>30 fps
30 fps
Other urls found in this thread:
>PS4 game
5 fps
Take a good look at the graphics, and then tell me its not worth it
Just like ps4 ratchet and clank. hd graphics are a scam. hd tv's are a scam too cause ps2 looks perfect on crt
It's not worth it. How fucking weak is your toaster that it can't run this shit at more than 30?
Wtf time 2 sell my 1 tb ps4kpro
Is it at least stable 30?
wow. canceling my pre-order right now. this is unacceptable and will ruin my enjoyment
>Implying it matters
What the fuck?
I though only japs put at 30fps games with cartoony graphics. I think even Wrath of Cortex runs at 60.
it's a fucking sidescroller, they seriously put 1440p over 60fps
>NOW Sup Forums cares about 60 FPS
There's no way this shit could crash the PS4 when it looks like that.
I physically cant see more then 27 fps. Hopefully they only need to sell one copy to make a profit
>rolls eyes at 60 fps
I find it more annoying that its a fucking 20 year old game and the PS4 PRO cant run it at 60fps. Annoying thing is that it probably could if they just made it 1080p instead of 1440p for no reason
Delete this thread
humans can perceive 400 fps.
That's because FPS mattering is dependent on gameplay.
Games with precise inputs require 60fps, like fighting games, action games, platformers, etc
Games that dont require precise inputs dont need 60fps and in some cases lowering the fps might improve the game. See: Adventure games, strategy games, turn based games, etc.
FPS has an effect on gameplay due to the input factor.
>Games that dont require precise inputs dont need 60fps
Any game that doesn't need 60 FPS is garbage because, if you don't need precise inputs in your game, then you might as well be watching a cinematic movie title.
>Intense shitposting near its release
You've ruined Yooka-Laylee already, leave this alone.
It looks worse than snake pass
Not everyone has ADHD and requires their hands to move all the time, user.
t. probably plays Uncharted and Call of Duty
Take a good look at the scale of the game and the hardware, and then tell me it's incapable of going above 30fps.
>look mom! I posted it again! Look!
ACTUALLY makes sense considering the human eye as a child (which is the audience of the game) only sees at 15fps in each one, when you grown up your eyes upgrade at 30fps in each eye so you can play more hardcore games like Dark Souls in PC.
That word works there.
Can you tell me what's so egregious?
it's only fair since you homos brag about graphics all the time
My favorite games are La-mulana, Majoras Mask, Warioland 4, God Hand, Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry 3, Silent Hill 2, Beatmania IIDX 15, and Killer 7.
What now?
>Frames per second
The original game was 30 fps.
But the eyes factor doesn't matter, its the input that matters with FPS. At what FPS so humans feel?
So, like I said, you essentially play Call of Duty and Uncharted.
>Last Guardian had trouble hitting 20fps
>heavily downgraded R&C
Stop being surprised about Sonys inability to make good games
eyes adjust FPS based on the amount of change occurring.
Hopefully this makes nostalgia faggots how shit their game actually played 21 years ago.
What are your favorite games, user?
Out of your whole list, the only good game I saw was La mulana. Seeing it along cinematic experiences like Wonderful 101 and Silent Hill 2 was a little weird to me.
>cinematic experiences like Wonderful 101 and Silent Hill 2
Neither of these are cinematic experiences
I know you're just getting the game to fap to tawna and coco.
>Wonderful 101
>cinematic experience
They emphasize the bloated story above all else with disgusting things like voice acting and cgi cutscenes. Regardless of gameplay amount, That's all I need to consider a game cinematic.
>disgusting things like voice acting and cgi cutscenes.
Is having voice acting and cgi cutscenes what it takes for a game to be described as fully cinematic?
I'm pretty sure nearly all games have those things dude, matter of fact your favorite game probably does.
Maybe because I like creative, polished, high-quality non-derivitive shit which both La-mulana, Wonderful 101, and Silent Hill 2 all are.
Speaking of which, seeing as this game is one of my favorites and also runs at 120fps, I think I can say I like any type of game as long as it's good for what it is and isn't pandering to retarded focus groups
Take a good look at your peepee, and then tell me its not worth it
Does Sony make their hardware intentionally sub-par because they know they can get away with cutting corners thanks to a loyal fanbase that will eat literally anything they shit out?
>I'm pretty sure nearly all games have those things dude, matter of fact your favorite game probably does.
My favorite game this gen is Terraria actually.
Looks like we won't see eye to eye then. I really don't like games that emphasize anything over the gameplay.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is Sony's problem and not the devs seeing as how there's plenty of 60 FPS games on PS4
Those games tend to be on the lower-end in terms of graphics though.
Assuming this was even true (which it's not), wait for the pc version in a year.
I like any game that does something different and does it extraordinarily well.
Majora's Mask was directed by a man who initially wanted to make films but went with videogames because he saw the potential games had for story telling. Instead of making Gone Home or Uncharted, he made a game with unique gameplay mechanics, one gameplay mechanic in particular that allowed for telling a story in a way no other medium could, and fun gameplay. He did all this, while also giving the game great art direction great sound direction, great writing, and a great story, which all combined made the game more enjoyable.
