Why the fuck did Alduin decide to take refuge in Sovngarde...

Why the fuck did Alduin decide to take refuge in Sovngarde, the ONLY place in the whole world where he KNEW he could be slain?

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to draw power from the constant stream of incoming souls
>could be slain

What makes you imply that?
I don't think he's coming back.

Also, thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=waEFUEHjRqQ

Why the fuck do you think any competent writers worked on this?

Alduin's motives are weak, he doesn't do anything the whole game to interfere with you - in fact he LETS you get the tools to defeat him and then just throws the match in Sovngarde.

In the game he is even physically weak - random dragons are more powerful. He gets beat up by a bunch of ghosts and some shouting schmuck.

So much for "Eater of Worlds"

Who the fuck is Alduin?

Dind't you read? so he could devour souls and regain his strenght

He would've regained his strenght if not for Odahviing telling the dohvakiin how to enter sovngard


That's more about shit gameplay choices, a fucking giant can kill a lot of dragons, instead of make dragons use different shouts they just gave them two shouts, and Alduin is stat wise the strongest dragon

some fucking weak looking pussy who gets beat by the canonically weakest TES protagonist

A joke.

he was betrayed

Imagine a cool looking Yugioh card with a subpar effect and low atk and def.

a black chicken

Why don't the Aedra communicate with people as much as the Daedra?

I was replaying Morrowind and I noticed that I have literally never heard a single Aedra speak to anyone, while multiple Daedra interact with the PC multiple times in each TES game.

Because they are fucking dead, they used most of their power to create mundus

That one dragon that's exactly the same as every other dragon except a different skin and rains rocks.

>they are dead
then how did Akatosh essentially come alive at the end of Oblivion?

Can't he devour souls in tamriel?

IIRC Aedra don't give a flying fuck about mortals.

Best goddess?

It was an avatar, and it was summoned with the amulet of the kings, akatosh blood, and one of the few aedric artifacts, and it was single use

Only weak, shitty souls. Nords are the strongest humans, so they have the best souls with the most potency.

to eat the souls moving in, also Alduin can not be slain, the only reason the dragonborn could beat him is because Alduin was not fulfilling his role, when its time to actually chomp on the world he will be back and he will eat the whole thing

He's not 'coming back' no because he was sent back to his own fucking time. Alduin isn't dead, and can't be killed.

I'm genuinely interested in what Bethesda will come up with for the next TES. I hope it's like morrowind, mortals fucking with godly tools/powers, and not like oblivion and skyrim where godly beings are the main enemy.

Frankly I'd be me inclined to see a band of High Elves trying to remove or destroy any and all Aedric Artifacts in their province