Pull up a chair, listen to some good tavern music as we tell stories about the glory days of wow

Pull up a chair, listen to some good tavern music as we tell stories about the glory days of wow.

tell us some vanilla/tbc/noob stories


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I was the first on my server to hit level 60.

For 1 day I was the king of the hill and I spent it killing low level players. Watching them run when they saw that 60 was worth it.

Then everyone promptly forgot about me. Which is how it should be.

>tfw you will never experience glitches in war sung gulch that let's you go outside of the map with the flag
It will never be the same lads

I'm a pathetic beta cuck thanks to WoW. I spent 1 year of high school grinding 2 shamans to HWL and raiding naxx instead of being a normal kid. Now I'm 27 with a shit job and an even shittier relationship record. (STILL HAD FUN THOUGH)

That's rough lad. I got out of this game midway through high school, and sorta made up for the time I wasted on it in the last couple years of high school and college. I ended up pretty well, but could have ended up much better

I wish I had turned it around in college like you. I just sat in my dorm 90% of the time trying to find the next vanilla wow. Oh how I was disappointed at every "wow killer". Rift was decent in its beginning I guess but yea

>you will never ruin Warfronts with busted tactician flamethrower aoe damage or stormcaller one shots ever again

I started late TBC but once Nost came out with its PVE server i joined that shit asap.
Logged into hundreds of playersr, took an hour just to get to level 5.
I was able to pay for my own mount with my own gold by pickpocketing every mob i could. Leveled up my lockpick just to be THAT one to open doors/chests.
>On Nost chests were bugged and only rogues could loot them.
I let people roll for the chest while i unlocked it for them but my rogue-but won many times.
I got to 55, made a few friends along the way, i got a guild. I planned to raid too.

Took a small break only to return to hear shutdown that day.
I miss my rogue :(

I thought they rolled over characters/accounts onto Esylium WoW?

Forgot to mention i looted an epic dagger from a chest i pickpocketed off a naga in STV, made lotsa gold!
Also made a macro to /bite and /lick people at the same time, was fun doing it to strangers.
Met this Tauren the day before Nost shut down.
And i helped some newbies kill Stitches after that.
I tried but they couldn't get my data so i just upped and quit private servers right there.

Once when my guild was raiding ZG, our main healer got stuck inside one of the cages just before the tiger boss. I don't remember if we pulled him or not, but I remember also getting stuck inside the cages because I was trying to figure out how our healer got in there. Fortunately, with a little bit of jumping, we both got out okay.

I miss the glory days so much, but my guild's disbanding would have made me quit anyway.
RIP House Telvanni. You were all awful at not standing in fire, but I'd always heal you with a smile.

>Logging in to see this loadscreen

I remember getting chased all the way through Feralas by level ?? bears as a noob dwarf warrior.
I was trying to find my way to Desolace and had never been to Kalimdor before, so I was shitting myself imagining high level Horde lurking behind every tree just waiting to pop out and gank me. When I finally made it to the edge of Desolace, I found Rexxar and his bear waiting for me, so I hid behind a tree until they walked away.

Turns out, Rexxar was non-hostile and I was playing on a non-pvp server.

I miss those days of noobish innocence when that world felt so alive.

Old EK

Having 'Nam flashbacks looking at STV and Hillsbrad again after all these years

what are the islands in the bottom left?

Being level 3 in duskwood because you're 9 years old and don't quite understand wtf is going on, doing deadmines for the first time with a squad of noobs just to have the only guy that can ress die and get ganked on the way back by patrols and that god damn night elf to IF run are some of the things i'll never forget about vanilla WoW.

the pre-wrath zombie event was probably the best time i had in that game.

>level 70
>get infected at Undercity
>head to Brill to infect lowbies
>see a few other people there with the same idea
>spot a level 9 blood elf, infect him and kill him multiple times over the course of an hour
>he whispers me, calling me insults and just raging until he logs off
>spend the rest of the night infecting anyone i see, even going to Stormwind and seeing it littered with skeletons.

I miss it


World of Warcraft Then and Now: Hillsbrad Foothills

I was an undead mage back then. I got lucky one day and won the STV fishing tourney. Every day for hours on end I would wait in the boat between Menethil Harbor and Theramore Isle, running out and doing my best to gank or kill as many people taking the boat as possible. If the odds were overwhelming, I would jump into the water, blink, hit the fish trinket and swim out, usually 1 or 2 alliance followed me, and I would drag them out into the water so I could kill them repeatedly. If I was killed on the ship and did not release, once it zoned to the next area, the game would rez me with full health, I had a fast computer back then and I would gank the alliance on the ship before they could react. If I was killed on the ship and released, the game would send me, or anyone else, alive, to the nearest graveyard with 1 health. I had a rogue buddy waiting in the graveyard at Menethil to gank the people who released.