Doing something you didnt have to do and doing it well is what makes a game stand out as worth playing to me. La-mulana did something similar by doing something entirely different: Taking a game nobody played, then polishing the fuck out of the gameplay, level design, and puzzles so that it becomes one of the most satisfying and challenging action/adventure games as well as one of the most non-linear games of all time, and it achieves this non-linearity not through story, but through gameplay. It also, like MM, has fantastic art direction, fantastic sound direction, and is an overall amazing package.
Also, sound direction is extremely important when making fun gameplay. Have you ever played some of your favorite games with the sound muted? It's not as fun.
It's true. 1080 30 on Ps4 and 1440 30 on pro. You can find the dev interview on neogaf.
Let's not pretend that Majora's Mask wasn't abundant with flaws, or that the unskippable cutscenes were somehow a positive thing. Those things would've meant nothing if not for the gameplay that ocarina of Time pioneered.
>Also, sound direction is extremely important when making fun gameplay. Have you ever played some of your favorite games with the sound muted? It's not as fun.
Every single one of them. I enjoy the feeling of a silent ambience once in a while. Music is helpful for listenign to cues and whatnot, but it means little compared to the gameplay itself, at least dependent on how much it helps the game.
I did like the Aladdin levels.
La-mulana isn't flawless either. There are a few puzzles that are poorly designed. For example, the statue that has a dais hidden behind it only becomes destructible after the 3rd Mantra is chanted, but you come across this statue early on and there's no hint that states it can be broken past that point. In addition to that, the boss design of the first half of the game is pretty uninspired despite having creative mechanics. Bahamut only has 3 attacks which is a missed opportunity for the unique kind of boss he is. Besides, Majora's Masks cutscenes are really well made so it's definitely something that'll grow on you with age. Also, the transformation masks weren't in Ocarina of Time, which is where the primary enjoyment factor of MM's gameplay comes in, whether it be rolling around as Goron link or swimming as zora link. Those aren't so much flaws as preferences. A real flaw in Majora's Mask would the under-the-well in Ikana Valley being an uninspired, repetitive fetch quest.
What the fuck?
They don't have literally any reason apart from maybe shitty gameplay programming to not pull out a Naughty Dog and have a 60fps mode.
Fucking hacks.
sorry for posting screenshots
Just for clarification, do you refer to the original La mulana, or the remake?
>Majora's Masks cutscenes are really well made so it's definitely something that'll grow on you with age.
I can't say I agree. Half the cinematics have no reason to be unskippable, like any time you watch a deku salesman fly away. I don't care about that, that's 20 seconds I'm not getting back.
Do we know what these levels look like in the remaster?
No but we do know what Orange Asphalt looks like.
In this particular instance I'm referring to the remake, which is signifigantly less flawed than the original, but still so.
Also, the purpose of the unskippable cutscenes occurring on a second time loop is so that time actually feels like it's resetting. It's one of those instances where ludonarrative consistency is detrimental, but on the flip side, many cutscenes don't happen twice or are shortened because the cutscenes has Tatl's influence. You don't see the scene where Tatl reminisced about playing with skull kid on the way to the swamp because she comes along on the time travel. She also shortens the cutscene where Skull Kid is revealed to just be a puppet for the mask because she states "I already know that Skullkid is being possessed" instead of going through the whole cutscenes again. This is a case of ludonarrative consistency benefitting you. Let's be honest here if you really valued those few seconds or even minutes this much you wouldn't be playing videogames. Overall, I enjoyed it more for trying something new and only possible through vidya while also being fun and well made.
that we do
Hey how come in the official screenshots they took the camera isn't on rails, do you think it'll let us take screenshots in different positions?
just a stupid question i guess.
but what makes developers to put games on 30/60 fps?
why not 33?
why not 45?
why not 52?
what makes 30/60 the holy grail of fps?
Physical settings in the T.V.s, I think. I heard from the funny haha youtube videos the other day that European TVs display at 50fps.
yup, it's true. Though these days I don't think it matters as much.
I hope so, I want to take screenshots of the remake too.
I doubt they'd make it 60 fps if it was 720p, because i think they don't care.
>Uncharted doesn't require precise aiming
Stop yourself.
Call of duty has auto aim so i understand but don't talk about games you know nothing about.
Games that need 60fps are games that need you to be quick. Precise isn't even a factor here.
You can be precise at very low FPS. It all comes down to feeling the mechanics when it comes to precision. You don't need high fps to feel the mechanics. That is the first intuition of any gamer.
You need 60fps if the gameplay is fast AND requires precision.
pcuc ks stay infinitely triggered because they only get to play half finished early access garbage
you realize it was confirmed for PC right?
I always had hunch that this game was given to be developed by some unpaid interns with a budget of $4.35 and a half eaten bologna and mustard sandwich.
Definitely looking forward to the motorcycle & jetski levels with good draw distance
Wew. Why?
Have to up the graffix for TV advertisements, those dont run at 60 anyways.
Typical Sony cancer.
>People want N Sane Trilogy to feel like the original titles and avoid making shit different
>Original titles ran at 30FPS so N Sane Trilogy does too
>Sup Forums goes autistic levels of apeshit over it
Framerate faggotry was a mistake