DS3 is a competently made game, but for some reason I just cannot manage to give a shit about it. It's just kind of in some weird range between mediocre and average despite having solid graphics, gameplay, and multiplayer. Anybody else have this feeling?
DS3 is a competently made game, but for some reason I just cannot manage to give a shit about it...
its a meme game and you got bored of the memes
DS3 had the most mediocre DLC I've played since Arkham Knight
It's the best SoulsBorne game.
Only BBfags hate DS3, maybe you're one of them. Are you ?
Nah. I liked Bloodborne but thought it had no potential for NG+ with its shitty leveling for NG+, lack of armor upgrades, and reliance on chalice dungeons. Personally I jump between which one is one is the best one because they each have something I really hated that turns me off of ever replaying them
I've played all 3 and I dont know why this one gets shit on so much. may not have been as good as 1 but it was loads better than 2. Had better music, more varied enemies and areas, the NPCs were more interesting, and the bosses were fun. Its a great game but elitists have to shit on it i guess.
The first few areas are really boring and linear. Cathedral of the Deep is where the game felt like it was a real Souls level.
I don't know how to explain it, but I just get this overwhelming feel of "meh" when I play DS3. Besides the amazing library level for PvP nothing really grabbed me in the game. Half the game felt like unused Bloodborne assets they just threw in to add content, the DLC is incredibly short and does nothing unique, and levels ended just as soon as they were getting good.
It's by far the most boring one in terms of world structure and level design. Every area other than Undead Settlement, Lothric Castle and Grand Archives puts me in a coma.
Careful, Sup Forums unironically loves 2 for some fucking reason
All the areas have plenty of branching paths and fairly unique enemies and bosses, it's just that it's the third (or fifth depending on how you're counting) game in the series and it's old news at this point.
> Mediocre
> Solid graphics, gameplay, and multiplayer
You're a fucking idiot. Go back to Bloodborne, edgefag.
It's a great game, it's just unoriginal as fuck. Like I think it's a better game than Dark Souls 2 but I respect Dark Souls 2 much more because they actually tried to do different things with that game rather than rehash Dark Souls 1.
>Selects 6 words then goes into an autistic rant
>Ignores that I said I really didn't like Bloodborne further on in the thread
Learn to read before you descend into *autistic screeching*, you dingus
Thats the thing though, I feel DS3 would have never pleased fans of DS1 no matter what. It would ether piss off people for resembling 1 too much or shitted on for not resembling it enough.
Only moment that made me feel something is when I found onion bros armor and realized even when I did save him, i still didnt save him cus fuck you.
Well OP, I have to agree with you. Ds3 is intensely underwhelming, it's still a good game, but it's not as good as it could be, and it's not as good as the previous games in the series. Where Dark souls 2 became too hyper aware of itself, and ruined itself trying to "be" what it already was. Dark souls 3 is too satisfied with where it was, and confident that it's still there without any effort.
In demon souls, theres five distinct areas you can go to after the tutorial area.
all five areas connect to different areas. All areas are distinct.
In darksouls, you can leave firelink and go to 5 distinct areas that all eventually reconnect with eachother.
all five areas are distinct, but slowly lead and then bleed into eachother.
In darksouls 2 you can leave majula into 4 distinct areas. Some of these areas reconenct with eachother, others do not.
People complain that there is absolutely no visual tone connecting any of these areas creating jarring connections.
In dark souls 3, you can go to one area. You are 4 areas into the game before you get a branching path. No matter which direction you go, you hit a dead end at the end of the path, and are forced to take the other path before continuing four more areas till the next branching path, which are optional this time and lead to dead ends. All areas are functionally identical and fit into 3 categories. "recently ruined city" "Long ruined city" "Swamp"
Darksouls 3 also has the worst build diversity, and one of the lowest numbers of unique "new" npcs in it. It has the least unique "new" weapons and spells.
