Ryu Ga Gotoku

>been playing games from the Yakuza series since I fell in love with it by playing Zero
>just beat Yakuza 3 after beating both 1 and 2 on my old PS2
>end game stats
>54 hours, 23 % total completion

Holy shit, I might have lost a lot of content. Do you guys usually replay it to get the 100%?

Ryu Ga Gotoku thread

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I cant speak for everyone but I honestly felt like eating food in Y5 and 0 raised your completion percentage more than doing certain side missions.

I hope Y6 ends up decent since there's no way it will be able to top 5 or 0, though hearing that the Dragon engine was incomplete at the time of that game and it will take the next 2 or 3 games to perfect it is disappointing as fuck.

It might have been that really, I was trying to make a tour around Kamurocho every time something changed in the story so I could find more Substories but didn't find that many.

I do hope 6 is good as well, I am hearing a lot of bad stuff though. Maybe it wasn't a smart move to do Kiryu's last mission on an incomplete engine, even when not the whole kamurocho is even created in the game, I get it it is a yearly release but they should be careful about that since it is getting more and more recognition.

Also, some OSTs to stir things up.


23% is pretty much doing none of the substories or minigames man, that's like just the main story. My 100% run is always my first because I want to see it all.

I tried doing all the substories I found, I guess it is just too tempting to try to 100% a game that already has a bunch of sequels that you wanna play as well.

With 1 through 3 (Including Kenzan) you basically have to follow a guide if you want to do all the substories so it's not your fault either way since a lot of them get chapter locked, and in 1 and 2's case if you failed them in the main story they will stay failed in NG+. In 3s case a lot of substories in Ryukyu require you to go to the fish market after certain substories, Smile Burger, the lockers, etc. Dead Souls also has a problem where substories are chapter locked but Premium Adventure lets you sort that out.

Keep in mind like 75ish% is solely the completion list for every game meaning Heat Actions, Food, Minigames, Coliseum (Thankfully toned down in later games to not requiring you to fight every single character), and later games there's also weapon modding. Every new piece of food for example is something like .3%

>going for yakuza 0 platinum at one point
>koi koi
>trials that are pretty fucking hard
>give up

>Trying to plat 4
>All except the Clear the game on normal trophy
>Give up every time when Pimp my whore minigame starts.

I see, yeah I guess I will end up coming back to them when I am done with 4, 5 and 6. I at least want to all of the substories from them since they are the most entertaining for me.

Do you need to complete everything (including the japanese minigames and eating every kind of food) to meet Amon?

I feel you, I almost rage quitted when I just couldn't even do a turkey on bowling to get the Nuggets manager.

>Koi Koi
>Not one of the best minigames
All you need to do is go for Moon over Cherry Blossoms or one of the 5 pointer hands that are like two cards. Always make a beeline for those cards if you have them in your hand or on the field (So the shogun, the stork, the red moon, the one rose card, the one dandelionesque card, etc). If the card looks really fancy compared to the boring other ones that's usually one you want to grab. The next priority would be golden animals, then poems with writing, then blank poems, then dregs.

Koi Koi starts out like picture related but ends up being incredibly enjoyable and one of the most fun parts of the gambling hall. Cee-lo and Not-Baccarat are far worse because the payout is shit and your luck can go down the shitter so fast. At least Cho-han lets you bet 1000 on a single die once you win enough and then take that to the house for like 6000 points at times.

Mahjong will take you time, but once it clicks it clicks. Don't go for ridiculous hands, just simply try to make simple hands and press square at the start of every turn to see if you can get a Riichi. Don't call Kan, Pon, or Chi unless what you're making out of it are the green, red, or blank special tiles since the points you get from those is about the same or better than a concealed Riichi. Trust me man, I used to hate this minigame and now I downloaded the demo of 6 just to play it.

Here's a guide for Mahjong that went up recently you might find helpful, wish I had it for Y2.

Hostess Maker minigame kills your soul man, I know how you feel. It's like an hour just thrown away because you can't skip Yasuko's nonsense.

I heard something about an announcement of the new Ryu Ga Gotoku 7 game on the 30th, did that even happen? I didn't hear anything about it after.

Anyone know what this haircut is called?

I want to become

Print it and take it to a barber somewhere, he will know what to do.

>not wanting older kiryu hair though

>Do you need to complete everything (including the japanese minigames and eating every kind of food) to meet Amon?
In 1 it's all substories.
In 2 it's all Heat Actions (94/96) of which a quarter of are missable so that you can fight Akira Yamaoka and all substories.
In Kenzan it's all substories (Of which nearly all are missable), bounties (All are missable), and Kakemawari missions (All are missable) on top of all coliseum battles, and nearly everything in the completion list barring swords and certain minigames if I remember right. For minigames you only need to do the water training, all of Kage's stuff, horse archery, melon cutting, and tengu's training because they give you Heat Actions and so forth. You also can't go into Premium Adventure to fight him because it wipes everything from those lists.
In 3 it's all substories (A couple are missable).
In 4 it's all substories (None are missable but they're chapter and character specific)
In Dead Souls it's all substories and all subterranea missions.

