [unrelated excuse]

Very few.

You get the shotgun trick again and you get neat 3D shadow puzzles, but that's about it.

TEW had better puzzles, which isn't saying much at all, considering they're all in the same fucking chapter.

And I just said that it's basically a logical progression from the first Revelations, which isn't entirely unlike 4 fundamentally but also draws some differences of its own. The Molded are basically Ooze 2.0, psychostimulants are basically the scanning mechanic revamped, and much like Rev1 it's a mix between tinkering with the stylings of the old games and 4-esque moments where the action sort of ramps up but never into full blown Rambo territory. Hell, you could even assume a first-person viewpoint in Rev1 and it even has the same director as Rev1. It's not a return to classic RE form, it's a continuation of what Rev1 did. It did take RE5's inventory system though, that's something not ripped from Rev1.

They could be more interesting, but I didn't find issue with them as severely as you apparently did.

>TEW had better puzzles
Well that's concerning. RE7 is less action orientated than TEW though right?

RE7 has very little action until you get to the boat, which is the like...the 80% point.

I'm not even that guy. I just wanted to point out your bullshit.

I'm a big fan of the ship in terms of level design with its multiple floors and the search for elevator parts doing more than anything else in the game (save the dog heads) to suggest a nonlinear approach to exploration. I'm also pretty sure we can both agree that the machine gun is complete shit and is only marginally better than the pocket knife, if even that. It's really not THAT helpful and it's only useful when you have literally no other ranged options.

I have a feeling if 7 was called REV 3 or a spinoff people wouldn't be that polarized, but I'm still happy RE7 is a step in the right direction.

And even after that it's largely action you can (and probably should) run past, classic RE style.

Oh shit, wait. I remembered the Happy Birthday puzzle. I liked that one and I like how you win outside of the tape.

Anyone else think RE7 would have benefitted from a more streamlined story? The premise of the first tape you find (stumbling into an old mansion for a reality TV show only to get your face raped) seemed like a much better starting point than the whole Ethan/Mia narrative. Plus the whole F.E.A.R. ripoff with Evie is just plain retarded.

And ffs, was there no conceivable way Capcom could have implemented zombies into the game? The lack of enemy variety was truly horrible

>aren't full of absolute hatred like me? fuck your bullshit user!
K. How's Jack even a bullet sponge anyway? You hit him a few times, and incapacitate him, the same exact way Nemesis is dealt with. Nemesis actually takes way more fucking hits in every encounter.

RE7 is too busy jacking off to Ouroboros to concern itself with zombies.

>wahh, how dare you call me out
Go fuck yourself, kid. VII has massive flaws, and you're a faggot for ignoring them.

I wasn't paying attention, was Ouroboros important in RE7?

Playing as Clancy the entire game would've been much better. Zombies, crocodiles, more insects, snakes, plant B.O.W.s, etc. could've been great. They really wasted the setting.

He was pointing out how similar the goop monsters in VII look to Ouroboros.

I think remake just uses the keyboard, no mouse. Its tank controls so idk how a mouse would even work

You didn't call me out on shit. I said I was too engaged with the narrative to see what you saw. There's nothing to call me out on there, unless you want to keep trying to convince me that the fun I had wasn't real.

Molded are just zombies. Instead of flesh bags, it's goo bags here. They are animated the same way. But the narrative, in both old RE and RE7, adds more to those derivative designs in both cases. Get off your high horse you jaded loser.

Oh that's right. They did.

You know, the Ooze (standard) were really boring, but they managed to make some really nice variety by the end of the game. And Rachael gives me a chubby.

It's not shit, but it's not this amazing masterpiece everybody makes it out to be either. Puzzles are totally braindead, item management is an exercise in frustration more than anything else, and the combat is pretty awful. Burning bodies would be an interesting mechanic if it didn't require me to constantly hoof it back to a safe room, take it out of my Item Box, head to the bodies I want to burn, use the Kerosene, head back to the Item Box, get the stuff I needed in my inventory, then walk back to continue forward. It's like two minutes of walking through areas I've already cleared with those five to seven second long loading screens constantly going off. I know it'd break the whole survival aspect of the game, but if they simply added a Treasure Box that contained all my puzzle items, a lighter/kerosene, and only four spots for regular items, I think it'd be a much better game. Makes the item management more about survival (Two guns +two ammo? One gun and ammo + two health items?) and less about (Okay gotta go get that gem I've been keeping in my inventory for the whole game, better head back and get it, go through four loading screens, use the gem, get the other item, then put that new item in my Safe Box)

Vaguely in the sense that some corporation saw the Ouroboros attacks, though "Dude, I've gotta try that!", and came up with the E-Type bullshit after some experimentation of their own. So not directly, it's more like Ouroboros fanboys.