It all feels very... uninspired, like the developers didn't really care. Theres no passion in it, and you can definitely feel it.
Ok so i was supposed to start this game next weekend and you peeps are really putting a damper on it. I just wanted some Miyazaki ludoness, why you all have to be like this :(
Sorry user, but it's clear that if miyazaki actually worked on this game at all, he was completely uninterested and not very passionate about it.
>go back to a much better game
Alright, I will
Because when you strip away everything that makes a Souls game unique you're left with a mediocre action game.
The lack of branching paths was a huge issue I had with 3. Unlike with DS1 where you could go pretty much anywhere from the beginning (At the cost of likely getting your shit wrecked, I was an idiot and went straight to the Tomb of Giants), DS3 felt like a tour where you couldn't stray away from the path besides some minor places. And even then, the minor places felt like they were thrown in like with the Demon Ruins.
Literally nothing they've put out has trumped Dark Souls.
I love 2 AND 3 as well but not as much and for different reasons. 2 feels much more arcadey/video gamey. 3 felt like they were trying really hard to capture what the original had but it came up short.
Bloodborne is also great but I wanted more werewolves, frankensteins, vampires, gothic horror than cosmic lovecraftian abominations but that stuff was cool as well.
I still play Dark Souls regularly. I'll OCCASIONALLY play 2. I beat bloodborne and ds3 twice each and haven't touched them since.
and this.
I'm struggling to work up the motivation to finish the DLCs. I get bored by soul level 75ish, which is right when the DLC picks up. I keep wanting to try a new build in Bloodborne rather than completely finish DS3.
It's just souls burnout.
I went DeS - DAS - DAS2 - DAS3 - BB
And enjoyed each one progressively less. That's right sony-ggers, I think BB is the worst one of the series.
dark souls just lost its lustre
it's time to move on, it was fun while it was fresh and exciting
Im gonna say it, Blooborne was only really fun the first time playing through it
>DS2 SotfS is a competently made game
As someone who played the game in release order I say DS3 is the worst because each game brought something new to the table while DS3 simply took from two previous games.
The best way I feel I can describe it is that it felt like From created every game but DS3 with their own unique vision of a ARPG game while with DS3 they created what people expected a "Darksouls game" should be
Oh wow we have a contrarian over here have a (you)
I went in the same order as you and fell in love with BB, maybe you just don't like games anymore
>Sup Forums
DaS II is the highest rated aggregate Souls game.
>inb4 "BB is a Souls game"
Haha, "no"
>I love 2
Is this kind of shitposting a bannable offense yet?
Only a tool would play DS3
Dark Souls 3 plays like a dream, and for that reason alone I can't go back to the others. They're all so clunky.
It's the only souls I played aside from BB and I liked it.
You're just getting desensitized to the setting and gameplay.
There is a reason Miyazaki was reluctant to make sequels.
because it's not competently made and you're only saying that to not trigger fromdrones too much. it's a dull and flaccid piece of shit, the kind only Miyazaki can shit out
You're not alone user. The game just isn't very good.
>The most linear level design in the series, even moreso than Demon's Souls.
>Incorporates elements of Bloodborne that simply don't fit the tone of the series.
>Broken mechanics like poise.
>Floaty controls and weightless maneuvering that make you feel like you're walking on a stream of hot butter.
>Some truly shitty looking locales and enemy designs.
>The entire game is fanservice to Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, with no... soul... of its own.
>"I can win" mechanics like MP flasks, the ability to sell items for souls, dead simple crafting, etc.
>Imbalanced PvP which, 99% of the time, turns into you facing off against a gank squad with the added dick-move of reduced estus.
It's a notch above DaS2. Just a notch.
it's just the same vacation spot you're used to.
Once you've gotten comfortable with souls, it's hard to feel like any of it is new. If they were to announce a Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne 2, I'd buy it, but I wouldn't get anything new out of it.
