What's everyone's favorite Batman game?
What's everyone's favorite Batman game?
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Fuck you motherfucker.
Arkham Origins
How long will it be before thread's nuked over Mike's drama?
What did Matei do this time
Story time!
>I'm the Joker baby
brown bricks
wheres de fugging joge :DD
i remember this being kinda funny
Show his dick on the internet and apparently draw a couple crappy comics.
fucking hell did Mike really write this
I actually liked Batman Forever
The one where you could jump on walls
Who in their right mind would plaster their name on this pile of steaming garbage?
It's not even funny, it's just edgy for the sake of being racist.
Mike Matei willingly posted a picture of his dick on Reddit. This is tame in comparison.
What's Doug up to these days besides losing views?
Mike Matei's Joker is actually funnier than Melvin.
He made the worst gameshow of all time, but that was a while ago.
>4 years ago
>Sup Forums said Mike has a 10 inch dick and James is a cuck
>Thought it was a joke
>Present year
>Mike actually has a 10 inch dick
>Not sure if James is a cuck is real now
What the fuck I thought you guys were joking the entire time.
he doesn't have a 10 inch dick though
Two wrongs don't make a right.
They're both just as bad for different reasons. One for exposing his dick under the name of the official Cinemassacre account, the other for making intensely racist and offensive comics that sure as fuck won't be ignored if normies found them (and they did).
It's like he's unable to think before acting, he just does stupid shit and usually ends up realizing he fucked up and then tries to censor every mention of such an incident.
Fucker loves to Streisand Effect himself, everything he's tried to purge from the internet has come back to bite him in the ass, and the interest to track down such things was caused by him trying to shut them down in the first place.
Arkham Asylum and Adventures of Batman and Robin.
Knight sucked. City was a better game than Asylum but not my favourite due to setting. Origins was criminally underrated.
He abandoned his skit show and went crawling back to Nostalgia Critic
He raised 200K for a game show that ended with Brad Jones, himself, and Phelous playing magnetic fish for 30 minutes. The money for the show went toward paying actors from the skit show.
He's trying to break into new movie reviews because he sees the success of RLM, but isn't able to do it well.
Arkham Knight is the best one
Someone's a fan of R Crumb
That's because Doug has absolutely no analytical skills whatsoever. The only thing he can do is talk about what happened what he felt during the scene. Any time he tries to give some kind of critique it's always the most basic shit that you could've figured out stretched to 22 minutes of reiterating the same points over and over. Just watch his very first video where he talks about Transformers and any of his recent movie reviews. He skills as a reviewer hasn't improved a single fucking bit. I don't know whether he's being lazy or just incredibly incompetent.
Posting this unironically. It was a great beat em up at the time.
>not knowing what the underground comics scene is
Loved this game too. It was fun to pull off some of the cool combos and play with another person. A lot of great shit came from the Batman Animated Series.
> The new VA cast trying way harder and making the characters much more memorable
> Best story of the four games by a massive gap
> Batman's actually vulnerable and can get overwhelmed
> Actual bossfights
> Alfred motherfucking Pennyworth and his endless banter
It's so sad that people dissed Arkham Origins just because it wasn't made by Rocksteady and didn't go for dumb nostalgia pandering.
Reminds me of Johnny Ryan.
The boss fights sucked, the new VAs paled in comparison to the old cast, that's objective, map sucked, story twist sucked, Batman being vulnerable is always a shit story trope, Alfreds dialouge wasn't that good. Your taste is shit.
Totally agreed.
>best written Bane
>Joker has actual motive
>Early days police corruption
>Best DLC
fuck off
I legitimately don't know. After the review with the AVGN, I think I only saw a recently uploaded Garfield 2 or 3 I can't remember review a few months ago, I thought it was cool that he finally came back to his old sense of humour and less skits, weird because of how he did a whole episode about moving on and that his old videos were cringy for him and he wanted to do skits now. But as of now I haven't watched anything new from him
Ultimate Spiderman
>The boss fights sucked
How ?
>New VAs paled in comparison to the old cast
They're actually trying. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill were great in TAS but in the Arkham games they were either just here for the paycheck or the voice direction was simply "just do your TAS voice, who cares". The VA for batman (same guy as Ezio, btw) does some great stuff because there's an entire dynamic between his interactions with criminals (in which he does the exaggerated raspy voice) and his more friendly conversations, either with Alfred, with the Gordons or simply in his inner thoughts. You can tell it's meant to be an early Batman who's still new at this whole Vigilante thing.
Let's not forget the fact criminals actually react very differently because they don't know who you are, or they know very little. Batman doesn't have his later years stature and people are just not scared of him at first, but as the game and each individual fight progresses they become increasingly more nervous as the crazy man in a bat costume is absolutely smashing their shit in.
