What are some completely useless video game items?

What are some completely useless video game items?




Rapid Fire was good shit with Spread or the Flamethrower.

Son, are you gay?

Any type of temporary one-time-use buff items in RPGs.

Any kind of healing potion.

Can't handle pain, bitch?

Yharnam Stone

Most items in nier that last for half a second

The stat boost items from Pokemon


This is the most useless item ever in video games. Prove me wrong.

What the fuck did that shit even do? Comfort homosexuals?

>The description of this item during character creation is incorrect when choosing it as a starting gift. The description claims that the ring regenerates lost HP over time. The actual item has no such effect.

Silence Orb in PMD. Locks moves the enemy pokemon has that require a mouth, although why on earth you wouldn't just use a Petrify Orb and stop them from attacking completely is beyond me. It's also extremely rare

Useful in speedruns, also their effects are twice as strong in SM.

You get a trophy for beating Yharnam and obtaining this item, the bitter taste of disappointment is gone with the achievement of finishing the Pthumeru dungeons and probably platinum Bloodborne , but this right here is just useless.

You can trade it in for a Souvenir of Reprisal, it's not completely useless

LOK2 in FF1 NES. Instead of decreasing enemy evasion by 20%, it INCREASES enemy evasion by 20%, making it worse than useless

Are you sure? I could have sworn that it worked. I've only played it on 360 so maybe it doesn't work in other versions.

>implying the yharnam stone has a use

He said useless.

Those clearly have a use and are very useful in pokemon runs and temp buff items are a cheap way to do burst damage without paying for an entirely new weapon.

In that case, this user is right. This is the most useless item ever.
I thought trash is the only useless item that can be trade with the crow for items.

The Sephiroth sword you win from the roller coaster game at the gold saucer.

What the fuck was the point

I've never used any item in Zelda besides Milk from my cow when I was too lazy to farm for hearts before a boss fight.

No wonder BotW reworked hearts so you literally need to inhale items to not die.

Elixirs, because you always save them for "when you really need them"

I just want a PS4 emulator so data miners can dig all the unused content of Bloodborne. I'm sure there are tons of them

>better save these for later
>use 2 and finish game with 57 pots

Zelda items are generally pretty useless outside of time-saving measures. Personally, I love to waste magic so green/blue potions are pretty useful, and I guess fairies if you're actually gay enough to die in a Zelda game, but the Poe Soul were literally, 100% pointless. The only thing you do was either sell them for 10 rupees (you can find more by cutting grass) or consume it and either lose a heart or gain a heart. Puh-retty fucking retarded.

they are actually useful for artificially increasing the difficulty of the game.

Especially hard bosses.

In Final Fantasy Adventure there is an item called Moogle that is supposed to heal Moogle status.

You cannot use items while Moogle.


Can one character use it on another party member though?

Only main character can use items. Party members are AI that just swing weapons randomly.

speedrunning tools.

Spread + Rapid = best situation

Refreshers from Mystic Quest. Supposed to cure stat debuffs, but said debuffs are so weak that there's no point in using the Refreshers. I think a Magic Down only weakened a spell by like 15 damage out of like 500

Wrong. It adds a smidge of max health. Still lies though.

It slightly increases your max HP, but it doesn't recover any health in any way.

even if you're not speedrunning you can use these in shitmon runs to actually beat the game.

Op's dick

I always autistically buy 99 potions just so i dont waste mp