>solid gameplay
Litteraly one giant string of steps and swings and dodges to be performed in an exact order to get to the end of the game. It's 3d simon says.
>Dark Souls 4
Freudian slip maybe?
The whole setting was one big grey blur for me. Not one area felt like it stood out. They sacrificed the setting too much to emphasize a crumbling old world thematic which nobody like me even expected.
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
define "new"
>the most linear of all the games, even compared to DeS and BB
>nostalgiafag reference pandering out the ass
>rehashed characters
>Lowest Boss count after DeS
>Half the bosses are gimmicks
>Boss weapons shit as usual, despite having 4 games to draw experience from
>weapons in general are 90% quality based
>these quality weapons are also usually the best weapons in their class
>some weapons have retarded stat requirements where they don't even scale with said stats, which also happens to be quality
>armor system a horrible imbalanced mess
>the heaviest armors are the heaviest they have ever been in the series, while offering basically no additional defense over medium/light sets
>poise implemented in such a stupid way that only Greatswords and Maces get the most bang for the buck
>Some UGSs, GAs, and Hammers weigh more than entire armor sets
>Equip load is now done by VIT, which for some reason gives LESS per level than fucking dark souls 2
>Souls required to level up not adjusted for splitting stats into two
>a majority of the small weapons sped up to bloodborne speed, but some of the larger weapons have been made SLOWER and consume MORE STAMINA
>rolls cost next to nothing with extremely fast recovery and many iframes
>magic is garbage
>faith is garbage
>FP system is weird
>Too many useless fucking stats
>WAs are mostly just special r2s or powerstance moves copypasted with an explosion or two at the end
>MLGS is the worst its ever been
>awful covenants
>covenants are stickers which can be changed on the go
>shitty rewards
>Dragon form the worst its ever been in both aesthetic and practical sense
>community now filled with normies who hold hands with their SL 800 Friends to get through the game
>invaders have the most disadvantage compared to all other games in the series
>First DLC was a 1.5 hour long disappointment with a rehashed arena
>Second DLC had no end despite being the very last dark souls thing we'll get for the forseeable future
And why did you post this? He was talking about how Dark Souls 2 is unoriginal.
The formula was too vanilla, no risks. Bosses were not memorable, music was average, art style was middling, gear was almost generic, areas were too big, etc.
A perfect example of a 7/10 game.
The problem with 3 is that every single thing in it is derivative as fuck and nothing is interesting.
introduced everything about the series and was an incredibly original, unique game
improved on DeS combat, had much more content and introduced an amazing, interconnected world with rich, interesting new lore. Had much better boss fights than DeS. Expanded on multiplayer mechanics and generally just feels more fleshed out.
>DaS 2
went backwards and made a lot of missteps, especially with art direction, lore, and gameplay but it still introduced new mechanics that should have come back in 3. Powerstancing and proper dual wielding are amazing and exponentially increase the amount of builds. Has a large variety of cool armor sets, and generally a fucking staggering amount of content, especially with all DLC. Has a more high-fantasy vibe than the others, which is sometimes interesting and sometimes cheesy. It has the best PvP in the series.
Changed combat drastically, introducing a new dodge mechanic and transforming weaponry. Every weapon is very interesting and totally viable. The game has a completely new setting and theme with a very interesting twist. Decently connected world with great individual level design
>DaS 3
Introduced weapon arts, a staggeringly underwhelming mechanic that is barely ever used in an interesting fashion. No areas or bosses are very memorable at all and like 80% of the game is DaS 1 callbacks. Actively stripped stat complexity and combat complexity from previous titles.
BB fans love DaS3, people who hate on DaS3 are nostalgia cucked DaS/DeS sons of whores and DaS2 retards.
This is the most objective ranking.
The image you've attached says a lot about the game. The Ashen One is far removed from the Chosen Undead that most players found appealing in the low dark fantasy roleplaying aspect. The design is overdone.