>Batman being vulnerable is always a shit story trope
Nigger I meant in actual gameplay. People swam you and you hit slower than them so you have to time your shit and actually pay attention a lot more than in any of the Rocksteady titles, especially if you're playing on Hard.
Mike's dick is only 7 inches.
James has no evidence of being a cuck, he's just balding in his late 30s like 2/3 of adult males in the
USA and he went to a special ed school and his daughter also had mental problems or something.
I don't think any of the forced memes here have been proved real so far.
Well he let Mike steal then run his channel into the ground without ever trying to stop him or even saying anything because he is that frightened of confrontation. That's pretty cuckish.
>7 inches
3 inches over the average for white men
It may not be ten but it looks 8.5 or 9 at the smallest
He let Mike fire Bootsy, a friend of 20 years and important part of Board James, all because Mike was seething that Bootsy was showing him up in every video and that the fans like him more. James is a spineless cuckold.
Mike is the rightful owner of the channel, he made it
James has always been a beta boy but he already explained many times that he begged Mike to make new content for the channel when he went to make the AVGN movie so the channel didn't die. Mike actually didn't want to do it. Mike kind of has to have control over the channel, James doesn't have time and Mike is his best friend. Now due to recent drama, that should change but it would certainly affect Cinemassacre's negatively.
Mike used perspective to make it look bigger, some user autist figured out the perspective and it was 7 inches.
how do you know mikes dick is 7 inches
>breaks character
Thwy are saying he used a perspective trick. But if you look at the picture, his cockhead is on the table and so are his ball. Level with the ruler. Its 9 inches
probably the arkham series
>Guy wasted his time analyzing a guy's cock just to prove it wasn't big
Goddamn you're really a bunch of faggots
>But if you look at the picture
Just ask for it gaylord. I know you're desperate to see it
His aversion to conflict is going to bite him on the ass once enough people find out about Mike's comics
>there are people possibly in this very thread that think SNES Batman Returns is good
The first level is great, everything else is hot artificial difficulty garbage
I still like it
>the person that saves cock pictures is calling other people gay
isn't the picture the one with the fold or whatever on his pants
kek this is a masterpiece
Only one. Average dick length is 6 inches. 5 is the (((average))) from including asians and beaners.
I've only played 4 Batman games.
That one for SNES....or maybe that was Spiderman? Actually no it was Spiderman. So I've only played 3 Batman games.
Some shitty one for GBA.
The Rise of Sin Tzu on PS2.
And Batman Arkham Knight.
Actually correction, I played one of those shitty Lego Batman games for like 15 minutes before quitting as well.
The only one I've actually beaten is Rise of Sin Tzu so I guess that's my favorite. Arkham Knight looks amazing but it's such a fucking chore to actually pop it in and play it.
>not batman forever
posting the rare origin story
too bad this is meme going to be mainstream because of silvagunner or whatever it's called
same sort of thing happened with we are number one
>he's just balding in his late 30s like 2/3 of adult males
heh whatever makes you feel better, baldy
Batman Returns for the SNES
>tfw 6 inches
now i feel better about myself
Doesn't matter. Women are so warped by porn they think anything that isn't 8 inches is small.
>Implying I like women
What kind of thots you been seeing that think this way, user ?
or is this just an excuse to not approach them ?
women are absolute shit at estimating size and men constantly lie about theirs. women probably do think a 6 incher is closer to 8
whiteboi detected
Honestly, Mike wasn't a bad 50-60s goofy cartoon Joker.
>stacking brown bodies in meinkampf is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while burning a jew
Was it too far?
The spanish-language version of Batman was called the Loco Bandito and he had the best NES game
Good i've been waiting for this meme for catch on for 5 years
>bwown spics in mein country
can't believe he got away with this
>he went to a special ed school
For what it's worth, all he's said was "special classes". Which I know when I was a kid (about ten years younger than James) they stuck kids with speech impediments who were otherwise not retarded into special classes. My best friend growing up had trouble saying the R sound but was perfectly normal mentally in every other way, but up until third grade he was trapped in with the other tardlets because of it.
This. I'm 7.5" and my wife thinks I'm like 10". I keep telling her it's smaller than that, but she won't believe me.
He is incredibly incompetent, he doesn't seem to understand why people enjoyed his content in the past, i checked out one of his more recent reviews not too long ago and he has these 2 people with him a girl and a black dude so he can hit that diversity mark and they're only there to be with these skits in between parts of the review, but the skits go on for far too long and aren't even funny, whenever he made a "funny" part in past reviews they only went on for no less then 30 secs so it didn't break the flow of the review
I didnt care for the batmobile level though