Molded are lazily designed. That wouldn't be such a bad thing if they included other monsters, like Revelations did.

I don't know what "the narrative" has to do with that. Clearly, you're just getting defensive over this shit game.

I love the Ooze conceptually, they're basically contortionist water zombies. I think the 3DS hardware limited what they could do with the idea, though. But yeah, some really good mutations came out of it so whatever.

Same. I even bought her DLC for Raid Mode.

>Anyone else think RE7 would have benefitted from a more streamlined story?
Yes, I do. I also think the Revelations games suffer from the same problem. They keep jumping the story around instead of focusing on it. I know they want to the do the "play seperate characters" thing the series has been known for since the first game. But the reason why it worked in the original games was because you could play the characters campaigns separately from each other instead of changing between them in the middle of the story. It just fucks with the narrative flow when they do that.
Hell, say what you want about the game, but Resident Evil 6 was at least smart enough to realize that.

Not reading that wall of text, buddy. There's a happy medium between that shit and leddit spacing.

Revelations had an artbook, right? Sure they look great in that.

>but it's not this amazing masterpiece everybody makes it out to be either.
Yes it is.
>Puzzles are totally braindead
The clock puzzle in the dining room is actually pretty neat but for the most part you're right that they are straightforward.
>item management is an exercise in frustration more than anything else
No, it's a high risk/high reward system and rewards smart play where players think ahead.
>but if they simply added a Treasure Box that contained all my puzzle items, a lighter/kerosene, and only four spots for regular items, I think it'd be a much better game.
This isn't a bad idea but the game isn't really designed around it, similar to how it's not designed around not having tank controls.

You need to remember Revelations was written like a TV show, WHICH IS NO FUCKING SURPRISE WHEN YOU SEE WHO WROTE IT.

Huh, I didn't know there was an artbook. Neat.

I read the wall of text user and I agree completely. Although I think the clunkiness adds to the tension.

>I don't know what "the narrative" has to do with that.
Well, they are all part of Evelyn. It's not a virus per se, it's an Uroboros style hivemind. The first molded you see morphs out of the wall to demonstrate this.

Molded are also pretty animated, I wouldn't say it's that lazy. They have quite a few different attack animations and can bite your arm or even shove you to the ground. They jerk their head, give haptic feedback to different areas when shot, you can blow off limbs, etc.

What does any of that have to do with their design?

>trying to justify it looking like Uroboros by babbling on about Evelyn and the monster's introduction
>talking about their movements instead of their actual appearance

You know, I really like the Revelations games but I fucking hate that they made them episodic. Takes me out of the games' atmosphere every damn time.

It was less annoying in Rev2. The "last time on..." shit in the first one was awful if you were playing chapters back to back.

The controls were part of it, but the fixed camera and retarded plot were the final straw.

I really did like the music for those parts at least. Revelations has a great OST.

>What does any of that have to do with their design?
I'm assuming you're bitching about the fact that the regular molded, crawlers and fat guys all have similar textures / skin designs. Well, it would make sense why they all do since it's all one Uroboros hivemind, not a virus.

The fixed camera is what makes the fucking game. Otherwise the game would lose half its atmosphere and be too easy. Not sure what you mean by the plot, I think it's pretty solid:

>String of murders occurring in outskirts of city
>Special Police Force goes to investigate
>Stumble upon evil big pharma/occultist mansion/test facility after encountering zombies in the woods

In terms of execution of the story, I think the game does this even better. There's a certain campiness to the whole thing which I just love and the OST and sound is great.

Even so, that's no excuse for not having different enemies.

I still think they could have been more creative than a fucking blob spammed ad infinitum. Prey pulled the same shit

There were 3 different types at least. Plus the bugs. I wish it had more though, and I wish they kept in the family dog so bad. It would have felt complete then.

>3 same-y enemies
>the bugs (minor as fuck)
Stop defending this trash already.

Molded, crawlers and fat guys are absolutely nothing alike. Are zombies, dogs and lickers all the same enemy to you too?

>attacks/movements are everything
Kill yourself. The visual design of enemies in horror games are a major aspect in creating fear/dread. The game would've greatly benefited from (1) making at least one of the other Molded types look more unique or (2) adding different B.O.Dubyas, if not both.

>visual design is more important than attacks and animations in enemy design
>implying they are anatomically the same anyway
You're a twat, dude.

I think I bought the game for the safe rooms alone

>visual design is more important
Never said that, faggot.
I never implied that. Stop trying to avoid the issue.

You implied it by your incessant complaints about it. 2/3 of the things that make enemy design good are fulfilled, and the last thing (visual design) is at least properly given context by the narrative. Could be better, sure, but it's not bad, fucking whino.