I'm with you. It doesn't really feel like it captures what was so special about the original
Even Dark Souls II had a more familiar feeling to it
>Right off the bat you have the twin swords which for dexfags already feels more powerful than any other weapon you encounter
>You're given a fuckload of souls (like 2000 for moderately difficult enemies) and it actually becomes annoying that every 5 minutes you have to go back to the bonfire to level up
>Bonfires are all over the goddamn place
>There's so much Titatinite it's comical, in the first 30 minutes you have a +3 weapon
>It feels more convenient to just haul ass to pick up items and die if you need to
>Bosses are "harder" but not really in a nuanced way. They're just 160% faster, have 12 attacks and can close a gap of 50 feet
You guys remember that one black knight in the undead burg?
You remember how badass he seemed with zero video game pretension just because he was powerful but in a totally fair way?
You remember how satisfying it felt killing him for the first time?
Dark Souls III just feels like Skyrim to me. Going to places and getting items is more of a chore than a logical decision you consider and weigh beforehand where interesting and memorable things happen
not to be that guy but ops image is the soul of cinder, is it not?
Except you literally got it backwards, with BB being just behind Demon's Souls.
The biggest problem is that it isn't a PS4 exclusive.
You know, when I think about it, I probably played Dark Souls 2 a lot more than Dark Souls 3.
It's because there was exponentially less effort invested into features as they became linearly less important to a superficially good experience for your average play it and forget it player.
All of this and a metric ton more returns in DaS3.
-Extremely linear world design even though levels are open. Levels are completed in 90% the same order every playthrough.
-No exploration. Items are collected in 90% the same order every playthrough.
-Builds progress equally linearly.
-Levels are more fighting than exploration. Too many mandatory encounters.
-Grey everywhere. The game has no color. Settings all blend together with few exceptions.
-Enemies all have extremely similar AI.
Did I hit the nail on the head?
Pretty much.
because it's the s a m e s h i t
From has been releasing the same game with different levels since 2009.
When they actually changed the mechanics and lore up even a tiny amount we got the excellent Bloodborne.
>Soul farm till about 130
>First souls game, genuinely worried about how hard new game plus would be
>Start new game plus after getting everything I could such as titanites and covenant stuff
>Killed grundyr in about a minute
>Solo'd Dancer, took me like 30 tries when I first played
Is it supposed to be easy? I thought it would be harder
That's factually incorrect, not even Ornstein Jr. is as blatant of a rehash as Old Dragonslayer
Almost everyone loves their first souls game the best. Gitting gud is such an amazing experience, you can't replicate it once you've achieved enough skill to be competent in the game. Adjusting to new controls and a few new tactics just isn't the same as going in blind and teaching yourself a whole new and extremely rewarding way to tackle difficulty.
There's a difference between a rehash and a blatant cameo.
You wouldn't call Siegward a rehash.
>i wouldnt call a copy pasted DaS1 NPC whose questline culminates in a copy pasted DeS boss fight a rehash.
nigger what
The point remains. It's a cameo.
Purposely reused for effect.
>almost everyone loves their first souls game
What is it like, having to do so many mental gymnastics in order to justify ds3s nostalgia pandering?
>Is it supposed to be easy? I thought it would be harder
Nah, NG+ in DaS3 is literally the easiest in the whole entire series, and by a WIIIIIIIIDE margin.
Try the other games, their NG+ runs are actually challenging, and DaS2 in fact has a whole lot of unique stuff in NG+ cycles specifically.
Taurus Demon and Stray Demon are pretty blatant in DaS3 as well and Anor Londo is more blatant of a rehash than either of them.
>stray demon
Which one seeing as how DS3 has like 4 of the faggots laying around.
it has no unique flaws thats why. what youre describing is a comparatively boring title. das1 had weirdass mechanics that we can complain about to no end, but we still love it. it offered interesting things.
i see a life lesson in it actually. only recenlty someone told me you cant be a real adult constantly trying to get along with others.