That's where I'm at right now, in terms of best to worst Amons:
Kenzan > 1 > 2 = 4 > 3 > Dead Souls

Dead Souls Amon may not as well be Amon, you literally just snipe him from a mile away and when you see his instant kill blood ray you just dodge and snipe him in the head again before he runs away. 3's Amon is awful because the entire fight is just you using Tiger Drop while taking barely any damage. You can't get any other attacks in since he has a round block that he never drops and Komaki Parries most things.

Oh, I forgot that 3 has hitman missions for the HLA as well, those need to be completed (and you have to fight Arase in a fight that takes what feels like 20 minutes) if you want to fight Amon as well. Dead Souls' substories are also all chapter specific but Premium Adventure lets you do everything without a wipe.

The only thing I can't remember is if Kenzan's Amon needed all Heat Actions or if I just chose to do those myself, because I only had 93/96 at the end (Was missing Shot Stopper since there's only one encounter of those in the game barring the endgame), and the one or two Finishing Swords for the final bosses that you only get in the final chapter.

I forced myself to learn how to play mahjong because of this game. I just wish I wasn't so fucking bad at it.
>stuck playing the beginner's table and still losing

I couldn't even Ron or Tsumo properly on Y2 and it took me something like five or six hours on the easiest table to even get a win just for the win trophy. Now I can win against the hard table in Y6 in an hour or two of trying or get the 50,000 points in Y4 in an hour or so. You get used to it and the feeling of getting a Riichi at all is so satisfying, but there's this immense frustration while learning it, I completely get it.

Screw Shogi though, I'm already worthless at chess, I'm not going to bother with a version of chess I can't easily tell pieces on that have completely different movement and promotions.

The win animations for it are great I'll agree. Seeing the sinister smile he makes when getting ron in 0 was amazing the first time.

>white lanklet brings up an image on his phone of Kiryu
>shows it to the cute college drop out at the stylist
>"like this p-please"

And she will do it because she needs the money, the world is way more accepting of those things than you think

Well shit, you seen to know a lot about the franchise, have you 100% all of them already?

Anything interesting you would like others fans to know since you might have seem pretty much everything?

Still haven't played all of them. 5, Ishin, 0, Kiwami, and 6 are still on the table to play along with the PSP games. Kenzan and 2 are the only ones I haven't truly 100%, the rest I have. Kenzan because screw Shogi and Frog training on top of being what amounts to perfect on Melon Cutting and Kakashi training which is no fun allowed. 2 because Pro Slotter is almost impossible (2000 profit from the slot machines without leaving the machine when even getting 777 in Dead Souls is a nightmare with cheat items). The rest I've got a 100% on and have the platinum on. Except for Haruka's trust, but fuck Haruka and her trust nonsense I can't take any more after 1.

If you got questions with minigames I can probably help since I've spent far too long on them.

Do I play dead souls y/n? Already finished all of the main series besides 6 at this point.

It's an alright game. Majima's chapter is pretty much the best, but Ryuji and Akiyama both get good substories. It's also extremely cheap to find it so yeah, if you want some Yakuza do it. Just remember that the game wants you to abuse auto-aim while running and gunning and the head tracking, do not play it like you would expect a normal third person shooter or a normal Yakuza game would play. You want to be playing it abusing the auto-aim as much as possible.

Some notes:
EU and US copies of the game give you a bunch of free DLC right off the bat from the guy in Kamiyama's truck and Bob B. The crafting items will save you hours of farming.
Y3 save hands you the Gion Bell from Kenzan and the Sunshine Belly Warmer. Y4 save hands you a useless Hostess Club thing that doesn't seem to really work.
Get the Power Stone Bracelet as soon as possible.
Get the Bullseye Bracelet as soon as possible (Drops the sensitivity and makes it far easier to get headshots while doing non-aiming shots)
You can't shift aiming to right stick.
Gatling Gun > Assault Rifle > Submachine Gun in terms of automatics.
Get a shotgun as soon as possible.
Prioritize Head Tracking first, then Rapid Reload, then Inventory slots mixed with the Heat Sniping tiers because having access to tier 2 Heat Sniping alone doubles what you can aim at with it.
Do not listen to what anyone days about Dead Souls difficulty being hard, they are liars. The only thing that's different between Normal and Dead Souls is that there's more shoulder charge guys and every normal zombie is essentially in Fattie gas mode (So they move slightly faster) and you take more damage. Hell, the zombies take the same amount of damage on Dead Souls as they do on Normal.

>tfw you end up having to use a healing item in a boss when playing on normal