>Final Fantasy 6 was the only good one
Final Fantasy 6 was the only good one
I think you mean Final Fantasy III.
Wasn't even born so I got no idea
I think we all can agree that 8 and 9 are overrated piece of shit and I started out with 9
Lucky. I wish I wasn't even born.
But V is like III but better.
I think it was a joke about the name change in NA. 6 became 3.
Holy fuck it ooks like Obama in the thumbnail
Looks more like white Blade
That's not 5.
8 is underrated, if anything.
9,sure. It doesn't do anything particularly interesting gameplay wise and the philosophy of mortality theme that the story attempts is done much better in other games.
>xiii was shit
8 is just forgettable
I can barely remember what it was even about
I appreciate that there was some mystery to the story but I was struggling to understand who Edea and Squall's dad were
Am I the only one that thinks he looks cool?
I liked Deus Ex and the Matrix but I wouldn't go about dressing like Neo unless I was at some kind of convention
But that's correct.
13-2 and LR were both great, though
me posting that "how do we save final fantasy series" thread was a mistake.
Not to say the FF games after VI was bad, but they should've tried better.
>Dressing like a colombine shooter with your Hanzo steel while taking the high ground in the post apocalyptic wasteland that is an american suburb
Laguna is Squall's dad and Ellone's adoptive father. Edea was Squall's matron at his orphanage.
Name 1 (one) good Final Fantasy game
final fantasy tictacs.
It was forgettable because the story and gameplay ranged from mediocre to awful.
>Final Fantasy was good
Final Fantasy Legend.
Haven't seen this one before.
Pretty apt for this thread.
Doesn't look half bad. I was a dweeb in highschool and had a lot of friends that dressed like this, they were cool dudes. Grew up to be completely normal.
Nah fuck you. FF6-9 was the golden age of the series. The rest of the franchise is terrible.
Having grown up playing the original Final Fantasy as a child and beating all of them multiple times (even mystic quest) I fully agree with this post.
10 was the last one I completed and that was only once. 10-2 just didn't feel like it was made for me. I then played 11 for about four years and enjoyed 12 but never finished it.
13 on is garbage.