Isn't there only one of them on the Bridge in Farron Keep?
Basically the fifth appearance of the DeS tutorial boss though.
In the catacombs.
On the bridge to farron keep.
THe one you fight with seigward.
Technically you can sortof count the demon king but hes at least got something unique.
NiBBa wat
People who like Dark Souls 3 liked DaS, Bloodborne, and DeS, people who hated it liked DaS2.
Sorry it came off that way but I wasn't really justifying anything in DaS3. Just explaining why characters are reused in general.
That's nothing but conjecture and you know it.
2 of those (catacombs, siegward) are Taurus Demon rehashes, rather than Stray Demon rehashes which is why I was confused.
I mean, in a way yes, people will love their first playthrough best, but I started with das1, went back to play DeS and loved it nearly as much as das1
And then ds2 came out, and it became my favorite for the PVP experience, i must've spent nearly 200 hours alone on rat covenant
das3 just has an overwhelming sense of mediocrity, it's like they've sucked out the fun of the covenants and PVP in general, it has the most fine-tuned souls formula of any of the games thus far and it shows
the dark souls sequels were a mistake honestly.
Here's a thought: different people have different tastes, and should not and cannot be lumped together in generalised "people who like x disliked y and vice versa" groups.
>in some weird range between mediocre and average
aren't these mean the same?
Mediocre is average leaning towards bad
'Mediocre' does have a more negative connotation to it, whilst 'average' is a more objective, mathematical term.
Even so, it would be wise to assume that the games that played similarly to the others would also be adored by fans.
Dark Souls 1 and 3 brought back some old movesets on weapons and the combat felt much closer.
Dark Souls 2 is a far cry from these games in that aspect and it honestly felt janky as fuck; the world/level design was inconsistent as well, and somehow manages to feel even less connected than Dark Souls 3 which is mostly a straight line unless you count Farron Keep or kill the Dancer before Vordt.
Bloodborne was a fun game all around so I guess it was reaching for me to say that people who liked those games also liked Bloodborne.
I found Demon's Souls a lot of fun but some people might not as it's dated, I guess it was conjecture to say that as well.
7/10 for me.
In order of release it's
>start game
>firelink shrine
>crestfallen naysayer moping around
>hollow village level
>catacombs level
>lava level
>poison swamp level
>literal anor londo level
>painting level
>library level
DS3 is just a subpar remix of DS1
Same for me. While it's good and to me it feels like it has the most variety, best graphics and so on, I cannot really remember or care about it. I have 600 hours on DaS and 800 hours on DaSII and keep coming back to play those, but never really bothered to do more than two complete playthroughs of DaSIII including the DLC, amounting to 90 hours.
I really loved the first two, so I cannot understand how I can't love the third one.
actually, I'd like bloodborne on any platform, you fucking mongoloid
nice pasta, i bet you feel the exact same way 100%
Dark Souls 3 lacked all the creativity of the first game and Bloodborne. Hell, even Dark Souls 2 was more creative.
DS3 was a good game, but it's far from a great game. The DLC was just plain awful. I thought Fromsoft was great at DLC, after DS1/2/BB DLC was really good. Ringed City was the low point of the series, with Ashes not far ahead of it.
DaS 1 has amazing connected world and original bosses
DaS 2 is the wacky sequel with best pvp in the series and good DLC
BB has amazing atmosphere and refreshes the combat of souls games
DaS 3 is just there
Pasta or not, most of what he says are entirely valid points or criticisms.
Pretty much agree. Also, agility was a good stat IMO
this exactly
I remember in 1 when the NG+ basic hollows would fucking shred Black Knight armor.
Yes, I felt the same.
The fact that it felt the need to give so many nods towards the first game completely fucked the experience up to me. It was just a spineless throwback and a lackluster game overall.
It was most likely caused by the fact that many people didn't appreciate how different DaS2 was to the first.