Was Dragon's Dogma kino?
Was Dragon's Dogma kino?
No but it was an enjoyable game.
No. It was a video game. Still is technically.
go away redditor
No, it was okay. Not as good a Dark Souls, Dark Souls is kino.
It was better than Dark Souls though
they're good for different reasons
How do we get Reddit to leave?
I wasn't expecting an interesting story, this game really is underrated.
>implying this isn't kino
shit taste drone
No, it was bad but retards pretend it's good to keep the illusion up that only the Japs make good games.
Sup Forums only likes it because its not popular
If it was popular you would turn on it immediately
Also, kill yourself.
It sold pretty well on steam.
Pure Kino
I disagree. It's just stupid and fun enough to appeal to Sup Forums regardless of popularity.
>It was better than Dark Souls though
It sold moderately well. If it was skyrim levels of success v would nitpick all of the shitty aspects of the game
>better combat
>better music
>more difficult
>better story
Dark Souls only beats it in lore.
I thought it sold even more on consoles years rior
It sold extremely well, Capcom just branded it a failure because they were in their "anything that doesn't literally sell over 5 million copies is a failure" phase.
>playing back at launch
>the game had no multplayer so they did the paw system as a substitute.
>My face the first time I got a genuinely well trained pawn who just stomped everyones shit
>My face when people would send oodles and oodles of gifts on my pawn because I made her a top notch healer
>My face when sending a bunch of water melon to every black pawn I saw
Shame the community is dead and gone. The pawn stuff was so god damn fun
So how is the character customization in this?
We have nitpicked all of the shitty aspects.
A game having flaws doesn't mean it can't be a great game. Just because you haven't been around long enough to see the discussion doesn't mean it hasn't happened many times
100% kino
It's pretty good, you're selecting a bunch of presets with sliders to slightly edit their size and such, but it's pretty robust. Your character even affects gameplay, taller characters can move faster, smaller characters climb faster and can access secret areas, heavier characters have higher carrying capacity, lighter characters have faster stamina regeneration.
>make a shota character
>That scene with the king walking in on you
>make a loli character
>king walks in and gets angry
>better combat
>Better music
>More difficult
>Better story
>Kill thing
>Thing is dead
>Oh shit, kill God now
>God machine dead
Yeaaah, no.
>be a loli, going through the windy canyon towards the Bluemoon Tower
>mfw the wind doesn't push me flying into free
Except that it did have better combat, unless you're one of those retards that thinks slow = tactical.
How's high school treating you?
How the fuck is it not more difficult? Did you just not play Bitterblack Isle?
FFXII had better combat than DD. Let that sink in.
So you're one of those memesters that thinks slow = tactical.
>make my pawn and I the biggest men I can possibly make
>train him to climb enemies with me
>griffons and cockatrices can never leave the ground
How about you kill yourself
Dark Souls story:
>Gwyn killed the dragons and started the age of fire
>now the fire is getting low, so you kindle it
>you can also let it go out
That's it
It's probably the best character creation system I've ever seen that cobbles together preset features.
About to go to Gran Soren. I like the game so far.
Do you get to fug your pawn?
No. but you fug anyone else.
Fugging your pawn leads to some serious consequences. Don't do it.
The whole Daimon fight was pure kino.
>can't be a shota fuggin your custom-made amazonian ginger
Oh thank god, I made my Arisen Nathan Explosion and my pawn Skwisgaar. I don't want to have to start over lest I end up in a fan fiction .
Is it possible to play the game solo? I hate how the game forces the AI companions on you and make them do half the work for you. It feels so unsatisfying. I'd rather kill everything myself
Yeah, there's even a somewhat OP perk for one of the classes for going solo.
yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Any game can be broken down so easily
>I don't like babby's first RPG holding my hand
Your pawn actually cucks you at the end of the game if you have a love interest
I'm not even joking
Yes, but you'd be leaving out details.
It's not really that OP, it got nerfed in DA.
How is DA babby's first RPG? It's decently difficult by ARPG standards.
Okay. Cite me a game that cannot be broken down in such a way
Basically any game where the plot is a focus and not a game where the plot is an excuse for the world and lore.
what the fuck is kino fuck you /tv and .a
Basically any game where the plot is a focus and not a game where the plot is an excuse for the world and lore.
So you've got nothing. Stop posting any time, homo.
Why is Capcom so shit at making good games now?
Well, Dragon's Dogma for starters. Bloodborne as well. Most traditional RPGs. Basically, any game without an excuse plot.
How's the mouse and keyboard controls on Dragon's Dogma?
Better than the gamepad controls.
Full support.
What the fuck does kino even mean?
reddit speak for pleb tier word to repeat
What is a list of words and phrases that marks a thread as irredeemably shit?
>Are you buying X's game?
>Say something nice
Pretty good the only thing I changed was secondry skills from being on alt left onto mouse 4 but other then that fucking perfect.
The only shitty thing about this thread is all the people whining about the word
Relatively new buzzword from Sup Forums which used to mean "pedophilic in nature" and was posted on cunny threads constantly ("recommend me kino films" was code word for shit like Maladolescenza), the word eventually leaked out of those threads and can now mean whatever positive thing the poster wants. Usually, it's synonymous to "cult classic" or appealing to a small minority of intellectuals which a lot of cunny posters on Sup Forums seem to think they are.
It made the yellow vocations playable.
Well shit
Should I go 10 mage/90 ass/100 sorc if I want to do everything.
The highest form of art within cinema.
A work is either a flick, movie, film, cinema, or kino. The former being stuff plebs enjoy and kino being patrician films that plebs will never understand.
that works
gonna be kind of low hp though
Dragon's Dogma was a masterwork, you can't go wrong.
it literally does not matter. BBI gear is where your stats come from, and nothing in the game even remotely requires minmaxing. play ranger for a while to get some stamina, that's it
Anyone playing Dragons Dogma Online here?
I started playing the other day and the guide says that I can disconnect from the VPN after logging in, but that doesn't work for me.
It doesn't matter in a game like this
Try again
Cinema in German.
>keyboard + mouse for an ARPG
I played with a DS4, kept the default xb360 controls, but I made the left side of the touchpad the key "1" and the right side "2", because you can hotkey items to 1-5
placed my lantern on 1 so I can quickly re-equip it whenever it gets wet
put large mushrooms on 2 and filled my pawn's inventory with 200 of them, regularly moved 20 into my own inventory so I can run and climb indefinitely without opening the menu everytime
Capcom just needs to admit that Itsuno is a fucking genius and needs all the budget that they could possibly provide him with.
A Dragon's Dogma II with good budget and enough time for development would be purely orgasmic.
>controller for a game with precise aiming
It literally does, unless you never use a yellow or blue vocation besides mystic knight
>precise aiming as a warrior
>not aiming your arc of deliverances
It absolutely is Kino in every stupid sense of the word.
post the webm